Remember that I told you that, after Google censored this blog for a few weeks, I suddenly can't get to the Muslim sites with a search engine that teach you about 666 and Islam with 666 being their most holy number?
Mark read what I wrote and sent me an e-mail with a link to this site which has links to dozens of Muslim sites that teach you what I told you they believe about 666.
You have to understand that, in Islam, nothing is more holy than the Koran and Muslims believe that the Koran IS 666 and that 666 IS the Koran, they are one and the same because Muslims believe in and practice ancient numerology, therefore 666 is their most holy AND MUST be their most holy number just like I have been telling you for years.
They have huge pages showing the ancient math and reasoning they used to determine other holy numbers too. It will all give you insight into their logic and reasoning, you know, how they think.
If you don't believe me and you believe those lefty censors who are blocking those Muslims sites with their search engines, go read those Muslim sites. You will find that the Muslim sites teach you the opposite of what the lefty sites teach.
I told you that the big tech started having their search engines start blocking the Muslim sites and taking you to their lefty sites concerning 666 and Islam after they censored this blog. This makes it very obvious.
Here is another site by a Muslim who converted to Christianity, Walid Shoebat.
Mark also sent me an e-mail with a link to a video showing that we are now in an escalating war but Dr. Steve Turley doesn't seem to have figured out yet that the war started in 2012 when Obama and company founded BLM to wage that war against us. They have been attacking people, burning buildings, looting, putting out propaganda since 2012 just like with any war.
The fight is on and has been on since 2012 it is just that the conservatives have finally showed up to the fight and are winning. The interesting thing is that the left was winning until someone else showed up to the fight and started fighting back.
Thanks for the links, Mark.
BTW, I have seen Muslims communicate ideas to each other by mentioning their beliefs like Muhammad said this, that, or something else with the non Muslims around them not being aware of the secret message that just went over their heads because they don't know the religion and the meanings of their comments.
Now, this should prove what I said about the lefty upper class trash setting up fake sites to discredit me and others saying what I have been teaching for almost two decades now. First, they hacked my computer twice but that didn't stop me and then they tried to censor me but they got too much backlash so they tried to discredit me with their fake sites but God is turning those fake sites back against them to discredit them by providing me with links to Muslim sites telling you what I have been telling you and the exact opposite of what the lefty fake sites are telling you.
Pay attention to those fake sites' addresses and you will notice that they are all lefty organizations and not Muslim organizations or individuals. The left is so stupid they couldn't even set up fake Muslim addresses for their fake sites.
I told you in that essay that God would take care of it and He did by providing me with links to Muslim sites telling the truth about Islam in great detail.
What I am going to share with you next has me pretty upset and, after considerable prayer and thought, I decided that I MUST share this with you because it is critically important and you need to know about this so you can keep an eye on it.
First, remember that I told you that I felt it is very likely they are using this vaccine to depopulate the planet without most people realizing the upper class trash are committing global genocide and for you to watch it?
If what Dr. Sean Brooks says in this video is true, then the upper class trash are right now using this vaccine to depopulate the planet just like I thought. I am looking for other confirmation on what he said because this is the most massive and horrific crime in history.
In that video he is alleged to be quoting what Dr. Robert Malone, creator of mRNA vaccine technology told him. It seems that what may have happened is that Dr. Malone did not want to make the truth known in a public statement (out of fear?) but told it to Dr. Brooks in confidence and Dr. Brooks made it known in a public statement.
You can see an interview between Tucker Carlson and Dr. Malone at this site that was more toned down than the statement by Dr. Brooks but, in which, Dr. Malone did state that "the chemicals are too dangerous" and was adamant that children should definitely not get the vaccine.
I am keeping an eye on this while looking for more evidence.
People, if what Dr. Brooks said is true, this is the upper class trash trying to murder or commit global genocide against more than 7 billion people and it would explain why the lefties are so adamant about EVERYONE taking the vaccine. Based on what I have been seeing, I believe this is very likely to be true, which is why I think you should keep an eye on it.
BTW, if this is true, with them trying to force doctors, the military, teachers, and all lefties to get vaccinated, they are already in the process of purging their lefty supporters like the teachers and media, they are trying to get rid of the military so the military cannot stop their insurrection to set up their global dictatorship, and they are trying to get rid of doctors so you won't have anyone to save your butts when they turn other pathogens loose on you.
This is easily biological warfare at its worse. Remember that I told you that of conventional, chemical, biological, and nuclear war, you better be more concerned about biological war than the others.
Just imagine hospitals with no doctors and nurses when the lefty upper class trash turn the next disease loose on you.
You better pray long, pray hard, pray often, secure your red zones, and lock and load because it looks like the upper class trash are making their move to depopulate the planet right now so there won't be anyone left to stop their global dictatorship. People, only God can save our butts from the evil upper class trash spawn of Satan now. You better get right with God so He will listen to your prayers because He doesn't listen to sinful people.
I feel I cannot not overstate how serious this is because these crazy, greedy, power mad, inbred upper class trash may be wiping out all life on this planet right now. I have not been able to write much since I saw this because I have been too busy praying about it. It is now time to write about it so you can also watch it.
People, if they are using this vaccine to commit global genocide and they fail to murder everyone off, they could easily end up murdering 3 to 5 billion people who are already vaccinated. It is my opinion that, if they are right now using this vaccine to commit global genocide, everyone involved from the top down to the least troll should be hung with the ones at the top being publically drawn and quartered to pay for this evil crime against humanity.
This crime DWARFS all other crimes throughout history COMBINED! No one has ever tried to murder more than 7 billion people before or even just one billion people. All of the dictators combined for the last 100 years have only murdered about 200 to 400 million people globally.
Keep an eye on this.
Yersinia Pestis
Remember that I have been warning you about the rodent pandemic we have created across this nation by killing free roaming feral cats could cause any number of disease pandemics, especially Yersinia Pestis or the Black Plague?
Most people think the Plague is moved primarily or even just by rodents but that isn't true. I told you that it is moved by a "complex vector system" made up of a combination of fleas and rodents but, for prolonged movement, like crossing oceans on sailing ships, it is moved almost entirely by fleas.
Because Yersinia Pestis kills rodents within a week or two but does not kill fleas, which explains why the disease was able to travel thousands of miles by sailing ships covering months and even years.
You have to remember that I told you that the primary (but not only) source of food for fleas is rodent blood. As the rodent population grows so does the flea population. That is very important to remember.
About 40 years ago I was talking to a forest ranger who told me that every spring southeast of Albuquerque, New Mexico, they could tell when Yersinia Pestis was active by the appearance of dead rodents moving or spreading across the forest floor, covering miles over a few months.
Hold it, if it kills rodents, then why does it not kill rodents all winter too?
Because, after the infected rodents die off and during the winter, the infected fleas go dormant or hibernate until the next spring when it warms up and the rodents start reproducing again. It is these dormant fleas that maintain Yersinia Pestis in any area and, because of them, the disease doesn't go away completely.
So, what would happen on those old sailing ships that moved Yersinia Pestis around the world without seeing land for months is that rodents would carry the fleas aboard the ships, the rodents would die, and the fleas would go dormant inside passenger belongings or cargo until they reached land, where the fleas could get new rodent blood for food, spreading the disease to other continents.
Sometimes, the fleas would not go dormant and would start using human blood for food, infecting the humans, which cause the people to die off, and sometimes turned those old sailing ships into "ghost ships".
Yersinia Pestis was certainly carried into the US Southwest by fleas hitching a ride in the Spanish settlers' belongings or cargo until they reached an area where the fleas would be disembarked by the people unloading their belongings and setting the fleas loose because the rodents that had carried those fleas into those belongings or the ship's cargo had long died off before the ships reached the American continents.
So you see that fleas and other blood sucking organisms play an important part in moving diseases around the world but rodents play the most important part concerning moving Yersinia Pestis through towns or onto ships.
Remember that I also told you that such diseases will also kill the upper class trash, especially something like Yersinia Pestis?
What? They have rodents and fleas in rich homes, businesses, and areas?
Watch this video about a cruising couple visiting Martha's Vineyard, home of the mega wealthy, and the problem they had with fleas in a big grocery store that is probably also used by the Obamas or at least by their servants, who would carry those fleas into the Obama mansion with things like groceries and clothing and you can bet rodents will move fleas from the town out to those very expensive mansions.
Do you believe me yet?
Remember that I told you that the bigger the house, mansion, palaces, or whatever, the more room you have for rodents, fleas, mosquitos, and other organisms to live in without being noticed. Remember that the White House has a bug and rodent problem or pandemic.
Yeah, and they are so arrogant and ignorant that they think they will be impervious to the diseases they plan to turn loose on us to depopulate the planet because they are rich?
Fighting Back
Remember that I keep telling you that I keep seeing more and more people fighting back against the lefties?
This video Channel is about a guy who regularly reports on different groups fighting back to stop the left's insurrection, he even works with some of those groups, and he encourages others to do the same. He is a breath of fresh air in this insane mess.
It is encouraging to see that I am not the only one in this fight because, from where I am, it is not easy to see others in the fight on our side.
In this video he shows that there are still some good attorneys and AGs working for us to stop this insurrection by the left. There are still a lot of good people in and involved with our government. Satan may have his spawn infiltrated into everything but God has His people infiltrated into everything too.
Poser Christians
Remember that I have been warning you about poser Christians who are not true believing Christians?
This video tells me that, once again, my estimates were conservative. Very few of the people who profess to be Christians really are true Christians.
Gee, I wonder why God is opening eyes, giving people more chances to turn back to Him, and taking so long before He gets ticked and closes the door on the lost? Because there are so many of them who have had their eyes closed by Satan and his spawn so God needs to open those eyes?
What? 94% of professing Christians are not true, born again, conservative Biblical Christians? Gee, I wonder why God is punishing this nation by letting us have what we want and letting what we want destroy our nation? Gee, I wonder why God is permitting Satan's pagans to get what they want so they will show their true colors to turn more people from those pagans to God?
No I don't, it is obvious why He is punishing this nation and permitting the pagans to get enough of what they want to turn more of us from paganism to God.
Listen, the only reason we still have a nation is because of the 6% who are true Christians and God is preventing Satan's spawn from getting everything they want and completely destroying this nation before God is ready to build a new Christian nation. If there are 100 million people who profess to be Christians, then that means there are only 6 million true Christians out of more than 320 million people.
I was hoping it was 30% to 50% of professing Christians were true Christians but, hey, maybe God is turning that many to Him?
I sure hope and pray so. People, the rest of you better repent of your sins, accept Jesus as your savior, turn back to God, pray long, pray hard, pray often, secure your red zones, and lock and load because this is going to get even nastier than I thought it would in order to turn more of those people to God.
I am going to keep praying for the rest of you to accept Jesus as your savior but I also know that God can save this planet with only 8 Christians, you know, like He did with Noah and his family. It would suck for the rest of you but that is your choice.
I strongly suggest that the Christians in this nation stage a massive revival, really massive, you know, like super duper massive. We are talking Nineveh and Jonah time here, people.
What a mess we Christians have created with Satan's tolerance thingy. Satan has used our tolerance of his pagans' sins to be able to win more of us to being his disciples and not God's children. No wonder God told us REPEATEDLY in the Bible that not taking a stand against sin would cost us, you know, like it is costing us right now, you know, our nation.
This sucks and it is our fault because we didn't want to be "confrontational", you know, take a stand for God. We have a lot of souls to win, people, so we better get busy and in a hurry.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....