Ukraine 9

Do you know why they sent Kruella to deal with this Ukraine mess?

Because they knew it would be seen as a failure and they could blame her for it to prove even more how incompetent she really is.

It is looking like the left will be getting rid of both Biden and Kruella soon.

I have been thinking about it and watching what is going on with Ukraine since my last post.

Remember that I told you about the trap our idiots running the CIA and Pentagon have designed for our troops in Ukraine, thinking they designed a trap for Putin, and that all Putin had to do to trigger that trap against the US and UK was to invade the eastern edge of Ukraine to draw the US/UK troops into and through Ukraine "to stop Russia"?

Putin just sent troops into the eastern edge of Ukraine, you know, the Donbass area, and the US idiots are now talking even more adamantly about waging war with Putin. "Why, we MUST now send our troops into Ukraine to punish Putin!!!"

This video shows some of that saber rattling with Biden even saying he is committing more troops to Poland and Romania. "Yeah, let's get more of our troops killed."

At first, it looked like Putin had bought enough of Hunter's art for Biden to just let him take the Donbass area but now it looks like they may have "tricked" Putin into sending troops in or at least think they tricked him.

Is Putin in the process of using the US/UK trap for Putin against them the way I said? Has Putin tricked them by sending his troops into Ukraine?

Keep an eye on this.

I didn't want to tell you too much about the Ukraine trap the idiots running the CIA and Pentagon designed to destroy our troops because I didn't want to give Putin any ideas that would probably make it to his people.

Being able to encircle the US/UK troops the way I described was bad enough but you have to also realize that to quickly move enough troops and equipment fast enough to engage the Russian troops in Eastern Ukraine; they will have to use Ukraine's roads. Putin can quickly destroy those encircled forces with artillery, rockets, and aircraft by just targeting those roads the way the US did against Saddam Hussein when we quickly destroyed most of his army in 90/91.

Concerning air superiority, there are things I cannot say before that fight starts that Putin knows he can do to quickly achieve air superiority but, just in case, I don't want to give him any ideas so, no comment.

Ukraine seems to be shelling the Donbass area and I am wondering if that is to provoke a military response from Putin's "peace keeping force" to make it look like Putin is invading Ukraine or to actually get Putin to invade Ukraine to get the US/UK to surge into Ukraine to "protect Ukraine" by starting a war with Russia.

Keep an eye on this.

The lefties are determined to cause a lot of people to die before this is over because they just can't leave other people alone.

The three stooges of warfare: Afghan Joe, Austin, and Milley. Think about that.

BTW, do you know that, before Russia was taken over by the commies and became the Soviet Union, Ukraine was part of Russia and had been for a long time?

When Khrushchev was in power over the Soviet Union, he separated Ukraine from Russia proper because he was a Ukrainian.

Here is a bit of irony.

Did you know that the Goths who brought down Rome and sacked it came into Europe from Russia, after the upper class trash weakened Rome?

The fall of the US and the West is much more like the fall of Rome than most people realize.

The next morning, after writing the above, I spent hours thinking about this and what has since happened, trying to figure out how to best write this and I am furious at our fool leaders, you know, Afghan Joe and his team of stooges in the CIA and Pentagon. I am absolutely convinced that getting duh right degree from duh right unkneeburcity makes you an arrogant fool and the upper class trash seem determined to prove it.

The best I can figure out is that the simple minded, arrogant, greedy, power mad fools are so focused on getting US/UK troops as close as possible to Moscow to quickly conquer Russia, especially with spring rapidly approaching to make invading Russia easier (gee, what timing), that the arrogant fools have not backed up and taken a look at the big picture or they should have seen the trap or ambush they designed and handed to Putin to use against our troops and Putin has now triggered that trap just like I said he would.

Now all of those simple minded, arrogant fools (on both the left and right) are not beating the war drums, they are dancing and jumping up and down on those war drums like a bunch of crazed and doped up Chimpanzees in a mating frenzy who are too stupid to see the big picture.


You think I am wrong?

They are talking about Putin invading Ukraine to fight his way to Kiev and seize control of Ukraine.


Take a look at this map of Ukraine major highways needed to move large numbers of troops quickly through Ukraine. Then you have to answer some questions for me.

1) If Putin is invading Ukraine to take Kiev, why is he invading Ukraine at the furthest point from Kiev, more than 400 miles away, and have to spend weeks to months fighting his way along highway M03, when he could attack more than 40,000 Russian troops he has in Bulgaria down M01, have to fight less than 100 miles, and could probably have those troops in Kiev in less than one day?

2) What? You think Putin is that stupid he can't figure that out when he has already been outsmarting the US Military 3 Stooges, Afghan Joe, Austin, and Milley?

The ONLY REASON for Putin to move troops into Ukraine that far from Kiev "to take Kiev" is to trigger the trap I told you about and he is doing it just like I said he would do it by "invading" in the Donbass area to draw the US/UK troops as far into the trap as possible in order to be able to attack the Russian troops.

What happened is that Putin and his generals saw what the CIA and Pentagon were planning on doing but, unlike the CIA and Pentagon, they backed up and looked at the big picture to see how to defend against such a move and saw the trap the US/UK were handing them to use against the US/UK forces that I also saw and told you about.

That is one of only two reasons why Putin took and annexed Crimea, to give Russia control of the entire Ukraine coast line so that Russia and its allies would have control of three sides of the trap.

Now, look at this map and you will see that trap. Covering the entire northern border of Ukraine are Russia and their ally, Belarus, where Putin has 40,000 Russian troops just in Belarus. The entire eastern end of Ukraine is covered by Russia. The entire southern border and coast line is now controlled by Russia because of them taking Crimea and basing their navy and troops there. Covering almost half of the Western edge of Ukraine is Moldova, which is also a Russian ally with Russian troops there too.

Do you get the picture yet?

But not ONE of our brilliant, all-knowing, all-wise, superior journalists has seen it, not one.

Russia and her allies have Ukraine covered on 3 sides and almost have her covered on the fourth side so that any troops entering Ukraine to reach the Donbass area will be almost completely surrounded in what we call an "AMBUSH".

Then you look at the first map of the major highways running through Ukraine and you should see that there are only 4 possible major highways entering Ukraine large enough for massive troop movements coming from Poland and Romania. These are M15, M12, M06, and M07 and they turn into only 3 major highways that will take them to Donbass; M14, M04, and M03.

Now, if you let the US/UK troops get the bulk of their forces past M05 and you move the Russian troops in Moldova down M16 to seize control of the port city of Odessa, you cut off resupply and retreat for the US/UK troops traveling on M14 and permit Russia to land major forces in Odessa, with some moving into Moldova and towards Belarus while simultaneously moving troops from Belarus down the unmarked major highway east of M19 towards Moldova to cut off the resupply and retreat for the troops on M03 and M04, which will completely encircle and entrap the US/UK troops in the CIA/Pentagon designed ambush for the US/UK troops.

What geniuses, huh?

Russia probably saw that opportunity and wet their pants in glee.

Now, notice that M14 runs close enough to Crimea and the Sea of Azov they can be attacked by artillery and missiles from land and sea for more than 200 miles before reaching Donbass and that M03 runs close enough to the northern border to be attacked by artillery and missiles from Bulgaria and Russia for more than 200 miles and Russia will be able to use medium range missiles and aircraft to destroy the troops on M04.

You better bet that Russia has every inch of those 3 highways zeroed in so that all they will need is to know which of those inches the US/UK troops will be on to destroy those troops in the greatest turkey shoot in history. Russia will be able to get that information from satellites, planes, UAVs, and Spetsnaz troops sent inside of Ukraine for such observations.

If Putin wants to do a super duper ambush, they wait until the main forces of the US/UK troops get beyond M18 and then send Ruskie troops down and up M18 from Russia and Crimea at the same time to cut off the retreat and resupply of those troops on all 3 highways, while being able to attack those US/UK troops from all four sides at the same time in what we used to call "target practice".

The ONLY thing that might be able to save those US/UK troops from complete annihilation would be vastly superior US/UK air power but the US Air Force taught me how to defeat that more than half a century ago, we knew Russia also knows how to do that, and Putin has been dropping big hints that he plans on doing it. It is something I will not tell ANYONE except a US Military officer in face-to-face discussion because they could wipe out almost all to all of our committed air power in minutes. "What air superiority?"

People, Putin is doing what I have told you he would do and he will do what I am now telling you he will do because Obama's idiots have made it possible for Putin to do it, you know, the same idiots that just gave us Afghanistan plus, with Putin turning Russia into a Christian nation and the US/UK under God hating pagan control, Putin is on God's side and we are screwed big time.

They are going to get a lot of US/UK troops killed, start WWIII, and cause China, Iran, and North Korea to also go on the war path against a significantly weakened US/UK military force, especially after Putin destroys significant US/UK troops in Ukraine because the arrogant upper class trash fools think they are smarter than they are and that everyone else is dumber than they are. A few billion people could easily die in this mess the greedy, power mad, inbred upper class trash have caused and, in my opinion, they should be shot for treason.

Do you believe me yet that no military can be greater than its stupid leaders? Do you believe me yet that the upper class trash cause better than 90% of our problems?

And God said, "Thinking themselves wise, they have made themselves fools."

If this happens, you are watching the fall of the West, the greatest culture in history, far greater than Rome. I will be so glad when these evil things are imprisoned in Hell where they can never again cause harm to anyone.

I am just a little ticked off.

Right now, they better pull US/UK troops back from Ukraine, let Putin have Ukraine back, and secure against Iran, China, and North Korea because, if we lose those fights because of Afghan Joe and his stooges, that will be the much bigger loss. There is a thing called "living to fight another day." Our troops are not going to do us any good dead.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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Ukraine 10