Destroyer Beings

I woke this morning thinking about the UAE or Qatar (which ever) is greening their own nation by seeding clouds with salts, increasing the salts in their soil to where those salts will begin killing the plants and destroying what they are trying to build.

Man plans, God laughs.

What they are also doing by seeding the clouds is drying up the air so that downwind it will dry up that land, which will dry up the air more, which will dry up more land until it gets all of the way around the world back to them and then there won't be as much water in the air for them to bring down by seeding it with salt. But they are too ignorant, simple minded, short sighted, and stupid to see that far down the road because they seek their own wisdom instead of the wisdom of God.

If you look at the macro picture for the long term, they are permanently destroying their own nation by polluting their land with salts and other chemicals and they are contributing to destroying the planet.

But, hey, the chemical companies selling them all of those salts and other chemicals are getting rich destroying their land for them.

Gee, I wonder who talked them into that insanity? You don't think maybe it was the greedy chemical companies talking them into it so those chemical companies can make billions more selling them salts and other chemicals to pollute their land, do you?

The leaders of that nation tell you they were trying to recover their land for good reasons but I have been watching them for a few decades and all of the Sunni Arabs on the Arabian Peninsula have been building big rich projects with big mansions everywhere to get more rich people to move there to control so they will have more money to build bigger armies to destroy Israel and their neighbors to set up a global Caliphate to rule the world. Basically, they deserve the chemical companies destroying their land.

Man plans, God laughs.

The insane, greedy chemical companies?

When they finish destroying the planet with their insane greed, they will all die off and God will get His planet back by default. Hey, they will be able to enjoy the chemistry of burning in Hell.

This has been going on for thousands of years with the insane, greedy, power mad Royals destroying EVERYTHING so they could have more wealth and power.

You think not?

Go study archaeology and see their destruction. Look at the thousands of ruins around the world those mighty Royal conquerors turned civilization after civilization into; pure rubble.

That is why I call the Royals "destroyer beings" because most of them destroy everything they touch. Oh, but, the Royals teach you to look up to and worship those "mighty conquerors" because the Royals teaching you that want to be like them, you know, raiding, conquering, stealing, enslaving, and murdering to increase their wealth and power. They teach you to worship their destructive ancestors so you will support them being destructive like their ancestors, you know, be willing to die fighting in their armies to make them more wealthy. Oh, but for some good fake cause, of course.

Then I got to wondering, "What would life be like today if the destroyer being Royals had not spent the last 4,400 years since the flood destroying everything and creator beings had been in charge creating for a better planet and for everyone on it instead of just for themselves?" Then I realized, hold it, "What would life be like today if the creator beings had gotten in control right after Adam 6,000 years ago?"

Just look at what the creator beings did in just 200 years after some true Christian Royals setup the Constitutional Republic of the US less than 250 years ago to free us from the insane control of the destroyer being Royals.

They got the Royals out of control so the Royals stopped dumbing down, oppressing, impoverishing, and stealing from the people and, for the first time in history, they freed the people so they became educated with knowledge to think and create and to earn enough money to finance their own creating and, for the first time in history, we found and learned to use electricity, gas, oil, and nuclear energy. We built trains, cars, planes, submarines, and space ships and walked on the moon; all in about 200 years by getting rid of the spoiled brat destroyer Royal parasites.

Our wealth was previously unimaginable by even the Royals and it is driving them absolutely nuts because they just have to have everything you and your ancestor creator beings created and built so they can own everything (none of which they worked to create) and you will own nothing. That is exactly what is going on right now. The inbred lunatics can't stand to see all of your wealth you created without them owning it all.

Work and create their own wealth?

Oh, heck no, that would require work and intelligence and you know you are not getting either of those out of them. Plus it is much easier and faster to steal what others have earned.

What could we creator beings have done without the destroyer being Royals for 6,000 years?

I can't even begin to imagine what life would be like today without the spoiled brat destroyer being Royal parasites sucking the blood out of civilizations for 30 times longer than the US has existed.

That is why I want my own planet away from these evil, vile, savage destroyer beings to teach my children to be creator beings instead of insane lefty destroyer beings. Teach them to hate the "great conquering Royals", who destroyed everything on the planet for 6,000 years and to look up to other creator beings, you know, seek the wisdom of God.

Do you realize what we could do in just 1,000 years, 5 times more time than we have had with the US, without the insane, greedy, power mad destroyer being Royals and their garbage puppets?

Baby, we were just getting started when the crazy, spoiled brat, insane Royals started destroying everything half a century ago so they could steal it all. "Why, the peasants have something we Royal parasites have not stolen."

Then I realized that we are about to find out and that made my day, week, month, year, and eternity. Boy, did my day get a lot better fast.

At the Battle of Armageddon, Jesus is going to kill off the last of the insane, savage, ruthless, greedy, power mad destroyer beings, heal the planet and what is left of our cosmos, and set up his Millennial Reign, where there will be no crime, corruption, wars, or anything else the destroyer beings love to do so you true Christians will ALL be free to learn, build, and create for 1,000 years. Super Duper WOW!!!

Knowing what I know, I know that YOU AIN'T SEEN NUTTIN' YET, BABY!!!! That is going to be so magnificent it is unimaginable.

From what God has shown me, we are going to have a wee bit of a really great empire covering two big galaxies without one satanic destroyer being Royal to destroy it all for 1,000 years.

Remember that God told me that we are going to colonize 9 planets in this galaxy and the next big galaxy (5 in this galaxy and 4 in the next galaxy)? Remember that I have told you about very little of the really great stuff God gave to us in our Black Closet that we will be able to use for the Intergalactic Christian Empire, far, far, far greater than anything any destroyer being Royal ever dreamed of creating?

We will have 10 planets (including Earth) to build and create on and travel between. That will be for starters and, with God/Jesus as our King, we will build on all of that. You will laugh at everything you have seen out of Hollywood. That stuff is so punk.

And God told me in a dream that I get my own planet to create and build on. It will be the 11th planet (you are the first I ever told about that planet). I will invite a few Christian friends and we will have some really great fun creating and building for 1,000 years. Thank you, Father God. I praise you and look forward to that day.

In a galaxy, not very far away, we creator beings are going to have a ball for 1,000 years without one destroyer being Royal to screw things up. God will be our only Royal.

Every now and then I get to give you good news. The end game is, "God wins", and, if He wins, so do you forever.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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