

God said you will not lie and that is the Law and it is the most broken of God's Laws. Lying is Satan's best and most used tool, especially "little white lies".

I saw a post on FB that said that everyone has a price, what is your price?

I could not think of enough money to buy out what I believe in or to lie for any reason. Listen, I am living in poverty because of my illness and God tested me almost half a dozen times several decades ago as my health was failing with me fighting to find a way to make more money.

There were a number of times over a few years in which I got offers to make $100,000+ a year and all I had to do was lie and con people out of their money. Without hesitation, I turned them down because I couldn't do it. I was taught better and I know God is watching. A man is no better than his word.

Listen, one thing God has taught me is that, if I lie or commit any other crime against His Laws, He will quickly make me pay for it and I am tired of paying for my crimes against His Laws. A quadrillion dollars isn't worth what God would put me through for selling out for that money. After a long trip through Hell on Earth, I would probably end up homeless or in prison.

In covering the wars in Ukraine and Israel I have seen a number of video channels that start out being objective and telling the truth but eventually start putting out propaganda until they tell nothing but lies.

Most likely, they tell the truth and provide good news until they develop a good following and then someone starts paying them to lie and they sell out, not stopping to realize that they will destroy their integrity and begin to lose viewers and, when their viewership drops down low enough, they won't be worth the money the rich entity is paying them so they will get dropped and end up broke.

The love of money is so powerful with so many people today. You probably noticed a number of times that I started using a channel to provide intel after watching them for a while to see if they were dependable and then later quit using them because they stopped being dependable.

Today, the lefty media are trying to cover up for their lies about Ukraine and will also have to cover up for their lies about Israel because God said, "the truth will be made known".

I am pretty sure I told you that in 1988 I started training to be a stock broker but quit when I realized I was being trained to lie, steal, and literally commit crimes against you for my rich employers because I have to be able to look in the mirror in the morning and be able to say, "That is a good man", without lying. I am not stupid enough to believe my own lies.

God requires that I tell the truth because I work for Him.

I love the irony in these greedy fools who sell their souls out for money and very little at that.

They don't even stop to think that they are selling their souls out for temporary wealth for an extremely brief period of time on Earth to end up spending eternity living in absolute poverty forever, while burning in Hell and they think they are smart?

I don't care if you sell out for a quadrillion or even a quintillion dollars and live wealthy for 10,000 years, that is absolutely not worth spending the rest of eternity burning in Hell in absolute poverty. That is the absolute worst deal you could make in your life but they are so greedy they refuse to even think about that and, if you point it out, they get furious.

And these idiots think they are smarter than you for selling their souls into eternal damnation for a few million to billion dollars for less than 100 years? Really?

We will see how smart they look on Judgment Day just before their eternal damnation begins.

Then, if you really want to see how stupid they are, what did Jesus say?

Jesus said, "I go to prepare for you what has never entered into the heart of man."

In other words, no human is capable of thinking of what Jesus is preparing for us in Paradise so all of the wealth in the world times a trillion could not possibly buy it and they are selling that out for much, much less?

Let me do the math for you on that. I told you that UNM told me that I am a "two percenter" so that, intelligence wise, I am among the two percent of the smartest people in the world. I have also shown that I am extremely well educated and have studied all of the hard sciences and can run computer models for things like molecular biology and nuclear physics in my head that most people can't even understand. I also told you that, to try to find a business I could have started with very little pocket money, I did the research and designed more than 300 businesses in different industries for more than a decade, which included designing a number of different ships for commercial use, plus designed some stuff for fun, like a castle, because I love designing and building. I have also told you that I would love to be involved in the design of modern weapons systems to hunt, counter, and destroy these modern weapons like drones because stuff like that is easy to me with my military training.

Now, with all of that and more, Jesus said that people like me cannot possibly even begin to imagine what He is preparing for us in eternal paradise. Think about that.

One of the most intelligent and best educated people on this planet, with my education, probably the history of this planet, cannot even begin to imagine what Jesus is preparing for us in Paradise?

I can't wait to see what Jesus is preparing for us in Paradise. You will all be stunned and shocked, standing there with your mouths and eyes wide open, when you see what Jesus is preparing for you in Paradise. You won't even be able to speak because you will be in such awe.

Now these rich idiots think they are being smarty pants for selling their souls into eternal damnation for infinitely less than what Jesus is preparing for us in Paradise? Really?

I think they are dumber than rocks and are making the worst deal they could possibly make and they will find that out on Judgment Day. I will laugh at them for their terrible decisions.

What is a few years living in poverty to get what Jesus is preparing for us in eternal Paradise?

My soul is worth much more than a quintillion times a quintillion times a quintillion dollars. It is my only eternal soul. It ain't for sale because I sold it to Jesus more than two thirds of a century ago and that is the best deal any human can make.

The time we are spending here on this planet, if we live to be 10,000 years old, is just the bat of an eye in eternity. Poof and it is gone. If you don't believe me just wait until you get old like me and realize how fast the last 75 years went. My time on this planet is already almost over.

I made the best deal humans can make by selling my soul into eternal Paradise with God and for what Jesus is preparing for us in Paradise that no human can even begin to imagine. Boy, is that going to be wonderful. I can't even begin to imagine how wonderful.

Do you still believe that these rich idiots who sold their souls to Satan for chump change for a very brief period of time are more intelligent than you?

In Paradise, the poorest person will be more wealthy than all of today's rich combined. The upper class trash love fake fiat money that disappears when you unplug the computer and I love God, who is eternal. They are Satan's suckers, not wise men.

You keep your worthless fake fiat money; I will keep my eternal loving God.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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