The Truth
Mark sent me this e-mail a few days ago and, as I thought about it, especially over night, I knew I had to write this essay.
"I knew it would not be long before the Spirit gave you another essay to write.
I was listening on my truck radio to the radio today and the host had a guest who was an MD, and he said that 50% of the people that had one of the covid vaccines have tested positive for covid. He also said that the CDC is completely leaving out the fact that the people that have had the virus and recovered from it have far better antibodies that any shot could give them. In other words, folks that have had the virus are already protected and do not need a vax. He also said that when a virus is "pushed too hard" (his words) it will mutate and vaccines often push the viruses into mutating to a different strain. That is pretty much what is actually happening. He said that the antibodies one gets when infected with the virus do not cause such mutations.
Unfortunately I was unable to write any info down because I was driving in traffic. So I cannot give you any provenance for what I heard. I believe I heard in on Breitbart radio on SiriusXM
The Delta variant or strain seems to be an example of such a mutation.
God said:
To me belongeth vengeance, and recompense; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.-Deuteronomy 32:35
...for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. -Romans 12:19b
For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. -Hebrews 10:30
Honestly, what is happening in our country today is the direct result of our turning away from God.
I started to write this essay the day after I got that e-mail but God had me hold off on writing it until today because He knew the CDC would come out with "contradictory information" to keep people getting the vaccine. Someone probably heard that radio show and they felt they had to discredit it. First, when I see contradictory information between a practicing MD and any overpaid government bureaucrat or agency, I tend to believe the practicing MD, who, BTW, would make money giving those vaccines.
The CDC came out with what has to be bogus numbers because they said that 163 million people in the US, better than half, have been fully vaccinated but only 6,587 have been infected, 6,239 have been hospitalized (almost all of the infected, which should tell you that the vaccine is not working well), and that only 1,263 have died.
People, the vaccine does not keep you from being infected.
What do you think, that the vaccine puts up a magic force field that keeps the virus from getting inside you?
No, the way vaccines work is that it stimulates the immune system to produce a certain type of antibodies so that, when you do get infected, you already have antibodies in place to kill the virus before it can start reproducing and cause you to get sick. That high of a percentage of vaccinated people who got infected being hospitalized means the vaccines are not working. Oops.
The virus will still get inside you or infect you and people who have been vaccinated tend to get infected more than those who don't get vaccinated because the ignorantly vaccinated tend to think they are bullet proof and can't get infected so they will not be as careful as those who are not vaccinated and are MORE likely to get infected just like the MD said.
Contaminated is when you get the virus on the outside of you and you can still spread those viruses to others, infecting them. Infected is when the virus gets inside you but you are not contagious until the virus starts reproducing.
Even if you get vaccinated, when exposed, you will still get the virus on the outside and inside of your body or infected, it is just that you are supposed to have antibodies inside your body to kill the virus just like after you have had the virus.
Yep, the infection and vaccine are supposed to do the same thing but the CDC put out really bad numbers telling me that their vaccine isn't working or their numbers are a lie because better than 90% of the people they reported as being vaccinated and infected were hospitalized, which ain't good, especially for a disease with a mortality rate of less than half of one percent.
Also, before this interview with that doctor, the CDC had on their site that more than 10,000 people had been killed by the vaccine with some saying they later had that number at 40,000.
Me thinks the CDC is still lying to get you to get vaccinated in order for those chemical companies making those vaccines to make more money because the feds and corrupt politicians are obviously taking bribes from those chemical companies to push for more vaccinations because the chemical companies are being paid by the government by the dose so that more vaccinations means more money for the chemical companies.
You can't trust any government experts because they will tell whatever lies they are told to tell to keep from losing their overpaid jobs.
Broken Glass
From the way that the upper class trash publically try to behave and their casual outer appearance, you would think the upper class trash and their global allies are all very unified but that is just an illusion.
They are about as unified as the broken glass from a big glass ball dropped from an airplane onto hardened concrete AND their organization is in constant upheaval with them positioning and fighting for who gets to rule what.
You may think that my statements about them bringing back the extremely divided ancient European Feudal System is an exaggeration but it is actually an understatement. By the time I have finished with this essay, you will believe me that these people are bonkers mad from too much inbreeding and dope smoking. They're really nuts with absolutely no common sense or they would not keep doing what they are doing but, then again, if any of them try to stop their current insanity, they will get the same treatment Trump got or worse. They are so greedy, power mad and committed to their insanity that they can't stop.
First, at the very most basic level they are divided into the Chinese communist government, the Muslims, and the Euro-American royals with each group having stated their goals are to set up their own global dictatorship and kill off everyone who does not belong to their group, you know, like the other groups. Gee, that is a really brilliant coalition that you just know can't succeed very long and will quickly break down into another world war for power and control, sending you off to die fighting for them in their wars, and killing at least a few billion people.
You have to understand that it is only by working together that they can even hope to defeat God's Christian USA. They have to unite but they have never truly united with all of them having the plans to stab each other in the back as soon as possible. Wow, that is off to a great start but it gets better.
China is not truly unified because there are factions constantly at war with each other and Xi is in the constant threat of being deposed by the Chinese Communist Party and/or the military, all of whom want power and control, which is why Xi has to keep purging people to save his own butt. Add to that China has to prop up undependable Kimmy Boy of North Korea.
You have to understand that all power groups like this are composed of many smaller groups who want their top person to be the head dictator so they will get more powerful positions. They are constantly working together within their smaller groups, negotiating and conspiring to gain absolute control. You see this in history with the royals and everyone else.
Then we have the Muslims who are broken down into the two main factions of the Sunnis and Shiites, who are constantly at war with each other and which are both broken down into dozens of sub factions with each faction wanting power and control. They all want their top man to be the Muslim Mahdi or messiah so they can be the ones with the more powerful positions. Remember that I told you that better than 90% of the Muslims killed in combat every year are killed by other Muslims and that their global population in 2001 was 1.6 billion, shrank to 1.2 billion by April 2012, magically grew back to 1.6 billion when the lefties "converted" to Islam 6 months later, and have now murdered their way back down to 1.4 billion people.
First, their leaders all want to be the global dictator and are not willing to share power or submit to the other power mad whackos but they also believe that none of the other Muslim factions are true Muslims because none of those factions believe exactly what any of the other factions believe, which, according to their law, makes all of the other factions "not true Muslims" and fair game in the game of murder.
Then we have the Euro-American royals that are broken down into more factions than the other two groups combined with each faction already fighting to set up their feudal kingdom.
Think not?
I told you that Newsom is of French royal decent and he honestly believes he is the king of Commiefornia, Grisham is of Spanish royal decent and she honestly believes she is the queen of New Mexico, Whitmer thinks she is the queen of Michigan, Cuomo thinks he is the king of New York State while De Blasio thinks he is the king of NYC, Lightfoot thinks she is the queen of Chicago, Wheeler thinks he is the kind of Oregon, Pelosi thinks she is the queen of America, and every other blue entity in the US, including every state, city, and county, is already a feudal state with their kings and queens. The European Feudal State was never so divided as just the US.
Remember that I told you that Obama might plan to use him nuking Chicago to get rid of the royals between him and the crown but you need to know that he doesn't have to kill off all of the royals who are biologically ahead of him for the crown because many royals are intelligent enough to not want the lead position because that would make them prime targets for assassination. What they prefer is to remain quietly and much more safely behind ye ole curtain working to keep someone else in power so that, if things go bad, it will be that someone else who loses their head.
Those royals supported putting Obama in as president, you know, the most powerful person on the planet, because he is charismatic and will take the risk of being the head person. What Obama does, especially with him no longer being president, when he goes traipsing all over Europe is he is making deals for other royals to support him in a position of power. If he gets enough of the right royals to support him in exchange for them getting positions of more power in his government, then all he has to do is kill no more than maybe 30 to 40 of the royals between him and the crown who will oppose him, and he gets to play the king of England.
Know that all dictators depend on having the right cabal of power brokers to rule.
Why do you think the Queen of England recently survived being deposed by her own son? You think she just said so and they quit trying to stuff her royal butt under ye ole royal carriage?
No, her cabal of supporters stood up for her because they didn't want to lose their power by someone else getting into power. They were probably made offers by the rest of her family that they turned down to keep her in power.
You need to know that, if enough of the right members of the Queen's supporters get and accept the right deals, the Queen loses power and either goes off to retirement in some remote wing of Windsor Castle or, more likely, dies from COVID 19 to prevent her from taking back power. Then there will be a royal funeral with the people who murdered her telling her surfs how wonderful she was and her surfs will morn her death like they have been doing for thousands of years. The funeral will also be used as a distraction to help the people seizing power consolidate their power before the people realize it.
Don't be surprised to see the Queen suddenly "die from COVID 19" with a little help from something like arsenic. Hey, she has ruled long enough so they gotta make way for the kids to have their turn.
I bet that opened an eyeball or two.
That is right, we already have dozens of royal feudal states set up and fighting to keep power in just the US and the same is true throughout Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
What? You think Macron, Merkel, Trudeau, or any of the other power mad whacko politicians currently in power in the US plan to submit to the rule of ye ole Queen of England? Really?
Heck, they only recently tried to stuff her old royal butt under ye ole royal carriage. She may be the impetus behind this global dictatorship but she isn't the only who wants to sit on the throne. Oops! That is really great unity.
They are all a bunch of power mad tyrants and power mad people are not rational. Believe me, they are already setting up their Feudal System with everyone grabbing for power thinking the Queen will let them keep their fiefdom or they will get rid of the Queen.
Oh no, the Queen couldn't have already decided who is going to get what, you know, like sending Meghan and Harry over to "run for president" to set them up to be king and queen of ye ole colonies.
Noah's Flood II
I couldn't seem to finish this essay so God got me up at about 3:30 am to finish this part of the essay.
I hope you realize that we true Christians are figuratively Noah's family in this cleansing of the Earth because we were conned into not being good stewards by letting Satan's spawn con us into separating the church from the state or government, our schools, our media and entertainment, and other important parts of our culture so they could take those things over to force what they want on us.
We MUST be the government, people, or Satan's spawn will be the government. Those are the only two choices we humans have. You are right now seeing what kind of government you get with Satan's spawn and have had a glimpse but only a glimpse of the government true Christians can create, it was the greatest government and culture in history but still wasn't done right so get it right this time.
The upper class trash are right now very close to getting their global dictatorship and murdering all of us and most of the rest of the people on this planet off so they don't have to share "their planet with us lowly peasants" and they are using COVID 19, their thugs, and the stupid people to achieve their evil goals.
God has regularly had to do this throughout history since the flood, every time Satan's spawn took over and set up evil cultures that required God purging them to free good people so those good people could start over again with a better culture.
God is going to be using Obama and then the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 to do that purging of the evil people so we can rebuild once again, partly because God made a promise about not covering this planet in water again. As always in history, it will be ugly and even uglier than ever before because Satan's spawns' plans this time will be more complete and uglier than ever before at murdering off almost everyone, you know, more than 7 billion people globally, but the end result will be much better than ever before too.
Have you noticed that Obama is getting more and more involved in the government and this insurgency?
That is no coincidence and he will end up having to nuke at least Chicago and possibly other blue cities to get rid of enough of the lefties for the Christians to be able to win their wars for freedoms so we can set up a new and better nation and culture but, hey, look at history how "great conquerors" have laid entire cities to waste and murdered off their entire populations because the people got too sinful just like they did before Noah's Flood.
For example, Tamerlane, a Muslim, would conquer a city, march all of the survivors outside of the city, and sit and watch as his men butchered off every man, woman, and child and he wasn't the only conqueror to purge cities of all of their people. Tamerlane was so cruel that he would spend ALL DAY enjoying watching his troops butcher men, women, and children.
Hey, instead of using murdering troops, Obama, also a Muslim, is going to use nukes to more quickly and humanely purge cities of their people. Believe me, nukes will be much more humane than what I have seen done repeatedly in history. In a flash, it will all be over.
And God said, "Nothing is new on the Earth."
This is our Noah's Flood and some cities are going to have to parish to save the planet from even worse at the hands of the upper class trash royals. If God doesn't use Obama and the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 to kill off most of the upper class trash and their puppets and thugs, the upper class trash will murder far more people globally than Obama will with a few nukes. As bad as what Obama is going to do will be, it will be much better than the genocide the upper class trash are right now doing. Just like in the past, God will be using Obama's insane lust for power to save our butts again.
First, today's Noah's family will have to go through the disaster to get rid of the extremely destructive upper class trash and their people and then we must rebuild a new and better world so hang on because this is going to get very wild because of our sins. We Christians screwed up, now we have to pay the price, and then we have to rebuild after the cleansing of the Earth again.
People, God has to keep using violence to clean up our messes because we humans just can't get it right so this time, try to get it right.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....