Remember that I have been telling you that the royals are working together to set up their global dictatorship or monarchy?
They have been telling you too since Bush I but most people don't pay attention.
After I posted the last essay, I realized that they are right now in the final stages of grabbing for that power. It seems that they believe that, with a combination of psychological warfare to intimidate and distract the people plus bad cops and bad military to bully and force the people to submit to their tyranny, they feel they have enough control and power to risk seizing control of our nations to set up their dictatorships to work towards setting up their global dictatorship without having to worry about guillotine haircuts. They seem to no longer fear losing their evil heads.
What they have been doing with this fakedemic is testing the waters to see if they could get away with their insurrection or treason, which makes me believe that the entire fakedemic thing was planned from the start for this purpose, and they obviously now believe they can get away with it and keep their evil heads. That is why they have already seized control of nations and states like Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Austria, California, and others and they are getting closer to seizing control of the entire US.
The upper class trash royals are right now staging their coup and finalizing setting up their dictatorships. You better pray long, pray hard, pray often, and lock and load.
The people are taking a stand against this insurrection or power grab but the royals are succeeding at occupying the people with fighting the bad cops in the streets so the people are not thinking about storming the castles and taking off the upper class trash royal heads to put an end to this evil.
I would not be surprised to find out that at least some of the organizers of these "protests" are being paid by the upper class trash to organize the protests to keep the people busy fighting the bad cops in the streets instead of storming the castles and taking out the people causing these problems in what you would call a slight of hand or diversion.
The problem with the upper class trash royals is that 1) they know too many people believe their lies, 2) they know most people won't even protest, 3) they know that too many of the protestors won't fight, and 4) they believe they can keep the true fighters distracted with the protests or discourage enough of them long enough by locking some of them up that it will be too late by the time they do fight directly against the royals and not just against their thugs.
You better pray that God put will it in the hearts of the right people to do the right things before it is too late or almost all of you, including the bad cops and military, will end up dead.
BTW, Canada is a member of the British Common Wealth, which, in an emergency, The Queen of England has absolute control over any and all member nations of the Common Wealth. That means that the Queen of England can step in and remove Trudeau because of their state of emergency and I am wonder why she has not.
Is he her vassal king setting up the vassal kingdom for her? Is she waiting for the people to get angry enough so that she can step in, remove Trudeau, and look like the people's savior while maintaining the monarchy or dictatorship set up by Trudeau in a slight of hand, you know, are they playing "good cop, bad cop" and Trudeau is the bad cop?
Keep an eye on this and question everything.
Remember that I have told you that it takes more traitors than just one to set up and maintain a dictatorship?
The Canadian Parliament is probably going to pass a law making Trudeau's emergency powers "permanent", you know, a completely consolidated dictatorship. Know that EVERYONE from Trudeau down to the bad cops is committing treason by working to enforce this evil dictatorship on the people.
That is why, at the Nuremberg Trials, they hung hundreds of people who helped Hitler commit his crimes against humanity. Hitler wasn't the only criminal and neither is Trudeau.
Everyone who is aiding and abetting Trudeau in his treason is complicit and an accomplice in his treasonous crimes against humanity.
Upper Class Trash
I am suddenly seeing a rash of upper class trash under investigation showing up dead "from suicide or murder/suicide". This could be someone like the Clintons cleaning house to get rid of witnesses. I think these people have something to do with Epstein.
Keep an eye on this. Something really bad is going down and someone is cleaning house. Hey, dead witnesses can't talk.
Queen of England
Remember that I told you that since the coup by the Queen's royal brats against her failed to depose the Queen, for you to not be surprised if she suddenly dies?
Surprise, surprise; the Queen just got COVID 19 and the royal brats are "concerned for her health". "Why, she might die!"
Gee, who would have figured? Why is she the only member of that family to get COVID with them all living together?
What a magic coincidence.
And God said, "Be not deceived, your sins will find you out."
This means that Charles is probably the acting King of England and ye ole Common Wealth.
Hey, if they will snuff ye ole Queen, they will snuff anyone else, you know, ALL of you lefty commie traitors.
Obama Library
I just checked for updates on construction for the Obama Library on February 21, 2022 and the last posted update was on January 5, 2022 so I left a question as to whether they will continue updates.
By January 5 they were doing the last drilling for subsurface structures, which, 41 days later, should have been completed. A conservative estimate is that they should have at least finished the foundation by now.
Unless they have had some setbacks, a finish date of May or June should be reasonable.
Chemical Industry
I am now absolutely convinced that the most corrupt and vile industry in the world is not the banking industry but is the chemical industry. I have given you other examples of their corruption and deceits.
In college biology we studied all of the forms of contraception with the best, most dependable, trouble free, and safest form being the IUD, which was a small non corrosive metal device that was placed in the female cervix to create pressure inside the cervix to fool the body into believing it was pregnant. This caused the female to not ovulate so she wouldn't get pregnant.
People, the old IUD was just a small piece of non corrosive metal that was placed inside the female cervix, a woman had to wait 30 days before having sex, and, if she wanted to have children, they took out the IUD and she started ovulating again within 30 days. After she was finished having babies, they just put another one in her cervix.
With the IUD, less than one in 100,000 women got pregnant, the device worked for decades at a time, and I never heard of any medical problems with it. It was so effective that it was rated as being 100% effective.
Women have been effectively using IUDs in one form or another for more than 3,000 years with the Greek whores using small, smooth river pebbles about 3,000 years ago.
The next best form of birth control was the tubaligation/vasectomy with a success rate of about 90%.
The birth control pill was rated as being the next most effective and dependable form of contraception with a success rate of about 60% to 70%. It also made the chemical companies and doctors quite a bit of money because the women had to purchase the pills every month and the doctors got a kickback from the chemical companies on the prescriptions they wrote.
Note that the chemical companies made no money from the IUD, the very successful IUD was cutting into the chemical companies profits from the birth control pills, and the chemical companies also made very little money from the tubal.
I was trying to get my daughter to have her teenage daughter put on the IUD to protect her but she kept refusing and her reasons didn't make sense. I finally discussed it with her daughter in private, who told me about the medical problems the IUD caused. I was stunned and was wondering what had happened.
This morning I did some research and it seems that a chemical company bought out the company that made the small metal IUDs, dumped that safe, small metal IUD, and started making a chemical releasing IUD that causes all of those medical problems. They had destroyed something very good to make money with something very bad.
The chemical IUD that replaced the small metal IUD causes all sorts of serious medical problems and even can lacerate the uterus, but, hey, it makes the chemical companies money.
They also had a law passed, you know, paid off the corrupt, greedy politicians, in New Mexico that a woman cannot get a tubal unless she is 27 years old and has had at least 2 children, one boy and one girl, you know, as if the tubals cannot be reversed, which they have been successfully reversing for decades so women could have children.
This forces all women to use the chemical companies' birth control pills that do cause medical problems and women regularly get pregnant on until they are at least 27 and had a boy and a girl unless they want even more serious medical problems from their chemical IUD. That is about 15 more years of them having to buy those chemical companies' birth control pills times about 50 to 100 million women.
You know, the way the bogus science about cats devastating ecosystems is being used to kill off free roaming feral cats so you are forced to use their chemicals to control bug and rodent populations and their bogus science about sugar being bad forces you to use their sugar replacement chemicals that do cause you harm and the way their bogus science about salt causing high blood pressure scares people into using their salt replacement chemicals that do cause you harm and is killing thousands of people every year from Hyponatremia or low salt blood level and the way their bogus science about their poisons makes people believe their chemicals just magically disappear with their biodegradable chemicals, "decreasing them polluting the environment", when all it does is make the chemicals stop working sooner forcing you to buy increasing amounts of their chemicals, polluting the environment at least 10 to 20 times faster and worse and the way their bogus science scares people into getting their worthless vaccines that do not protect people from getting infected or spreading the virus but do cause harm and kill people and they are already telling you that they plan to milk that cash cow as long as they can because "we are going to have more pandemics", hint, hint, and on and on and on.
Do you get the picture yet? Do you believe me that they are probably the most corrupt, evil, and vile industry in the world?
These evil sub human spawn of Satan don't care who they hurt or kill as long as they make more money and they are extremely innovative at making money with lies and bogus science cons and fraud.
And God said, "The love of money is the root to all evil."
So, what biological warfare weapons do you think that Fauci and his evil government owned academic whore pals are breeding in their biological warfare labs now to be turned loose on you next?
Well, let's do the math, you know I love math.
Let's see, the lefty royals are grabbing for their global power right now so they are in the final stages of their planned insurrection or treason so they will be most likely to use their most deadly weapons against you and they already have been telling us for decades that they plan to depopulate or murder off better than 90% of you globally and, by the strangest magical coincidence, the pathogen I have been warning you about for a few decades now has an untreated mortality rate of better than 90%, gee, what a coincidence, unless it gets into your lungs and it becomes the Pneumonic Plague, which has a mortality rate of almost 100%. Yeah, that is right, Yersinia Pestis or the Black Plague that almost wiped out mankind 700 years ago.
Of course, you should know they will want to use that deadly disease for their final move.
And they have spent the last 100+ years brainwashing you into believing it is evil to let feral cats that control those rodent populations free roam because their bogus science has "proved" free roaming feral cats are the only animal on the planet that devastate ecosystems, you know, not 500 pound African lions, 2,500 pound grizzly bears, or 18 foot crocodiles but little 8 pound house cats, why, if you let them free roam, dey will take over the galaxy, so they have managed to decrease the population of free roaming feral cats to where we have rodent pandemics everywhere, you know, just like they had right before the Black Plague 700 years ago. Gee, what a coincidence.
It isn't that they didn't learn from the Black Plague, it is that they learned and they are evil.
Plus I have been watching them stage test runs on using Yersinia Pestis here and there, you know, like the island of Madagascar, which makes a nice little bio-weapons test lab.
Add to that that the royals have used this COVID 19 fakedemic to get rid of many of the doctors and nurses, which will result in the death of more of you. Gee, what a coincidence.
Gee, there sure are a lot of magic coincidences, aren't there?
And, if you think you were scared by a mild flu virus they hyped the crap out of, just wait until you see family, friends, and neighbors dying the horrible death of Yersinia Pestis. It ain't purdy, people. You will watch them or they will watch you quickly turn black, starting at the tips of your fingers, toes, ears, and nose, over a period of 2 weeks with increasing excruciating pain and screaming until they/you die an agonizing death. Some of those who get it will actually commit suicide, especially after watching others die from it.
You can bet that ALL of the stupid people will get on their knees and beg the government that turned that bio-weapon loose on them to save their stupid butts, still refusing to admit it was their evil government that turned it loose on them. That is when the royals will be most likely to get their absolute power because you ain't seen scared yet. It will be the greatest, most ruthless, most brutal terrorist attack in history with the greatest mortality rate.
People, this COVID 19 fakedemic was just a test or dry run for the next pandemic they are already telling you "will happen", you know, when they turn it loose on you.
That is my guess at this time and I tend to guess a lot better than most people. You just might want to grow a nice, big, healthy population of free roaming feral cats to get your local rodent population as low as possible before this happens and it could happen any day now.
By now, I think most of you have learned that the upper class trash and their evil puppets are evil enough to do just that, especially with what you have seen in this fakedemic.
They say that Putin and Biden are negotiating.
What? How much of Hunter's art Putin has to buy to get what he wants?
Think about it because, to Biden, this planet is for sale.
Then I found this video that explains some of what just happened.
Putin just backed down the West, especially the US, and the story has changed from Putin trying to stop Ukraine from becoming a member of NATO, which is what he was saying all along, to a different story that is more acceptable to Americans.
Putin has officially recognized the Donbass area as being two sovereign states because Ukraine violated their negotiated peace deal with the Donbass area and Putin is being allowed to send troops into Donbass as a "peace keeping force" to protect Donbass from Ukraine. It is even being mentioned that these two new sovereign states will, of their own accord, be allowed to return to being a part of Russia. Gee, what a coincidence.
You know that was a negotiated deal, you know, not let Ukraine be a NATO member and give Putin some of Ukraine to make him look good and buy him off. Hey, if Biden can't defeat the Taliban, he sure can't defeat Putin.
Biden is trying to save face with minor sanctions, mostly against the Donbass area but some against Russia but everyone is acknowledging that Biden "made another bad international deal", I guess because he didn't go to war with Russia and kill off millions of people while making too many upper class trash more wealthy.
A big part of this was using this potential "World War III" as a distraction to take people's attention away from the increasing tyranny in Western nations like Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and other places to take some of the energy out of the growing rebellion against the lefty upper class trash. It turns out that Biden's distraction from his mess of failures is just making Biden look even worse.
Are they still going to try to get rid of Putin so they can set up their global dictatorship?
Maybe later but they may have just made a deal with him to have Russia as his own kingdom for a while. Remember that Putin isn't the nicest guy in the world but he isn't the worst either and God is using Putin to turn Russia into a Christian state. He may have just bought his people some time.
Remember that I told you that there are things that even the president doesn't know are going on?
Watch this video. Someday, you are going to learn that I know what I am talking about.
People, the US classification system uses what is called "need to know", meaning that you are only told what you need to know to do the job you need to do. This means that everyone in the government, you know, like the president or Hillary, is told "what they need to know to do their job" and nothing else and they became very strict about this after Jimmuh Carhtuh breached national security trying to beat Reagan in that election, very strict. In ECM I needed to know a lot of things to do my job that most people in the government do not need to know to do their job. That means that I know things that almost all politicians, bureaucrats, media, special operations, and even top level officers in the Pentagon don't know because they don't need to know those things to do their jobs.
This intelligence war is going on in super secret between both good and bad parties just within the US and European states but was started to keep an eye on potential traitors by at least the 1970s, when I was trained in how it worked. It started to deny the president information about classified information with Jimmuh Carhtuh because he breached national security to win the election against Reagan and has continued and grown into an intelligence war between good and evil factions since.
Note that he told you what I told you years ago that, if a person makes contact with a "target" (person of interest they are watching), that person who makes that contact is watched at least long enough to find out if they are being used as a "mule" to carry classified information to the enemy or other people. They check out everyone, baby.
I taught you about how I used this system years ago when someone committed a crime against someone I loved and the local cops didn't have the means with which to investigate the people involved in that crime so I used that system to get the feds to watch me because I also knew it was a federal felony, so I could set up for the feds to find out about the crime and it took me about 8 to 10 years of playing the game.
I know secret information and I knew that, if I contacted any foreign agent, the feds would be required to watch me the rest of my life. I was trained to know that. So I made prolonged contact with an Israeli intelligence officer I knew the feds were watching so now they have to watch me for the rest of my life and anyone I make contact with. You can bet they are watching this blog.
After I was certain the feds were watching me, I made contact with one of the suspects for that crime in a way that caused that person to make contact with another suspect and talk about the crime they committed based on human behavior with me knowing that the feds would be watching him have that discussion because of his contact with me.
I wrote about that in detail a number of years ago and I know of at least one case that got started because of that. We do things like that in espionage and counter measures all of the time. We are trained to use the system.
I told you that, what they do is look for "red flags" showing that a person may need to be watched and watch that person as long as they need to watch them. They don't want to waste resources watching people they don't need to watch.
But the CIA began going bad back in the 1970s because of the Commierats and what they were doing. Since then the Commierats have infiltrated bad guys into everything but the military saw what they were doing and set up some countermeasures I told you about and have been occasionally pointing out to you, you know, like with the US Military working with Trump and his shadow government. They were keeping their oaths, hint, hint.
Go back and read over my old essays. They just keep proving me right.
Remember that I have been telling that, within all dictatorships, there is always infighting and purges?
This video shows you how that has been going on in China for decades and is getting worse.
All dictators always get paranoid (and should to stay alive because no one can trust a traitor, not even another traitor) and start purging anyone and everyone they THINK MIGHT pose a threat to their continued rule and life. You don't have to actually pose a threat to them, they just have to THINK you MIGHT and you get "interrogated" (read tortured) and usually dead.
Remember that I told you how Stalin purged 100% of the people who helped him get into power and that dictators always purge at least 90% of the people who help them get into power?
You better know that the royals will not only do the same thing they have been doing for thousands of years but I have been watching them purge people for decades, you know, how the Clintons have murdered more than 100 people, and the infighting has also been going on for decades.
This shows you some of the drama involved in such infighting and purges. They ALWAYS happen and have been going on in the West for quite a few years. You watch, as the royals finish consolidating their power, the number of royals and their puppets dying will quickly increase.
If you have seen it in the past, you recognize it in the present.
And God said, "There is nothing new under the sun."
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....