I Told You So 655


Remember that I told you that the West made itself vulnerable by sacking their militaries for greed?

Africa is now walking all over Europe with Europe trying to play non confrontational games against Africa and losing.

Niger just had Russia station troops at the same air base as US troops. They have been trying to get the US troops to leave but the US is refusing so Niger stationed the Russian troops there knowing that if the US shoots at the Russian troops, it will start WWIII.

Afghan Joe is kind of ticked.

Later I found out that a two star US general was sent to Niger to arrange the removal of the US troops from Niger.

I told you this would get interesting, didn't I? Do you believe me yet that Rome II is falling and close to hitting bottom?

It is being finished off by the God hating pagan left.

Interesting Thoughts

The stupid people won't be able to continue to vote for upper class trash criminals if they are all burning in Hell.

Also, I just realized that, when God proves me to be His prophet, it will cause quite a few people, especially the young, to turn to God. It will prove that God is real and the Bible is true. That will be good.

Afghan Joe is now placing MORE sanctions on Russia and North Korea. There goes the US/European economies some more. You just know these will fail at least as badly as all of the others.

Do you believe me yet that the lefties are too stupid to learn and to arrogant to admit they are wrong or failed so they just keep doing the same great sounding stupid stuff? Whose side are the upper class trash Royals and their puppets on? Their side or Russia's side?

It is like they are so stupid they are betraying themselves.


I am watching Israel do small missions while wondering why she has not yet started her offensive into Fatah? Is it so she can get more civilians out of the way of the invasion?

She has to be clearing and preparing for her coming invasion and it is taking longer than anticipated.

Mean while, the Houthis are trying to recruit our already brainwashed commie/Muslim college students who just got kicked out of college for protesting in support of Hamas to be Houthi terrorists. Don't be surprised if these protesters start staging terrorist attacks in the US funded by the Houthis.

The cops have arrested more than 2,200 violent protesters and that is a lot of violent terrorists for the Houthis. You just know they are salivating big time over that. Keep an eye on this.

I am getting the feeling that the pier being built by the US is just show to make it look like the US is helping so I am expecting Hamas to fire at the US troops working on the pier the same way the Houthis fire at and always miss US ships in the Red Sea and other Iranian terrorist organizations fire at US troops in Syria and Iraq and keep missing, you know, for show. Keep an eye on it.

Here is an easy prediction; that Gaza pier thingy is going to fail and backfire really bad on Afghan Joe and company. I saw that Hamas is already planning an attack on our troops and, with rockets, they can attack them from almost anywhere in Gaza.

Just having a dock a few miles out in the sea is not going to protect the troops from rockets that can travel 20 to 50 miles. The upper class trash Royals and their puppets don't have any common sense because of their reprobate minds.

Lloyd Austin, you know, Afghan Austin, says he is confidence of the security of the US troops building and working the pier. That has me worried.

I am so tired of this lefty upper class trash Royal crap.

BTW, China will be committing troops to the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 because Iran will want her to and China needs Iran's oil. She is already expressing being on the side with Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah.

When China's troops and leaders get wiped out, it will likely open the door for Taiwan to seize control of Beijing and control over China to set up their democracy in China.

All of this hatred for Hebrews in other nations is going to drive most Hebrews to Israel for safety and security.

Remember that I told you that someone is threatening to kick the Hamas leaders out of Qatar?

I just found this video telling that it is the US pressuring Qatar to exile the Hamas leaders if they do not make a cease fire with Israel so Afghan Joe and his accomplices can save their Hamas terrorists from being destroyed by Israel.

What? The proxies are not obeying their lords? Gee, you don't think that the Nation of Islam is already in control of most Muslim nations, do you?

Stinkin' Blinken ORDERED Qatar to exile the Hamas leaders if they do not obey and the head of Qatar warned the Hamas leaders.

Are you getting the picture yet? Do you believe me yet?

Then, surprise of surprises, the video tells you that Qatar has been providing sanctuary for the Hamas terrorist leaders since 2012 at the REQUEST of the US, you know, by Mahdi Obama and the Nation of Islam. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

It couldn't get more obvious that the Nation of Islam/Mahdi Obama are working with Iran to destroy Israel so they can control the Temple Mount to confirm Mahdi Obama as the official Muslim Mahdi to unite all of Islam behind Mahdi Obama to conquer and rule the world just like I have been telling you.

I told you that I have been watching and following all of this since the 1960s and Afghan Joe is their puppet and front man.


I have been waiting for Russia to make their move to capture Kharkiv and I just found out that they just stationed 35,000 troops near Kharkiv so keep an eye on that. A day later, they moved a few thousand more troops into that area.

Russia is saying that they have killed more than 111,000 Ukrainian troops in the first 4 months of 2024.

How do they know?

It is easy, they just intercept the communications between the troops and headquarters reporting the losses the top officers need to know about for management, operations, and planning. Russia listens to those communications every day, all day. They know how many troops Ukraine has lost because Ukrainian communications tell them.

If Ukraine has already lost more than 100,000 in the first third of this year without Russia having even started its offensive, you should expect that Ukraine will lose at least another 250,000 to 350,000 by the end of the year.

Now, do you understand why NATO needs tens of millions of Muslim troops to fight Russia and win?

And NATO needs those troops really soon or they will be fighting inside Europe.

You have to understand that the nation fighting within the other nation has the strategic advantage because they can much more easily destroy the defending nation's military industry to weaken that nation.

That is one of the biggest reasons why the US Military worked so hard to get the US into WWII before we were alone and those Axis allies would have been invading the US, destroying our military industry instead of us destroying their military industry.

I just found out that Russia used an old YAK-52 prop plane to kill a drone in Ukraine. They shot that baby down with bullets. This should be interesting.

Where did I put my P-51D?

The UK is now equipping and encouraging Ukraine to strike inside of Russia, you know, poke that bear even harder because it wouldn't dare attack us wonderful Royals. We are above reproach, especially since we can smoke some dope and dream up excuses for doing whatever we want to protect us from repercussions.

I guess we will see because the idiots are not going to quit and they just keep getting worse and worse.

The big question is, "How much more will Putin tolerate before he strikes back against these arrogant monsters?"

He is trying to avoid a nuke war but I think he realizes that he will eventually have to fight one, which is why he is ramping up to fight one.

This video shows that Ukraine is collapsing right now and the leaders are extremely desperate. Z Boy has ordered his troops to stand and fight to the death.

The UK has ordered all of their people out of Ukraine.

I also realized why President Moron keeps wanting to send troops into Ukraine and that video confirms it. President Moron wants to keep the fighting in Ukraine and not let it expand into Europe, where it will destroy Europe, which is why he wants to send troops into Ukraine to pin Russia there long enough for them to get the Muslim army into Ukraine.

The US and UK are wanting to let Russia keep advancing into Europe and then use Europe as Ukraine II to hold Russia until they can get their Muslim arming into the fight inside of Europe.

You have to understand that them permitting Russia to advance into Europe will destroy Europe, kill off most Europeans, including most of their Royals, and make it much easier for the British Royal Family in the US and UK to seize control over all of them. This is a power play between the different factions in the Euro-American Royal Family and I warned you about this years ago.

Remember that I told you that, as soon as the different Royal factions thought they could do it, they would turn on the other factions to seize control and power of them too and not just you. They are doing it right now. No one can trust a traitor; not even another traitor.

I pray that God will soon save our butts from the Royal insanity.


People often wonder how many of the people will go to Heaven and Hell. Jesus told us that He is the ONLY way to Heaven.

There are now more than 8 billion people in the world and only 2 billion even claim to be Christians, which puts the Heaven bound in the vast minority, with more than 6 billion going to Hell out of 8 billion but it gets worse.

Based on what I have seen, most or better than half of those 2 billion people who claim to be Christians are not true Christians so that the number of true Christians is between 500,000,000 and 1 billion, which is an even smaller minority.

I am seeing a global revival but the question is, how many of those new people accepting Jesus as their saviors are true Christians and how many are poser Christians only pretending to accept Jesus because they believe it will benefit them in some way such as it being a cover for something or to gain the acceptance by someone else?

Maybe a billion people out of the current population will make it to heaven or about 10% of the people but, when you spread that out through history, it could end up being 3 to 5 billion people out of tens of billions of people by Judgment Day.

You want to make sure you, your family, and friends are in that minority but I pray for everyone knowing that few will accept Jesus.

The only reasons I want the most evil people in Hell is because I know they will never change and I want them there to protect you from them. They have all chosen their wickedness and eternal damnation.

It should be obvious that the upper class trash Royals, their puppets, and their thugs are eternally damned because they are the worst criminals in history, robbing and murdering millions of people in the last few decades for money and power. It has been the greatest mass murder in history. They care more about money, power, fame, and the acceptance of other evil people than they do about God and His people. There is no way God wants to spend eternity with them.

Campus Protests

I am getting the feeling that these campus protests are at least in part a distraction from more important things because I am seeing too much about them in the news and not enough about the more important things.

At the beginning of this video he tells you what I have told you about how the commies are working together with the Muslims against us. He also tells you that it is the commie professors organizing and managing these protests just like I have been telling you that the lefty professors are a big part of our problems.

BTW, violent riots like these by the commie professors is the way Linen seized control of Russia and set up the Soviet Union and that is exactly what those commie professors are doing; they are staging a commie insurrection.

He tells you that the commies and Muslims have nothing in common but remember that the Muslims are funding the commies to help them destroy the West and those commies will do almost anything for money.

Then he goes on about Afghan Joe bringing in the "Palestinians" or Muslim Arabs who almost all voted for Hamas. I hope you understand by now that the reason Afghan Joe, the puppet of Mahdi Obama, a top member of the nation of Islam, is bringing in Hamas terrorist supporters is because they will support Mahdi Obama seizing control of the US and setting up a Muslim Caliphate to control and run the US.

That should tell you that importing those Muslim Arabs is them organizing a Muslim insurrection of the US and treason. All of these illegal aliens they are bringing in are part of a planned insurrection and treason by the left.

This video shows that they are forming professional organizations and fighting back against these terrorist and their supporters. Eyes have been opened and people are fighting back.

This video also shows that the good people are fighting back and exposing what the left and their Muslim allies are doing and that it is all organized with instructions of what and how to do things.

Then, a day later, I found this video also showing Americans fighting back. Keep praying; it is working.

I Told You So

This video shows that they are finally telling you what I have been telling you for years. The Muslim/terrorist organizations, China, and other enemies are funding our leftist universities and professors, who are causing most of our problems. They are waging an insane and demonic war against humanity.

I have seen reports that anywhere from 40% to more than 60% of these protestors are not students and are either professionals or just extreme radicals.

Then I found this video telling you that the US and Hamas are putting together a "defense alliance" or working together to save Hamas.

Super duper surprise, surprise, surprise; who would have figured that the US is working to save Hamas from being destroyed by Israel?

It is all coming out more and more every day just like I have been warning you.

And God said, "The truth will be made known," and that is my job, to make the truth known to you. That is why God taught me about all of these things and has me writing for Him and you. I am not writing all of this for me or to make money.

I have been warning you about this stuff and other stuff for years and they are just now figuring it out because God didn't teach them the way He taught me. They either have not been paying attention and/or are not old enough to have been around to see what God has shown me.


Remember that I told you about the latest evolutionary idea (there is no way you can legitimately call it a theory) called "Multiverse", where they tell the fairy tale about how a infinite number of universes bubbled out of one universe (without any scientific evidence there is another universe) so they can believe and say that, "with an infinite number of universes anything can happen" and I explained why that is not true?

I just realized that I forgot to explain the con behind that lefty pagan fairy tale.

The God hating lefties were having trouble with theory after theory being proved wrong by science and math and had run out of scientifically sounding theories so they had to come up with something to keep their false fanatical pagan religion of evolution alive so they could believe the Bible is wrong and they don't have to live by God's Laws so they can do as they will. That is the real reason why they dreamed up the "Multiverse" lie.

What they are implying by saying, "anything can happen" is that you don't have to pay attention to science or math anymore because, if anything can happen, then science and math become irrelevant. They do not have to use science to explain how or why something they say happened because anything can happen, you know, like magic.

"Hey, anything can happen, you know, like a man can be a woman." Forget what science says; science is racist.

That is why the lefty college students started saying "math is racist" because math disproves what they WANT to believe, which makes what they WANT to believe a fanatical pagan religion.

That is why I say that evolution has become the most fanatical pagan religion in history because they know science proves what they WANT to believe is wrong but they ignore the science and keep believing whatever fairy tales they WANT to believe, while saying it is a scientific fact. That is pure fanatical pagan religion at its worst.

No other people in history have known what we know about science for them to ignore the obviously true to believe the obviously false and absurd so the lefty cult is the most fanatical pagan religion in history.

Do you see their extremely flawed logic and reasoning?

Only fanatical pagan cultists think like that and their scientists are no longer scientists; they are high priests for their fanatical pagan religion. They have turned science into a fanatical pagan cult.

2024 Election

I have been seeing more and more cases of the left being caught rigging elections, which is why I have to believe the 2024 election will be super duper rigged so the left can retain control long enough to finish establishing their dictatorship.

This video is just one example of many I have seen of such election rigging and I have seen many cases that were much worse.

There is NO integrity on the left. They will say and do anything to increase their control and power so they can steal more from more people faster.

Sailboat Cruising

I first began following sailboat cruising a few decades ago when their sites were written blogs with still pictures, they didn't make money from, and now they are YouTube videos they make money from with increasing numbers of them actually having commercials in them.

Decades ago there would be anywhere from one boat in a anchorage to maybe 20 or 30 boats but, today, there are anywhere from hundreds to more than 1,000 boats in many anchorages.

When I first started, the very few cruisers were mostly middle class people who worked in various ways to support themselves and their cruising, they frequented small towns, stores, bars, and did a lot of exploring. They interacted a lot with local cultures and people. They only hauled their boats out every 2 to 4 years for required maintenance.

Today, they are mostly upper middle class (the neo rich) and the lower upper class with more mid upper class showing up. They do some diving, beach parties, with quite a few bars, wild and loud dancing parties disrupting the local cultures, probably sex parties, and a lot of expensive shopping for repairs and upgrades. They haul their boats out in much bigger boat yards every 1 to 3 years, usually 1 or 2 years, for more extensive maintenance and modifications.

Because of these more wealthy people now living on many more boats, big companies have moved into the more popular ports, especially in the Caribbean and Central America, and built them up like recreational parks with big city conveniences. With most of them, you really don't see that much of other cultures with most of their videos DIY on how to fix or upgrade their increasingly expensive yachts.

There are fewer and fewer that show you much exploring and interaction with local cultures so I am watching fewer of their videos. I have no idea how many times I have seen them install and fix the same things on different boats or watch beach parties by half a dozen or more boats.

Over the decades, I have learned that the rich always find something fun, move in, and ruin it. They are turning their yachts into floating mansions with catamarans and their life styles are very different, more like living in big US cities. More and more of them are not going out to see how other people live because they take their big cities with them to live the wild life somewhere else.

There have to be hundreds of thousands of cruisers spread around the world, maybe more than a million.

At about 11 minutes into this video she provides intel about local events that I have not been seeing in the news concerning Panama, which is probably being caused by major international corporations. This kind of intel from other countries helps provide dots to go along with other dots from other nations that helps better understand things.

Note that she tells you about sailing friends they like to travel with so they don't have to interact with the locals that much.


Remember that I have been warning you about how the rich use shell companies to do their evil for them, while the rich hide behind the curtain so people won't realize it is the rich doing those things?

This video shows a number of good examples of how the rich hide behind their curtain of shell companies, how it is basically structured, and how it works. He shows you a number of examples of the many things the lefty upper class trash Royals and their puppets do to control and deceive you.

He tells you one of the ways they rigged the 2020 election.

Remember that, with my M.B.A., I am trained to manage this sick crap and I have been warning you about it for years. That is exactly what the Gates, Clinton, and other such rich "foundations" really are; they are the first step in the rich laundering money to these bad, destructive, and deceptive shell organizations to do their dirty work for them so that, WHEN things go bad, they won't lose their evil heads in Bastille II.

Do you believe me yet that the upper class trash Royals cause better than 90% of our problems? Are you fed up with this human garbage yet?

These raving mad lunatic psychopaths just HAVE to get their monarchies and slaves back so they can rule the world, so they can steal EVERYTHING you have, and so they can be your gods. They are crazy. They really do arrogantly believe that it is their ordained right (you know, ordained by their god, Satan) to rule over you, own you, oppress you, enslave you, rob you, and murder you, whenever they want and that you MUST bow down before them as your gods.

More and more they just keep proving God and me right. God tells me and I tell thee. Guess what, God is real and the Bible is true.

They and their puppets are the problem. Without them, we wouldn't have 90% of our problems and them spending eternity burning in the Lake of Fire is one of the most important reasons why Paradise can be Paradise.


This is much, much bigger than they make it look in this video because they are showing that the UK illegally took and kept control of the Chagos Islands from Mauritius Island. They are making it look like it only affects the UK.

The biggest of the Chagos Islands is Diego Garcia, which has a very important US Air Force Base, from which our bombers can easily reach Africa, the Middle East, all of Asia, and Indonesia plus it is a US Navy support facility. We have flown our bombers from Diego Garcia into every military operation in that part of the world.

If we lose Diego Garcia, the US will not have another based to cover that entire area, which will create a weakness for the US in parts of that area.

I am wondering if it is China or Russia that has caused (bribed?) Mauritius into fighting to regain control of the Island, which could cause the US to lose control of the bases it built there and be forced to leave. Keep an eye on this because it will open up that entire Indian Ocean area.

The West, especially the US and UK, is being militarily removed from the rest of the world to open it up for others like China. We, the US, are going to bring our troops home to the US to fight for this nation, whether or not we like it. God's hand is moving in this to get our troops home to protect our nation.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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