News 808


Here is an absolute proof that evolution is not true based entirely on evidence.

In order for evolution to be true, better than 90% of the fossils we find MUST be transitional fossils and we have not found one in more than 200 years.

Also, in order for evolution to be true, better than 90% of the living species MUST also be in a transitional state or 1 to more than 2 million species are required to be transitional for evolution to be true and we have not found one species that is transitional.

Where are the millions transitional fossils and living species required for evolution to be true?

Look, without millions of transitional fossils, there is absolutely no evidence that evolution did happen. Without that critical evidence that evolution did happen it is like someone claiming that Godzilla walked through fresh cement without leaving any tracks in that cement AND not one eye witness who saw it. That is right, they have no evidence evolution happened and not one eye witness that saw it happen. There is ZERO evidence that evolution did happen.

All the evolutionists have is that they lined up a bunch of animals that look similar and CLAIM they evolved with zero evidence supporting it. That is it and that isn't science.

All they have is great sounding fairy tales explaining how "it might have happened" and even those fairy tales are not scientifically sound because they keep being proved wrong. Their "theories" are all just made up speculation without any supporting evidence.

Therefore, evolution is not based on science and evidence and can only be a false fanatical pagan religion because they have no more evidence evolution happened than any pagan religion has for what they claim. The Bible has infinitely more scientific evidence supporting it than evolution has.

This alone proves absolutely and conclusively that evolution is not true. This evidence is overwhelming.

I have noticed that, what they are doing now, is they don't have any transitional fossils so they have changed the definition of transitional fossils so they can falsely claim some fossils are transitional, when they clearly are not. They just keep committing more and more fraud to keep their fanatical religion alive.

This proves they know evolution is not a science and they are desperate to keep their fanatical pagan cult of evolution alive. Every time they lie, they are admitting that evolution is not true.

I am seeing more and more evidence proving creation and completely disproving evolution, which is causing the fanatical evolutionists to become more and more desperate to keep their religion alive. They are now grabbing at any straw they can.

You watch, when God makes that T-Rex lying on a building with humans inside public knowledge, conclusively proving evolution never happened, the evolutionists will just dream up more lies to keep their fanatical cult alive.

US Military

I understand the US Military is in a wee bit of a panic because they just keep falling further and further behind on recruitment.

That is going to force the Nation of Islam to take their own US trained army to invade Israel.

Pray for our militia.


The experts are "searching for a motive for the attempted Trump assassination."

Bwahahahaha!!! Yeah, who would have a motive to murder Trump? Maybe the people who spent 4 years spreading lies about him for their fake impeachment? Maybe the people holding fake trials for fake crimes by him? Maybe the people spreading the lies, misinformation, and propaganda about Trump? Maybe the people who know that Afghan Joe can't beat Trump in the election and they are panicked about losing power and wealth? Maybe it is the greedy and insane power mad globalists Trump plans to stop from setting up their evil dictatorship over you?

Gee, I can't think of anyone who would want to murder Trump, can you? /sarc

Then I found this video that tells us a little over a minute into it about a Commierat who tried to get Trump's Secret Service protection removed a couple of months ago telling me this was being planned at that time. Then later I found out there were a total of 9 Commierats trying to take Trump's Secret Service protection from him at that time.

Gee, I wonder why? Maybe the FBI should investigate them? /sarc

People, these are not coincidences. These are "dots" you connect for espionage intel.

BTW, that effort to get rid of Trump in order to give Afghan Joe the election win at this time, tells me that Mahdi Obama and his bunch may not even know they will do what God told me more than 15 years ago they will do OR what God told me is their plan B for not succeeding at killing Trump.

From today, they still have 5 weeks to plan to nuke the DNC convention and all they have to do is steal a private plane, put a 10K nuke in the nose with the detonation button on the steering wheel, and get an ISIS suicide pilot to fly it and push the button. That won't take much planning. The Nation of Islam's people could easily plan that in a day and then take less than a week to put it together.

The hardest part will be getting the nuke and, with them having control of the CIA and Pentagon, that will be easy. Keep an eye on this.

People, if Mahdi Obama seizes control of the US, he will "postpone the election", you know, forever, and Trump won't get elected to save your butts. Know that the left is not going to allow the election to take place if they know they will lose power and control that will prevent them from getting their global dictatorship over you for years to come.

The question at this point is, "Are they going to try to murder Trump again or are they just going to stage an insurrection or coup by taking out Afghan Joe to make sure they don't lose control of the government, with them knowing that, if they don't stage the insurrection, they will lose control of the government?"

I am waiting for someone to suggest Markle to replace Afghan Joe but they will kill her too.

People, the Israel-Hezbollah war is about to go full blown so they have to hurry and take control of the US before Hezbollah loses that fight.

BTW, do you know why they undid the front of Trumps suit and shirt, while he was down, after being shot?

Because Trump felt a bullet hit his bullet proof vest and they checked to see if it went through.

The FBI can't figure out motivation for this attempted assassination? Really?

This video shows you motivation because any of those four examples he shows you in that video, you can bet that, if the CIA handed them a rifle and told them to shoot Trump, they would try; without hesitation.

I absolutely would not be surprised to find out that is what happened. They probably found a lefty nut, gave him a rifle, told him they would clear the way for him, and turned him loose with minimal training.

The people in that video have been brainwashed insane and irrational by their media, teachers, and friends. They are clearly nuts. That is all of the motivation you need.

Now, you better get ready because it should be obvious right now that you are going to have to fight those lunatics in a war for your nation and they will murder EVERYONE they are told to murder, including your children. Think about that. They walk among you.

Did you just suddenly feel a need to pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones and lock and load?

Those lefties are way beyond being psychopathic. Those people or things are the "berserkers" you are going to have to fight in tomorrow's war to protect your families. Think about that.

And you think they are not demon possessed? Really?

Satan is proud of those human demons. You KNOW they and the millions of others like them will volunteer for Mahdi Obama's army to invade and destroy Israel, murdering every man, woman, and child without hesitation.

After seeing that, I have to take a break from researching and writing. Well, after a little sanity break, back to work.

Then I later found out that the GOP convention has officially nominated Trump to be their presidential candidate. Then Trump chose Senator JD Vance to be his vice president. It looks like this team is going to be even more popular than just Trump.

There is just no way that Afghan Joe and Kruela can win this election against Trump and Vance.

Now the left is forced to either kill Trump or stage an insurrection to seize control of our government to prevent losing control of our government. They don't have any other choice.


This irony kills me. They are celebrating Bastille Day in France. We have a bunch of evil Royal tyrants celebrating the people of France killing a bunch of evil Royal tyrants.

You would think the evil Royal tyrants wouldn't want to remind the people of the people's ancestors executing the Royal's ancestors because it just might give the people the idea of staging Bastille II by executing some of today's evil Royal tyrants.

Do you believe me yet that the Royals are not super swift?

Strategic Analysis

This morning I woke up to the realization that I have to teach you more military and do a more complete strategic analysis because things are going south on an SR-71. You better get ready for what is coming your way very soon. If God doesn't save us with the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 soon, it is going to be very, very bad for us.

I am writing this partly because I read that the mighty, brilliant, failing Xi Xing ping is doing to his military what the mighty, brilliant, failed Stalin did to his army before WWII. After my brain quit hurting, I laughed and laughed and laughed.

You see, following WWII, everyone in Europe and the Soviet Union began telling the lie that, what the US did to help them during WWII was inconsequential. Why, they would have won the war without us in spite of the fact that the truth is they were already defeated before we started helping them, which was why we started helping them.


Those imbeciles started telling those lies to save their arrogant egos, which means, no one could learn from the mistakes they made in WWII so they are making the same stupid mistakes today.

Why do we keep repeating history?

Because the arrogant pride of the Royals and their puppets keeps them from telling the truth and learning from their mistakes in history so they don't learn those were mistakes but learn they were the right way to do things so they keep repeating those same stupid mistakes causing them to repeat the worst of history.

You see, Xi is doing what Stalin did because he BELIEVES that Stalin defeated Germany and won the war so, what Stalin did had to be right.

Remember that I have taught you that you must learn what your enemy believes because what they believe determines how they think, which determines what they will do?

What did Stalin do before WWII?

He purged his military of all of his top and best officers and replaced them with scared butt kissers that wouldn't dare question, much less challenge Stalin's decisions AND he was sacking his own military to put more money in his greedy pocket (just like Xi is doing) and giving his solders older, outdated junk weapons to fight with. He made his military the weakest major military in modern history and Xi is doing a better job of it than Stalin.

Then, how did he defeat Germany and win the war?

He didn't; he lost the war but the US intervened and saved his butt plus Hitler made the same stupid mistake just before he invaded the Soviet Union by purging and executing all of his top generals and replacing them with butt kissers but the German Army was still good enough to crush the even worse Soviet Army. Hey, Stalin had more time to weaken his army.

Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in September 1941 and by November 1941, less than 3 months later, the weakened German Army had totally crushed the Soviet Army and pushed them back to Leningrad in the north, Stalingrad in the south, and had pushed Stalin and what was left of his army 100 miles east of Moscow to the Ural Mountains to make a last stand. They just knew they were going to die fighting right there in those mountains.

Wow, Stalin was a great commander in chief, wasn't he?

That had to be one of the worst military defeats in history; probably the worst.

The only reasons Hitler didn't finish off the Soviet Union was because Hitler was an idiot and he murdered his best officers who told him not to go into Russia in the fall and to go in during the spring. When the snows started, he had to stop to wait out the winter because his troops were not prepared for winter fighting because Hitler was an incompetent idiot and his top military staff was scared butt kissers, who were afraid to do what was needed to save their troops. Hey, Hitler's generals kind of sort of didn't want to watch a firing squad from the muzzle of a rifle.

That pause by Germany permitted the US Military to send in troops and weapons from Russia's northern ports to rearm and retrain all of the Soviet soldiers and top officers to fight the American way.

The lefty commie traitors love to tell you about the mighty Soviet T-34 tank when better than 80% of the tanks used by the Soviet Union for the counter attack were US Sherman tanks. They love to tell you about the mighty Yak fighter planes that were really slightly modified P-51Cs and Ds built in the US and assembled in Russia. At that time, better than 80% of the Soviet Union's weapons and munitions were made in the US and their troops and top officers were trained by the US.

You could write a book about the Euro-Russian lies they still tell about WWII to save face preventing them from learning from history so they are now repeating that history and it is getting uglier every day.

Maybe the arrogant morons should have listened to God about, "Thou shalt not lie" and, "Pride goes before the fall"?

When you have seen it in the past, you recognize it in the present.

Now, I have told you a little about how lousy the Chinese weapons are and how they have their troops scattered all over the planet and now we find out that Xi is doing the same stupid stuff to weaken the Chinese military even worse because the great commie leader Stalin did it and he won WWII, wink, wink.

Right now, the Chinese Military is probably the weakest and worst major military in history, even worse than the Soviet Military was.

On the other hand, India, Taiwan, the Philippines, South Korea, and Japan are doing everything right. They have some of the best weapons in the world, some of the best trained troops in the world (they train with US troops), their troops are all concentrated in that area, and they are keeping their best military leaders. Do the math.

So, how many months would it take that federation to crush Stalin II (Xi)? Does your brain hurt yet? Do you believe me yet that, if I were the military commander for Taiwan, I would be making plans for taking Beijing?

Hey, Xi, keep up the good work! I have the utmost faith in you that you can screw up even worse than Stalin.

If I were India, the one thing I would do to improve the situation for that federation would be to get tactical nukes on my Brahmos missiles to the Philippines, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan to have China surrounded with nukes on really good missiles.

But it gets better.

Because they believe the lies their ancestors told following WWII to save face and didn't learn from their mistakes because their idiot lefty college professors let them down, all of the lefty West (including the US) is making the same stupid mistakes. They have ALL sacked their militaries to put more money in their greedy pockets and promoted butt kissers instead of good military leaders to the top positions in their militaries. Ouch!

You think not? Then why are their militaries and military leaders losing in places like Ukraine, Africa, and everywhere else?

It isn't because the Royals and their puppets learned from history, hint, hint. People, the Royals' revisionist history to make themselves look wonderful, is what causes them to keep making the same stupid mistakes.

Remember that I keep telling you that the idiot lefty college professors are a very big part of the problem?

If you teach people to be stupid, most of them will be stupid. What you teach your people to BELIEVE is critical for national security because it will effect their thinking and actions.

Everyone who is stupid enough to believe in Marxism in any form should shut up and stop spreading your stupidity and insanity. Go learn something intelligent.

I pray EVERY DAY and most nights that we still have good military officers in our military and our Black Closet still works. If we don't have BOTH of those, we are in super duper massive trouble because of our idiot lefty leaders. I keep my faith in God and pray my butt off because God is the ONLY ONE who can save us.

Remember that I have told you that no nation or military can be any better than their leaders and our leaders super duper suck?

It is the Royals who have brought down every nation and empire in history and they have all done it from within by weakening their nation to make it vulnerable to invasion. Hey, at least they are consistent.

If I wanted to make a nation easy to conquer, I would help get a greedy, power mad, ignorant, stupid, psychopathic Royal in control of that nation.

Hey, Iran, how would you like to have Afghan Joe, Mahdi Obama, Gruesome Newsom, or Queen Lujan for president? Please take them all? Maybe we can pay Iran to take all of our lefties, especially our professors, teachers, and media?

That would save us a lot of money.

How much longer, Lord?

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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