I recently saw a video of scientists talking about Terra forming Mars so humans can live on the surface. Interestingly, they were inadvertently admitting that humans or life cannot live on Mars as it exists and then, therefore, life could not have ever existed on Mars. Oops, so much for all the liberal evolution crap about there having been life on Mars some time in the past. You simply cannot say that life cannot live on Mars today but did in the past, especially since the environment was even more hostile in the past when Mars was even further from the sun and much colder. Was that a confession that they know they are lying or what? End Game, Creation!!!
For fun and as a teaching opportunity, let's see what changes would be required for there to be life on Mars today and, therefore, for life to have existed on Mars in the past. This will show just how impossible it would have been for life to have existed on Mars in the past. This is going to be fun because we are going to Terra form Mars so life can live on it.
Planetary Engineering 101
The very first thing we must do is move Mars closer to the sun so it will be warm enough for life to exist on Mars. The current average temperature on Mars is about a minus 60 degrees Fahrenheit which is far too cold for life to exist and extremely difficult to even begin moving soil for our Terra forming. This will require moving Mars, which is about 40% the size of earth, out of its orbit to a much lower orbit 47 million miles nearer to the sun (where earth is) without losing control and causing Mars to go spiraling to its death on the surface of the sun. The primary difficulty is that it will be very easy for Mars to begin accelerating in its descent and get to moving fast enough towards the sun so we can't slow or stop Mars' descent before Mars goes crashing into the sun. If we don't get that part right, what Mars? You can forget all about Terra forming, unless you want to try to Terra form the sun. Ouch!!!
What next?
In watching these scientists talking about the changes which would be required for life to exist on Mars, I realized that they kept missing the most important thing. They kept talking about how we would have to change the atmosphere without addressing why the atmosphere on Mars is currently inadequate for life.
The atmospheric pressure on Mars is currently about 5 millibars which is about 1/200th of earth's atmospheric pressure of one bar. The reason for this is because Mars only has about 38% of the gravity of earth. As I have told you before, with an atmospheric pressure of less than 6 millibars, water will instantly boil at any temperature so it is not possible to have liquid water with an atmospheric pressure of less than 6 millibars and, without liquid water, you can't have life. Plus you can't breath with only 6 millibars atmospheric pressure. You do want to breath, don't you?
Also, I recently heard a scientist say what I told you years ago about such low atmospheric pressure. He said that, with such low atmospheric pressure, you won't have to worry about suffocating to death because your body will explode instantly. I explained that in detail over a decade ago in my essay about Mars under the creation science section of this site.
You have to have almost one bar or 1,000 millibars of atmospheric pressure for most life forms to exist. Even on earth, most life forms, including humans, will die at an altitude of only 20,000 ft because of the thin air caused by low atmospheric pressure. At 29,000 ft or the top of Mt Everest, only a few life forms can exist, not including humans, because of the thin air caused by low atmospheric pressure which is much higher than the atmospheric pressure on Mars.
Why does such a low gravity cause Mar's current atmosphere to be so thin that no life could exist on Mars?
You have to understand that the atmosphere is made up of a number of different gases. These gas molecules are constantly pressing against each other in all directions and, as the gas density or atmospheric pressure increases, the gas molecules are pressing on each other harder. As the atmosphere gases at higher altitude are pressing down on the lower altitude gases because of gravity, those lower altitude gases are also pressing up against the higher altitude gases pushing those higher altitude gases towards space. If a planet's gravity in relation to atmospheric pressure is not adequate to keep the higher altitude gases from being pushed off into space, then those gas molecules will be sent flying into space by the atmospheric pressure UNTIL the atmospheric pressure caused by the density of the gas molecules decreases enough so that the atmospheric pressure will no long push gas molecules into space. This means that, with Mars' current gravity, the atmospheric pressure will always quickly return to 5 millibars because the atmospheric pressure will keep pushing gas molecules into space until the atmospheric pressure reaches 5 millibars, which is the atmospheric pressure Mars' gravity can sustain. That is a critical scientific fact and, if you didn't understand it, read it until you get it.
This means that the current Mars atmospheric pressure of only 5 millibars is caused by Mar's gravity not being capable of sustaining enough gas molecules on the surface of Mars to have an atmospheric pressure greater than 5 millibars and, therefore, you can never have liquid water on Mars. Unless you increase the mass of Mars to increase the gravity enough to retain more gas molecules, you cannot increase the atmospheric pressure on Mars enough to have liquid water.
I don't care how much gas you pump onto the surface of Mars, it you don't increase Mars' gravity to where the planet can retain enough gas molecules to sustain an atmospheric pressure of one bar, all you will be doing is pumping gas molecules into space.
Therefore, the very first thing you would have to do for Terra forming Mars so we could live on the surface would be that you would have to increase the mass of Mars by enough to increase its gravity by more than 2.5 times its current gravity. That is an absolute must and scientific fact.
The first question for Terra forming Mars should be, "Where are you going to get enough dirt and rocks required to increase the gravity on Mars by better than 2.5 times its current gravity?"
This would require finding the equivalent of 1.5 to 2 times the mass of Mars floating around in space (you know, another planet or two) which can easily be moved to the surface of Mars in a way in which it would not upset the balance of Mars because the next thing we must do is start the planet spinning on its axis because Mars is not spinning on its axis.
If we transport more matter to the surface of Mars than already exists on Mars, we don't get it distributed right around the planet, and we start the planet rotating on its axis, then the planet will start wobbling on its axis and will eventually fly out of orbit towards the sun causing the sun to pull the plunging planet into the surface of the sun. End Game Terra Forming!!!! Oops. This Terra forming thing isn't as easy as they make it sound, is it?
Plus we have to cause Mars to turn at the right speed because, if the planet is rotating on its axis too slowly, it will cause significant over heating on the solar side and significant cooling or freezing on the dark side preventing life from being able to exist. We must make sure we get Mars rotating on its axis at just the right speed.
OK, we just got past the first obstacle of increasing the mass for Mars so it will have enough gravity to retain enough gas molecules to have enough atmosphere to have liquid water on the surface of Mars by transporting a few planets worth of soil to the surface of Mars and getting the planet properly balanced and spinning.
What next?
Oh yeah, when you are doing the earliest part of the planet reconstruction, you need to reconstruct the planet so it will have a magnetic field to protect the planet and everything on it from the very harmful radiation being put out by the sun because Mars doesn't have a magnetic field. This means that the very first thing you will have to do with your planet reconstruction will be to dig down into the planet's core and create a very massive iron core which will be magnetized so you can have a magnetic field to protect all life on the planet and that iron core will have to be the right size to provide the right strength magnetic field. That will take more than just a little earth work.
If Mars doesn't have a magnetic field as large as the magnetic field on earth, all life on this planet will die in just a few days from the massive radiation poisoning caused by the son which is deflected by a magnetic field.
What next?
Well, when you were transporting all that dirt and rocks to Mars, did you first make sure that the soil would have the right mixture of compounds so plants will grow in the soil?
You mean we can't just get any old dirt and rocks from some where in space but it has to have the right mix of compounds for plants to grow?
That is right, plants won't grow in just any dirt. Ask anyone who knows anything about farming and gardening. The soil has to have the right mix of compounds, has to permit water to soak down into the ground so the water can reach the roots and there has to be a bed rock to keep the water from soaking past the reach of the plant roots.
Geeze, planet engineering just isn't as simple as they make it look on TV and in the movies, is it? :-) Nope! And we have not even gotten past the first step, planet construction.
What next?
Oh yeah, what about surface architectural design? How much of the surface should be water, how much should be land, how should the water surfaces be placed in relation to the land surfaces and what should the relative shapes look like?
You will have to have properly designed water sheds to collect the precipitation at the high points and cause the water to flow to lakes and oceans where it will be evaporated to cause rain fall to feed the water sheds or the water will just stagnate in swamps and marshes all over the planet causing diseases and preventing plant growth. If you put your large oceans at the poles, then you won't get enough evaporation to cause the precipitation required for plant growth because the water will be too cool for adequate evaporation.
Plus you will have to have the right size moon the right distance from the planet orbiting at the right speed to cause the right tidal actions to prevent the large bodies of water from stagnating and killing all life on the planet. The moon and sun cause the tides which cause coastal waters to be regularly moved into the depths of the oceans keeping the shores clean enough for life to exist. Without these tidal actions, the water along our coasts would stagnate killing off almost life forms.
Therefore, we will probably also have to change the size and location of at least one moon which means we will also have to transport at least one moon 47 million miles closer to the sun without losing control of it and sending that moon crashing into the sun. Whew, this planet engineering is hard work and very complex.
Are you getting the picture yet that there is just no way a planet like earth with all the life on it could just accidentally happen?
What next?
Now that we have the right planet in the right place rotating and orbiting at the right speed with the right moon in the right place orbiting at the right speed, we must next work on developing an atmosphere. We must develop the atmosphere before we can put water on the planet in order to establish the right atmospheric pressure to prevent our water from just boiling off the surface of the earth and creating an atmosphere of just water vapor which can't be breathed by plants or animals. You have to have oxygen and not water vapor for cell function.
Now, where are we going to get all those billions of cubic feet of gases from AND they have to be the right amounts of the right gases or the planet won't support life. Oops, this planet engineering just keeps getting tougher. Probably the most likely thing to do would be to farm the gases we need from other larger planets which have extensive amounts of gases making sure we don't include any toxic gases. We might be able to farm the gases we need from larger planets like Jupiter and Saturn, if they have enough of the gases we need. We will assume they do.
So now we are going to have to set up orbiting gas plants just inside the atmospheres of planets like Jupiter and Saturn which will filter out only the gases we need in the quantities we need. These gases will be piped into massive space super tankers and moved to Mars (now in earth's orbit but on the other side of the sun to keep things balanced in our solar system) where those gases will be released high enough above the planet's surface to prevent damage to our land architecture but within control of Mars' gravity. Plus we have to structure our atmosphere so we have the same structure to Mars' atmosphere as earth has with different quantities of different gases at different altitudes. If not then we won't get the green house effect required for life to live on earth. This will take at least a few decades or some reeeeeally big space ships.
Next we will have to farm either enough water (H2O) or enough hydrogen and oxygen to make the water we need for Mars because there is no way Mars has enough water for what we need. If we can't get enough water or water vapor to provide the water we need on the surface of the planet, then we will have to farm oxygen and hydrogen from other planets like Jupiter and Saturn and then convert those gases into water vapor before we introduce those gases to the atmosphere on Mars.
The reason we will have to turn those gases into water vapor before we introduce those gases to our atmosphere is because the process for converting hydrogen and oxygen into water or water vapor is to combine the two gases along with a heat source which will combine the two gases into water and produce a huge amount of heat. Adding that much heat into our atmosphere would fry the planet turning the soil into hard rock so the plants wouldn't be able to live in the soil and would create so much heat in the atmosphere that it would take thousands of years for the planet to cool enough for life to exist on the planet.
Therefore, we will have to use those space super tankers to haul the hydrogen and oxygen to outside the atmosphere of Mars where we will have special plants which will combine the gases into water vapor while removing enough of the heat to prevent over heating our planet while not causing enough cooling for condensation and sending the excess heat out into space. We don't want to introduce the water as liquid to the surface of Mars because that much liquid water falling on Mars would completely destroy our land architecture and we would be screwed. Therefore, the best way to introduce that much water to the surface of Mars would be as cooled water vapor which will condense and precipitate out of the atmosphere onto the land being careful not to cause such massive storms we will get excessive flooding and erosion. This has to be a very controlled process to prevent damage to our balanced planet.
Have you figured out yet that man isn't smart enough and doesn't have enough technology to do all of this and, therefore, this couldn't have accidentally happened? And we haven't even gotten to the tough parts yet. Of course, there is an easier way to do all of this, especially adding the atmosphere and water but it would require even greater intelligence, knowledge, and technology, so we will just stick with this way. :-) Only the being, God, can do it the easier way.
Now we have the right planet in the right place orbiting the sun at the right speed and rotating at the right speed with the right atmosphere with the right amount of water and the right moon in the right place orbiting our planet at the right speed so what next?
The next thing we must do is introduce all of the required land and aquatic plants needed for a balanced ecosystem. The reason we have to introduce the plants next is because the plants clean our atmosphere, land, and water so we can live on our planet for more than just a few years while preventing erosion and providing animals with food. For example, plants breath in CO2, which animals breath out and the plants breath out oxygen which animals breath in keeping the atmosphere with enough oxygen animals don't suffocate to death.
Hold it, what should this tell you? That increasing the CO2 on earth will do what? Increase plant growth. Gee, so much for the global warming crap. Think about it.
There are two basic ways we can approach introducing plant life on Mars. The first would be to do it the way the Bible says God did it which was to cause plants to grow very rapidly to adult size and begin producing fruit in just one day. The other way would be to introduce plant seeds to strategic locations and permit the plants to grow normally from seeds.
The problem with introducing the seeds is that it can take many plants, especially trees, more than 15 years to reach adult hood and begin producing fruit. Any insects and animals which would be dependant on that fruit would starve to death before those plants produced fruit. As a matter of fact, almost all plant eating animals would stave to death because almost all plants take at least months to produce the fruit required for the animals to survive. Also, we can't wait to introduce most of those animals until our plants produce fruit because most of those same animals are required to fertilize the flowers before the plants can produce fruit and even provide soil fertilizer for the plants to grow the fruit.
Therefore, it is an absolute scientific requirement that we cause the plants to grow to adult size and begin producing fruit in 48 hours AND must introduce the insects and other animals (usually insects and birds along with fish for the water plants) required to fertilize those plant flowers within 48 hours or two days.
Now, what should this tell you? That it is not possible for this process to have "evolved" over millions of years.
Now you know why the Bible says that God created all plants on one day and the fish and all flying things like birds and insects on the next day. That is exactly the way we will have to do it when we Terra form Mars. The big question here is, "How did that primitive tribe of Hebrews know about this 3,600 years ago when the Bible was written? Think about it. They didn't, God did and God wrote the Bible, not those primitive and quite ignorant Hebrews. God is real, He lives, He exists and planet engineering or Terra forming proves it. :-)
So, on the first day of introducing life to the planet Mars, we grow all plants to where they bloom for producing fruit. On the second day, we create all birds, insects, and fish so they can fertilize the plants, and on the third day, we create all land animals. Now, we are ready to introduce mankind.
Congratulations, we have just Terra formed Mars into a habitable planet!!! Yeah!!! The single greatest achievement in the history of mankind, far greater than all other human achievements combined, and we didn't even have to create the solar system, much less the cosmos, the way God did.
This one human effort would require far greater knowledge, intelligence, and technology than mankind currently has and you still think it all accidentally happened? Yeah, right. If you still believe in evolution, just how stupid are you?
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that who ever believes in Him shall have ever lasting life.
As always, it is time to....