The academe perpetuate a myth and a lie that, the more you know, the more money you will make, and that is absolutely not true but they tell you that so you will keep paying them tuition to learn more so they can keep their overpaid jobs.
They teach the myth that the more intelligent, educated, hardworking, and competitive you are, the more money you will make because people will pay more to hire you. It should be obvious that is not true.
I taught you about Tesla being one of the most brilliant people in the history of the US and he died poor. I also taught you that most of the homeless in the US have college degrees, many of them Ph.D.s and MDs. When I was in college working on my masters degree, I learned that people with Ph.D.s have a horrible time getting jobs because there are very few jobs for people who have Ph.D.s and it is much easier to get a job with a masters degree than with a Ph.D., which should tell you that the academe know they are lying to you to get your money.
Reality is the exact opposite from what you have been taught and I have learned that the hard way. They had a saying in college that, if you are working for the government or a chemical company, you either tell the lies they tell you to tell or "get a job working at MacDonald's", but I found you can't get a job working at MacDonald's because you are overqualified. They won't hire you so you will end up unemployed and homeless.
The truth is that the more degrees or "pieces of paper" you have, the more unemployable you become because you become "overqualified" for more and more jobs. No one will hire you.
I told you that I applied for 4 different jobs for the City of Alamogordo over one or two years, I was interviewed by 4 different people for 4 different jobs in 4 different departments over a period of one to two years about 20 years ago and they ALL told me that I cannot get a job working for the City of Alamogordo with my masters degree because "I am overqualified", you know, I know too much, am not ignorant enough, and no one will hire you, if you are more likely to get a promotion they want.
Yeah, HR ain't hiring anyone who will beat them out for that next promotion.
Who is more likely to end up in poverty and homeless, the very intelligent, well educated, and very competitive person or a young kid who has average intelligence, has learned little to nothing, and is not competitive at all?
The intelligent, educated, competitive person is because the kid can get a job anywhere because they are not afraid of or intimidated by him and they will teach him what he needs to know to do the job. He is also more likely to stick around for years doing the same job for less money.
NO ONE will hire you, if you are a threat to them getting a promotion, are afraid of you, or are intimidated by you.
And it is not just about education. It is also about intelligence. If I made A's in college getting my degree and the person doing the interview and hiring made B's or C's getting the same degree, you are a threat to them and they WILL NOT hire you. Your intelligence can intimidate people who are not as intelligent.
How about competitiveness?
I was interviewed for a job by a small business in Albuquerque, New Mexico and got the feeling he was not going to hire me so I asked whether he was going to hire me. He said, "No, you are too competitive. You will learn my business, quit, start your own business and put me out of business."
I was surprised because I had never thought about that. I just saw myself as an asset to him and not a threat.
If you are too competitive, you will scare and intimidate people and they won't hire you. Most people just want to hire you to do a job and not to take over the planet.
You see this even in the trades and crafts because, as you get more knowledgeable and better at your trade, fewer people will hire you because you become overqualified for those jobs. That is why so many of the best in the trades have to start their own businesses; they know too much and are worth too much for most businesses to hire them so they hire themselves.
Once I learned all of that the hard way, I knew I had to start my own business and, with an M.B.A., I am trained to do that better than most. I know how to do the homework for a "new venture startup". Now, I was already trained to know that the bull crap you see on TeeBee about some guy starting a business on a "shoe string" is a myth unless that shoe string is made out of gold or platinum. Starting businesses cost money.
I spent a decade researching hundreds of businesses in dozens of industries to find ANYTHING I could start up with just pocket money because I couldn't get a job anywhere and didn't find one business that required less than $10,000 "seed capital" for a "new venture startup". The most I had been able to save up during that time because I had to pay things like utilities, buy food, pay for car insurance, and land taxes with no job to pay for it all, was about $1,000. You ain't starting crap with that little money and it would cost even more to start up the same businesses today because of a little thing called inflation.
The only people I found who actually did a new venture startup with very little money, were people who had another job to pay for their startup over years to more than a decade before they got their business to where it could pay for itself and feed them. Even then, it cost them a lot of money but they were able to spread those expanses out over time so it didn't seem like that much.
I just love the ignorant journalists talking about "starting their business out of their garage," like it didn't require any money at all. They just opened the garage door and the business magically appeared.
Don't you wish life were that simple and easy?
People, to own a house that has a garage costs money, a lot of money. If they started their business "out of their garage", they already had a lot of money for seed capital and they probably spent years building that business out of their garage.
Plus they had to buy things like tools, which cost thousands to tens of thousands of dollars plus other things that also cost money. For example, a carpenter has to have a number of wood working tools that are very expensive. That doesn't take into consideration the bookkeeping and other things you have to do for a business in today's world, like a filing cabinet for all of those government forms you have to have.
I think that is why God told me to try "Gofundme" and, boy, was that a lesson. Talk about a myth. I had one friend who was willing to donate $50 and that was it. I am still trying to figure out why that flopped so big.
Was it because I am so well educated and previously successful that everyone figured I should already have bazillions of dollars magically out of thin air in spite of my prolonged illness? Would I have gotten more donations, if I were not well educated and had not previously been so successful?
I thought that me being so very well educated, knowledgeable, intelligent, and previously successful would have been a big motivation because I thought more people would want to "be part of that program," by helping provide the seed capital.
I would really like to know why most people wouldn't even donate just $50. If just 160,000 avid cyclists or people with good intentions from around the world had donated just $50 each (Gofundme takes a little out of it), I would be building that sports facility to help kids right now. I am still trying to figure that one out so, if any of you want to provide intel on that, you know, why you didn't donate, I am open to that lesson with no arguing required. I just want the intel.
Sometimes I wish I didn't know what I do, had not done what I have done, and was not intelligent enough to figure out what I have figured out because life would be much more simple. When you can see what I see, there is much more in life to be concerned about, especially some people. They suck big time.
You young people starting out in life need to know, especially if you are considering going to college to get that magic piece of paper, that you can be too smart, know too much, be too competitive, and be too successful to get most jobs and your job potential gets worse, not better. At that point, you better have the resources to start your own business, which will never be cheap. Before you try to start that business, you better research what will be required and how much it will cost.
I can guarantee one thing, that business will cost you a lot of time; about 60 to 80 hours a week so you better be passionate about it and learn to be a work-a-holic. If you want it to succeed, that business will become your life, which is why most people work for other people.
For those of you who are considering such a project for your business, you should see the work I did in designing the Cantrell Velodrome. I researched potential architectural designs in relation to the business functions and equipment, the way I am trained to do for a sports project like that, I worked up the financial budgets, developed a seasonal calendar, researched my local to regional and even global market potentials, and even wrote up a larger than normal business plan. All of that, without seed capital, and $5 would buy me a large soda at Sonic. Money is a very important part of opportunity. That is reality.
Note that, with my M.B.A. and experience, I have not touched that $48 Gofundme put into my bank account because in their terms of service, it clearly states that, if I don't raise enough money to do that project, they reserve the right to take that $48 out of my bank account and return it to the donor. Until I get the full $7.5 million or at least enough to do the job for startup, I ain't touching a dime of it and you shouldn't either. It could easily come back to haunt you.
I hope this helps some of you do better in life.
An important lesson that everyone needs to know is that some of the most intelligent, best educated, hardest working, and most competitive people end up living in poverty because we ARE NOT in absolute control of our lives and life happens, you know, like getting shot, being run over by a car, getting a virus, or dying in a plane crash, probably because God wants to teach you something you otherwise would not learn or because you put something between you and God.
You are NOT getting reality from the media, the academe (most of whom are completely out of touch with reality), the government, the upper class trash, or anything on the left. I think they are allergic to reality and are all delusional.
God knows that, when He turns me loose again, I will go completely ape doing things and will spend less time on things like teaching you people and, right now, He wants me to teach you. I spend all day, every day, seven days a week researching and writing what I teach on this blog (I didn't turn off my computer until after midnight last night) so God keeps me nailed down to where I can't do anything else except for this court thing and He is using that to teach me how corrupt our government and courts really are. I have had to scan through as many as more than 80 videos in just one day to find intel for you and that isn't easy or fun. Geeze, they can post some really ignorant crap.
Just because someone has less money than you, does not mean they are less intelligent, less knowledgeable, lazy, or less competitive. It may mean they got too smart, knowledgeable, ambitious, and competitive and no one will hire them. You can be too good for your own good. They could have also been incapacitated by illness or injury. Just try making money when you are so sick doctors believe you will soon die and you can't do anything. It doesn't work too well.
Before my prolonged illness, I used to think, "There wasn't anything I couldn't do," and now there isn't much I can do. I was even told at UNM that I qualified for Mensa, you know, I was in the top 2% of the most intelligent people in the world, a real smarty pants. That and $5 will buy me a large soda at Sonic. That is reality. Just being a smarty pants won't buy you anything. I have to spend the same money for the same things at the same stores you do. I have never had a store clerk check my IQ.
People, according to UNM, I am more intelligent than most billionaires and college professors and I am living in poverty because of my prolonged illness. Think about that.
God sets up whom He sets up and brings down whom He brings down. Just ask old Nebby.
God has taught me a lot with this really bad experience and I try to help others learn it the easy way so they won't have to learn it the hard way. If you study the scriptures, you should learn that God will often let bad things happen to His people to teach them things they otherwise would not learn, especially if those bad things were caused by something they wanted. Be careful what you wish for. God might let you have it.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....