Law Enforcement and Military
If you law enforcement and military enforce tyranny on the people, you are making yourselves enemies of the people and committing crimes against humanity. That will make you criminals.
You are required to uphold the Constitution and enforce the law. Unconstitutional mandates are not legal or constitutional so that, if you enforce the mandates, you are aiding and abetting in the commission of their crimes, making you accomplices in their crimes.
Be the good cops and military.
Obama & Chicago
Remember that I told you in 2007 and 2008, right after Obama was elected and began to serve as US President, that God told me in several dreams that Obama would nuke Chicago to seize control of the US Government and that I expected him to do so while he was president?
When he didn't nuke Chicago while he was president, I thought that maybe he was going to during Trump's presidency and then, when Obama didn't nuke Chicago during Trump's presidency, I began trying to figure out whether Obama would nuke Chicago during Biden's presidency.
Remember that we later found out that the feds had caught some of Obama's people with 2 nukes while he was president and right after Obama paid Iran a bunch of money; one was a 1K nuke they detonated under water off the coast of South Carolina, and I never found out what the throw weight was on the second nuke or what happened to it?
I figure that the feds didn't try to prosecute Obama for that because of the lefty press being so strongly behind Obama and the feds probably knew they couldn't convict Obama. Obama's people who had those nukes are probably hidden away in a secure location in either a prison or at Guantanamo as terrorists for interrogation and safe keeping or they died in a fight.
Remember that we later found out from a member of the Mexican Army just about a year ago that the FBI was dragging a Geiger counter through the smugglers' tunnels on the US southern border because they knew someone was trying to smuggle nukes into the US again?
On my home page I have those prophetic dreams marked as "waiting" but that is just me being conservative because those dreams are actually ongoing or "in progress" with Obama having already tried at least once to detonate at least 2 nukes somewhere in the US so he could seize control of our government beginning when he was president.
Remember that I have been telling you that the only thing that will stop the upper class trash is death?
From what we have seen, he is still trying and getting away with his attempts because he is above the law for some reason but they are watching him.
Biden, clearly Obama's puppet, just paid Iran tens of billions of dollars and has hired all of Obama's people into the top levels of Biden's government, especially with Austin and Milley as heads of the Pentagon so that Obama and his people may now have two ways of getting nukes for their terrorist attack against the US.
Now you have to understand that Austin and Milley, even being in charge of the Military, won't be able to just drive their Ford F150 pickup down to the local nuke storage unit and drive off with some nukes.
If they are going to provide Obama and his friends with the nukes they want, they would have to move traitors into the right positions with a small team at the nuke storage unit to secretly obtain those nukes and other teams to move those nukes into the hands of Obama's suicide bombers to use against their desired targets like Chicago and Congress. That can take a little while to accomplish, maybe a few years.
Plus Obama may be getting his nukes from Iran again, especially with Obama's lackey just paying Iran off and removing all of the sanctions against Iran, just like Obama did. Gee, what a coincidence.
Gee, you don't think Obama is using Biden having our Southern borders open with thousands of illegal aliens coming into the US as a cover to smuggle nukes in, do you?
For the last year I have been watching for reasons Obama might throw that formal ball in the Sears Tower in Chicago. For example, I thought that, with Biden not having his presidential inauguration ball right after he was elected and took office that Obama might "be nice" and throw that ball for him later in Chicago but that was reaching but only a bit.
Then they finally began building Obama's presidential "library" in Chicago last fall, you know, after about a decade of him trying to get permission to build it there and he kept insisting on building it there instead of moving it somewhere else, for which the completion would be a very good reason for such a ball, so I have been keeping an eye on it. They laid the foundation for it this January and I occasionally check on its progress knowing the winter could slow or stop its progress.
I am conservatively thinking that building may be completed and open by this coming May or June, you know, when I got the feeling from those dreams that Obama might nuke Chicago. Stick around, we will find out soon.
Hey, that presidential library being in Chicago and people thinking Chicago is Obama's home town would be two good reasons most people would think that Obama wouldn't nuke Chicago and would make a good cover for Obama to get away with nuking Chicago. That is in spite of the fact that Obama bought his mansion at Martha's Vineyard, you know, half way across the nation from his "home town".
Keep an eye on it because those dreams have been in the process of being fulfilled since at least 2012 and are still in the process of being fulfilled and the Bible tells us that God is patient and long suffering.
Several things I will be watching, if he does use that as an excuse to throw the ball in Chicago, are 1) who will Obama invite to that ball, you know, like the British Royal Family so he could seize control of the British crown and Britain (you do remember that he is a royal), and 2) how many other nukes will he being using, you know, like to take out Congress and the Supreme Court.
That was just an update.
The commie machine is falling apart with the commies one quick grab away from absolute power. People are deserting the Commierat Party in droves so they can't win a fair election, their media are in their death throws with few people believing anything they say, the commies can't steal everyone's guns to keep from getting their brains blown out, and the Republicans are doing everything they can to prevent another rigged election.
They are using the Russia thing to fool as many conservatives and moderates into falling in behind ye ole commie dictatorship in the name of patriotism and quite a few are falling for it but not all. You watch and those who don't fall for it will be called traitors.
If that fails or the left gets their butts handed to them by Putin, China, Iran, North Korea, and others, the left will only have a very quick, violent coup of our government to finish setting up their US dictatorship so they can use you and this government to set up their global dictatorship.
You better pray long, pray hard, pray often and lock and load. It is getting worse fast.
This video give you a little better idea about how desperate the Commierat situation is, they are talking about bringing back Hillary because she is the best they have left. Think about that.
This is another video showing you how desperate and ignorant the lefties are. The lefty pathetic little minds are in a panic and panicked people are dangerous people.
Note that, in that last video, the upper class trash are making it very clear that protesting in the streets is not going to work, they are refusing to even listen to the protestors, and the only thing that is left to work is simply storming the castles.
Just like I have been telling you, the corrupt, greedy, power mad, inbred upper class trash are not going to quit grabbing for more and more power so you have to physically stop them. You have to storm the castles and not just the streets. It is time for Bastille II.
I am so sick of these criminals and can't stand it that the cops and military are NOT doing their jobs by arresting these evil criminals for the crimes they are committing against the people.
This video provides some very interesting information about this protest against tyranny by the people.
Note that their corrupt courts in Canada are supporting the tyranny of their government and helping fight against the truckers with terrible legal decisions against the protestors.
Note that only the Christians are helping with the funding of the protestors and taking a stand against the government tyranny.
Then I found this video telling how they just passed a new "law" in the US branding any and all criticism of what the left says as an "act of terrorism" so that, if you disagree with them on anything, you are branded a terrorist.
People, this is a very clear and blatant attempt to silence all opposition and part of the left trying to finalize their commie dictatorship over you. If this succeeds, they won't be very far from finalizing their dictatorship.
Remember that I have been warning you that the US going to war with Russia could be a disaster primarily but not just because of our terrible leadership?
This video tells some of that confirming what I have been warning you about. It is looking more and more like these arrogant, greedy, power mad, inbred fools are determined to start a war with Russia, you know, with Afghan Joe at the helm.
Note that Tucker points out the greed of the upper class trash on both sides of the aisle as being one of the number of reasons for trying to start this war, just like I have been telling you.
This is a very good video and Tucker is good at asking most of the right questions.
I am getting the feeling that the US, probably the CIA, is going to stage an attack against Russia, claim that attack is the "Russian false flag", when Russia counter attacks, claim that is Russia attacking, use that as an excuse to invade Russia, and, when the US troops become tied down against Russia, then China, Iran, and North Korea will go on the offensive to take advantage of the opportunity the US will have provided them for taking what they want.
Note that Russia is threatening to use nukes to prevent being taken by the West, meaning, they are willing to die fighting instead of submitting to slavery. I expect her to start with tactical nukes, which will destroy large portions of the US Military very quickly and turn the tide of the battle in favor of Russia and her allies.
Satan and his minions are preparing to cause all Hell to break loose on this planet, you better start praying that God first causes all Heaven to break loose on this planet to save our butts. You better pray long, pray hard, pray often and lock and load.
Then I did a little more homework.
Did you know that Biden is moving troops into both Poland and Romania?
Take a look at this map and you will see that both Poland and Romania have extensive borders with Ukraine.
Biden is clearly putting those troops there to quickly rush into Ukraine on command to fight Russia, you know, to stop an invasion while saying he will not send troops into Ukraine to stop an invasion.
It is a sucker punch in that Biden is trying to get Russia to invade Ukraine so the US can justify invading Russia in a "counter attack".
If Putin doesn't fall for the sucker punch, then Biden will use the CIA to stage an attack against Russia, claiming it is Putin's false flag event forcing Putin to counter attack for defensive purposes, and Biden will claim that Putin's counter attack is the real invasion and use that as an excuse to invade Russia.
Basically, Biden and the upper class trash are not just sucker punching Russia but also the American people. The left is blatantly lying.
Keep an eye on this.
After reviewing the news, I am convinced that the upper class trash are going to very soon start WWIII intentionally and it looks like they actually believe they can and intend to take down all of the major nations that are not allies in their "New World Order", even without complete control of the Western nations. The US is now quickly moving entire wings of aircraft like F-22s, F-16s, and others into the immediate area. They are very clearly ramping up for almost immediate war and don't be surprised to see nukes get used because the Russians are backed into a really bad corner.
After all, you don't think Russia is just going to let the evil Western upper class trash storm right over Russia to take them all as slaves and not use nukes, do you?
No matter what Putin does, the West is going to start this war and Putin knows it so watch for a preemptive strike by Russia. I think that is his best hope, just wait until the US has its forces in position and then hit them with tactical nukes to thin the herd.
The upper class trash seem to believe they have enough control of the Western nations to have complete control of our militaries so that, after they have defeated Russia and her allies in this global war, in which many of you will die so they won't have to murder you later, then they think they can turn our own armies and police against us to finalize their global dictatorship on all of us.
It seems they have enough control of enough of our militaries that they believe there is nothing we can do to stop their insane war or dictatorship. It looks like this is going to happen because our militaries and cops won't stop them and the people in most nations either can't or won't try to stop them. This is going to be terrible.
My prayer right now is, "Father, your will be done."
I was just sitting here praying and thinking about this when I realized what the upper class trash are doing.
They are quickly losing control of their nations with these rebellions that have been caused by the truckers. They have come to the realization that they are right now losing control of those nations and that, if they don't use our militaries that they still control right now to make a desperate grab for their global dictatorship before they lose control of our nations and our militaries, they won't have control of enough militaries to make a grab for their dictatorship later and will lose almost everything they have gained up to now.
The upper class trash royals know this is a "do or die" situation for them and their dictatorship so they are just going for it in a vain hope that they will succeed and be able to use their global dictatorship to finalize the national dictatorships and they hope they may have enough Nazi cops and military, who will follow any illegal orders, for that to work.
This is the upper class trash's last frantic grab for power and we are all going to pay for it because tens of millions will die so they can have their global dictatorship. The upper class trash royals are that sick, that twisted, that demented, and that evil.
That is why this doesn't make any sense to a rational person, the upper class trash are desperate and panicked so they are no longer rational. I warned you that, if they get desperate enough, they will turn to violence and they are now starting WWIII to save their failing plans. They know that, if they don't do it now, they won't be able to do it later so it is now or never.
This video is a senior Canadian Army officer speaking out against the tyranny now in control of Canada.
What will it take for our militaries to do their job by standing up to these evil tyrants, taking back control, prosecuting these evil tyrants for their many crimes, and helping rebuild our nations as free nations? Why are they just standing there watching these criminals destroy our nations? When will they keep their oaths to protect our nations and people from foreign and domestic enemies? Do they have to wait until the vast majority of the people wake up enough to support the military in fighting for our freedoms?
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....