Remember that I have been telling you that Trudeau and his upper class trash political party have set up a dictatorship in Canada and they are all tyrants?
In this video Tucker points out that Canada has become a dictatorship and I am wondering what balance of power Canada is supposed to have to prevent this from happening.
Who is supposed to arrest Trudeau when he turns Canada into a dictatorship? Don't they have a control or balance of power to prevent that?
Someone isn't doing their job.
Nazi Canada makes even Nazi Australia look good and this should be a concern to everyone because the three top nations in Britain's Common Wealth are now dictatorships with the British Royals trying to regain control over the US. In effect, the leaders of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are now vassal kings and queens who serve at the "pleasure" of another king or queen because, ultimately, they all serve at the pleasure of the Queen of England. By Common Wealth law, she can stop them but isn't raising a hand to stop them.
Gee, I wonder why?
This means that all of those corrupt politicians supporting these dictators are almost certainly members of the royal family.
Do you believe me yet that the Euro-American Royals are now setting up their global dictatorship? Getting a bit obvious, is it?
The royals are grabbing for absolute power around the planet just like I have been telling you. I expect Obama, a member of the British Royal Family, to make his grab for permanent power soon, you know, get rid of ye ole puppet, Biden. Things are coming together, even though their plans keep failing, they just keep grabbing more and more for absolute power. They are now risking revolution to cease control of entire nations.
Remember that I have been telling you that all of this beating of ye ole war drums was about money, money, and more money at your expense?
And God said, "The love of money is the root to all evil."
In this video he very effectively points out what I have been telling you for more than a week. Too many people who stand to benefit from a war with Russia are beating the warm drums to cause that war with no regard to truth and the people who will be harmed.
Do you believe me yet that these human demons are evil and they have no good intentions?
All they care about is themselves and their bank accounts. They didn't even stop long enough to figure out whether we will win this war.
"Yes, yes, we must go to war with Russia to stop whatever it is they will do! Why, we have to stop Putin from causing harm to people like we will do with our war."
This man in the video is a very well educated and articulate man and he is in touch with reality.
Then I found this video which tells you just what I have been saying about the mess the US has created in Ukraine. Note that he points out about how many nations the US has invaded in relation to how many nations Russia has invaded since the fall of the Soviet Union and, guess what, Russia has not invaded one nation.
Also note that he pointed out the lies you get from ye ole x-spirts and now the lying lefty media couldn't beat ye ole war drums loud enough.
"Hey, we gots tuh make more money faster murdering people."
You can't believe anything the MSM say any more. If they are not lying, they are not talking.
He also pointed out just like I have been telling you; the upper class trash criminals NEVER stop, NEVER!
Do you believe me yet that the only thing that will stop these evil things is death?
The second half of that video is about Nazi Canada and der Fuhrer Trudeau's dictatorship. People, it isn't just Trudeau. I have taught you before that no one person can set up or run a dictatorship. It is Trudeau's party, the bureaucrats, the media, and law enforcement that have created and are building this commie dictatorship.
Just like at Nuremberg, there are a lot of people you have to hang.
Have you noticed how the left works?
They commit the crimes, call you the criminal, and then use them falsely branding you the criminal as a justification for attacking you to silence you.
Remember that I told you that Putin, being backed in a corner, will resort to nukes, at least tactical nukes?
Then I found out that Putin has moved his planned nuclear training exercises up from this coming fall to right now.
I see this as a combination of preparing his troops for war because the lefties and greedy conservatives continuing to beat their war drums so they can get richer from a war with Russia and a warning to the US to back off.
Putin is also staging a naval training program in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea that could pose all kinds of threats to the US and allies.
Listen, we better back off because the same current military leaders of Austin, Milley, and their staffs are the same people who gave us Afghanistan and I got confirmation they were Obama's people who gave us Benghazi. Hey, at least they are consistently terrible military commanders.
Then I found this video that tells you what I have been telling you and more, especially about the 2014 US CIA coup of the Ukraine government. It is also looking like Ukraine may be a diversion from the problems the left is having with everything they try failing so keep an eye on that too.
Chemical Companies
Remember that I have been telling you that the chemical companies have numerous rackets and cons for making more and more money at your expense.
This video tells you about some of the lies and cons of some of the chemical companies. The chemical industry is at least as corrupt as the banking industry and more deadly.
Do you believe me yet that the people running these chemical companies are the spawn of Satan and human demons?
They don't care who or how many people they hurt as long as they make more and more money. These chemical companies have gotten to where they are really in the business of hurting people for money.
Remember that I have been telling you that this COVID fakedemic was never about a mild flu virus but was about power, control, and greed?
This video shows that to be true in considerable detail. She takes you through it step-by-step showing how the upper class trash have worked each step of the way. This is a well done video.
God is opening eyes just like I told you and more and more people are seeing the very, extremely ugly truth about the left, especially the upper class trash.
It also shows you that their plans are failing and they are losing control.
Then this video shows you how the left has divided everyone into two groups with the left not even listening to the truth and hating it for what they want to believe.
This division is the two sides in the war I told you that God told me about years ago. Almost everyone has seen the truth and made their decision as to which side they are fighting on, the war is already ongoing, and it will soon escalate into a terrible bloody mess.
I warned you about this years ago.
Remember that I have been telling you that everything the left is and has been doing is about money and control?
This video shows you some of that. They even told you what I have been telling you about their conservation and environmental crusades actually not being about the environment but about control and money. The upper class trash don't care about the environment, you, or anything but themselves and their bank accounts.
The left lies about everything. You can't believe anything they say.
Do you want to see how bad the left has failed at everything they have done?
This video lists their failures for you, show you how bad it is for them, and how desperate they are to hold onto power. They are extremely desperate so keep an eye out for violence.
Bogus Science
Remember that I have been warning you about what we call "bogus science"? Remember that I have told you that we used to call these types of scientists "academic whores" because they prostitute their degrees, you know, like Fauci?
This is science that is done for any number of reasons except for science. The MD on this video is pointing out bogus science which is done to prove what the government wants you to believe in order to control what they want you to do. He tells you about a paper he even published concerning bogus science.
The government isn't the only one who finances this type of bogus science. Major chemical corporations finance bogus science to convince you that you just gots tuh hab der chemicals, you know, like vaccines. They have been doing this for more than 100 years with bogus science "proving that free roaming feral cats devastate ecosystems" so you will kill off all free roaming feral cats so you will be forced to use their chemicals to control the populations of things like bugs and rodents.
Nonprofit corporations, especially involved in conservation and ecology regularly do bogus science to prove that you should or should not do things because they will "harm the environment."
Remember that I told you about the bogus science they did on 5 Polynesian islands decades ago to prove that "free roaming feral cats devastate ecosystems" so the left could seize control of those islands to "protect those islands" as their personal private paradises?
One thing he points out in the video is the flaws in their research projects and the CDC scientists didn't realize those flaws?
Of course they did and it is very likely they used those flaws to provide the "data" they needed to scare you into doing what they wanted you to do, you know, Fauci's data. He even shows you how the CDC used such flaws to scare parents into getting their children vaccinated.
Do you believe me yet?
Do you see why data isn't science the way Fauci tells you it is because data can be manipulated to make it say what you want it to say?
I have been warning you about bogus science for years. When you know this stuff about science, you can see right through their lies like looking through windows.
Do you believe me yet? Do you believe me that Fauci and all of these fraudulent "scientists" or academic whores should be investigated, especially for offshore bank accounts, and prosecuted for a variety of crimes including fraud because they did commit fraud in the name of science? Do you believe me yet that these people are criminals?
He tells you some of the reasons why you shouldn't believe or trust academic whores prostituting their degrees. They will say whatever they are paid to say just like I have been telling you.
Note that he talks about these whores and their overlords "shredding credibility" and I have told you that we were trained to know that the most important thing a scientist has is their credibility. In science, if you don't have credibility, you know, like Fauci, no one can believe a thing you say, which should destroy your career in science. Fauci should never be listened to by anyone ever against, especially AFTER he bragged on TV that he is a liar and, therefore, has zero credibility.
In his statements, the MD in that video was being very careful with which words he used.
Remember that I have been telling you that, if you are a lefty and they see you to not be useful any more or think you are a threat or even if you are in someone else's way, they will shove your butt under ye ole commie bus?
This video shows you they are doing that to Hillary right now. She is in the way, they know she cannot win, and they have someone else, probably Meghan, so they have started a campaign to get rid of her that has caused most lefties to turn on her and want to have her investigated for her crimes.
The upper class trash have very clearly decided to get rid of her and have turned most of the Commierats against her.
Don't be surprised to see her go to prison for a few years or end up dead in some way to get rid of her, though, since she is a royal, she may not face any charges. They may only be intimidating her to get her out of the way. This will be interesting and could be an eye opener for all lefties.
BTW, this shows you just how massive the upper class trash corruption is when it involved entire law firms and other businesses. Pay attention to all of the groups/businesses and people involved in these crimes. The upper class trash corruption is massive, probably involving tens of millions of people and you are only getting small glimpses of it here and there.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....