I Told You So 656

College Education

People, you have to realize that people calling for free college education are running a con. They want the government to have to pay the salaries for the college professors because there won't be an income from tuitions to pay the college professors so the government can have complete control over the professors and EVERYTHING they teach.

Those professors will either teach every lie the government wants them to teach or they won't teach. I have already seen that with government grants.

Besides, the education may be free for you but everyone else will have to pay for it with their taxes and you will end up paying for other people's education with your taxes.

You do NOT want free tuition for your universities. It is a con for more control of you by the government controlling what you learn. Any time the government takes over the funding of something, they take over control and screw it up.

Remember that I have taught you and they keep proving that the only reason most people go into government is because they are too stupid to earn half as much money legally.

Here is something I just realized concerning these riots on university campuses. The Universities are all federally funded, therefore, by law, any and all crimes committed on their properties, destruction of their properties, or against them are federal crimes.

Since the lefty college professors and other academe are organizing and encouraging those crimes, they are aiding and abetting, complicit, and accomplices in those crimes and should go to federal prisons.

Then I found this video which shows you what I have been telling you and they do a good job of showing you different aspects of the campus protests such as who is funding them, that these are professionally trained and paid protesters and not people who care about anything, and that these universities are funded with federal money so any and all crimes on them and against them are federal crimes.

This is all being staged by the upper class trash Royals for political reasons and as a distraction from Afghan Joe but not by the people. It proves that it is the upper class trash Royals causing most of our problems and they are just greedy, power mad, inbred, rich trouble makers. Just think that, with them all burning in Hell, we wouldn't have one tenth the problems we have now.

Wouldn't that be nice?

Just think of 1,000 years under the rule with Jesus and not one of these evil vermin and the problems they intentionally cause.

More and more intel is coming out and you are finding out that, what I have been telling you, is true.

Eurocentric Prophecies

Remember that I have been telling you why the Eurocentric Tribulation prophecies are wrong?

I have spent decades showing you that they are false, what the truth is, and that the Royals and Catholic Church know it, which is why they bought land where they are planning to build Mystery Babylon so they can rule the world.

Why are they continuing to teach you false prophecies?

So you won't know the truth and be able to fight to prevent what is really going to happen. They don't want you to know what they are really planning to do or you would try to stop them.

For example, I keep seeing sci-fi crap about the "Mark of the Beast" being chips they will put in your hand or head with lame excuses how that means 666. I have explained why that is false and about the real Mark of the Beast.

All of this Eurocentric prophecy crap is just a distraction to confuse and mislead you. Their actions tell you they know better.

If I am wrong, why did the Catholic Church publically state in April 2012 that they were going to convert to Islam and then buy land to build a new Vatican where they are going to build Mystery Babylon? Why did the Pope travel to Iraq years ago to negotiate with the head of Shiite Islam in Iraq? Why has the US State Department given millions of dollars every year since Mahdi Obama started it in 2009 to the World Monuments Fund to rebuild Ancient Babylon? Why did the British Royal Family buy land where they plan to build Mystery Babylon?

Connect the dots!


After the last essay, I am convinced that we are very close to very serious actions because the big and important stuff by the West is about to happen. Too much of what I have been warning you about for years is coming together right now.

This video shows something you better keep an eye on. It is no coincidence that this is the largest NATO military exercise since the Cold War near the Russian border.

There are several possibilities you better watch for. The first possibility may be that this massive exercise may just be posturing to bluff and back Putin down so the West can get what they want. If that is the case, it won't work because Putin has not fallen for one of their bluffs so far but, hey, lefties are stupid and never learn.

The second possibility is that this may be NATO getting a large army close to the Russia border "for a military exercise as a war game" and then stage a surprise attack into Russia.

That won't work either because Russia's FSB are very good at knowing what the idiot West is really doing. If that is their plan, watch for Putin to know it and stage a surprise preemptive nuclear attack against the West.

Keep an eye on this because our leaders are nuts.

BTW, I am seeing signs that Russia's BRICS allies will almost all and maybe all betray Russia for the invasion of Israel by joining the Nation of Islam run US and the EU. Keep an eye on that.

Now both the US and France are talking about sending troops into Ukraine, you know, with NATO staging the largest war games since the Cold War next to the Russian border. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

You don't think Ukraine is losing the war and the West is desperate, do you?

Then the next day I found out that Russia is going to stage tactical nuclear drills, using ground, air, and sea forces, during the NATO drills so his nuke forces will be in place and active in the event NATO tries to stage a surprise invasion of Russia. All they will have to do is open fire with nukes to stop the invasion.

I told you it wouldn't work, didn't I?

Then later I found out that Putin called the West's bluffs and they backed down, moving their forces back from the Russian border. Putin started staging his tactical nuclear exercises so the US backed down about sending troops into Ukraine. Then the Russian ambassador in the UK had a little talk with the top turkeys in the UK saying that, if Z Boy started launching the UK's long range weapons into Russia, Russia would launch some nukes into the UK and take out their key military targets. It is interesting how fast the West's songs all changed.

I told you the West can only bluff because their upper class trash sacked their militaries and Putin knows it.

This video gives you details about that and how Russia's ambassadors in different nations had a wee bit of chat with those nation's top turkeys and they all backed down from their bluffing; even President Moron. Hey, if you poke the bear too many times, it will poke you back.

BTW, Putin was elected by a large majority for 6 more years beginning May 7, 2024.

Why are France and the EU courting China so hard?

They are trying to get Xi to betray Russia and fight against Russia to destroy Russia so the Royals can set up their global dictatorship.

What do you want to bet they are talking about selling out Taiwan to get China to help them defeat Russia?

If they do get China to sell out Russia, Russia will use a massive surprise preemptive nuclear attack against everyone involved to save itself. Putin is not going to just sit there and let the West destroy Russia and the arrogant fools can't figure that out.

I hope you realize by now that, if the Royals get their global dictatorship or monarchy, they will finish staging a global genocide that will end up murdering better than 95% of you, they said so, and they have already begun that genocide, murdering millions of you. You better pray they don't succeed.

With so much of what I have been warning you about for years happening right now, you better get ready and you BETTER pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load because more and more fecal matter is hitting ye ole fan right now.

The upper class trash Royals are starting to make some really big moves right now.


I just found out why Netanyahu has been holding off on the Rafah invasion. He didn't want to do it during Ramadan, Easter, and Passover but many of the people in Israel are Orthodox Christians and today, May 5, is Orthodox Easter so he has been waiting for them to celebrate their Easter. May 5 is also Israeli Holocaust Remembrance Day, which is a major Israeli holiday. He wanted to wait for all of the most significant religious holidays to have passed.

This video really explains why Netanyahu is not being cowed by the US and Europe into not protecting their people. He said that, during the Holocaust, no one came to the Hebrew people's aid and, if they have to stand alone, they will stand alone in defending themselves. That will be part of the cause of the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39. The US and UK are NOT going to stop Israel from defending her people.

Proof for that came the day after Holocaust Remembrance Day on May 6, when the civilians were ordered to get out of Rafah for the coming invasion.

The US is being deceptive in telling you that Hamas accepted Israel's cease fire deal. First, it isn't Israel's deal; it is a deal put together by other nations, you know, the US and their Muslim pals, Qatar (who is providing sanctuary for Hamas leaders) and Egypt. Second, Hamas accepted it, not Israel. They are lying to you to make Israel look bad for going into Rafah to finish off Hamas to protect their people.

A day later this video shows that the Rafah operations have already started. There is no turning back and it is going to get worse until God intervenes.

Upper Class Trash Royals

After all of their great sounding stupid ideas are failing and have created a super mess for everyone, the upper class trash Royals are worried that their political puppets are going to lose the upcoming elections and they will lose power and control but not one of them has stopped to realize that just maybe they are not as smart as they think they are and you are not as stupid as they think you are.

The people have seen how disastrous the upper class trash Royal agenda is and they are standing up and rebelling.

"What? The people can think better than us elites?"

Remember that I have been teaching for more than a decade that inbreeding decreases intelligence and increases insanity and that the Royals have been heavily inbreeding for thousands of years, more heavily than most non Royals?

Never forget that.

I have a hypothesis that, because mankind has been inbreeding for thousands of years, especially the Royals, contrary to what you are being taught, our ancestors were smarter than most of us with a significantly higher average intelligence. That is just common sense science but the arrogant upper class trash Royals have been arrogantly teaching that we are getting smarter because that is what they want to believe in spite of the fact that there are many things our ancestors built and our best engineers and scientists today can't figure out how they built those things.

There is a massive amount of archaeological evidence proving my hypothesis because my hypothesis is based on that evidence.

Remember that I showed you how the Royals have corrupted everything with massive numbers of shell/nonprofit/charity organizations with great sounding names they are using to hide behind and launder money to do evil to you, while making it sound and look like they are wonderful saints?

It is many times worse than when I studied it in college 30 years ago. It has gotten beyond horrific. If it is a nonprofit/charity/shell organization that sounds good and the rich are giving to it, I immediately think it has to be a criminal organization causing harm to people. You will find out the truth about this on Judgment Day.

I saw that King Chuck is going to continue to "support" more than 800 "charities" that all have great sounding names. My first thought was, "How many people is he causing harm to with that many 'charities'?"

He is funding more than 800 charities, Bill Gates is funding a large number of charities, and all of these rich, evil, WEF monsters, who plan to murder you off depopulating their planet, are funding hundreds of great sounding charities to help you? Really? Why would they help you, if they are openly planning to murder you off to depopulate their planet? Wouldn't that be a waste of money? Why do I not believe that ANY of those charities are helping you and they are all causing harm to you?

Remember I have been showing you how stupid the mega rich Royals are because of their inbreeding?

I am seeing a number of ways the Royal owned chemical companies are working with your doctors, giving them big kickbacks to poison you, to kill you off.

More than 60 years ago, science knew that, when you put those toxic chemicals in the human body, the human body does NOT absorb or use them all. We were concerned with the fact that we knew that quite a bit of those chemicals they are putting in people's bodies are being urinated back into our water systems and not being purified out so that we are all ingesting those toxic chemicals, including the inbred moron Royals.

That is right, the intellectually superior Royals using their chemical companies to poison you are also brilliantly poisoning themselves. Man plans, God laughs.

Gee, I wonder why I was not surprised when I found out that increasing numbers of Royals are getting things like cancer they are causing in you?

And that is just cancer and does not include the many other medical problems their toxic chemicals are causing, some of which, they probably have not found out about yet, you know, as if their inbreeding or what they prefer to call "selective breeding" is not causing enough damage to themselves.

If you are poisoning the planet you live on, you are poisoning yourself.

People, I began studying this problem back in the 1960s and realized that the chemicals we are putting into our environments are poisoning all of us, including the intellectually superior, upper class trash Royals. For decades, I watched the increasing rates for things like cancer grow to where it is now a 100% probability that everyone will get cancer, INCLUDING the arrogant Royals. I even told you about that a couple of decades ago.

These arrogant, greedy, power mad fools live in the same environment you live in, breath the same air, drink the same water, and eat the food grown in the same soil and they are poisoning all of that to get rid of you?

We knew half a century ago that our rains had become toxic because they clean the chemical pollutants out of the air and fall on everyone's land, poisoning everyone's food and drinking water.

And the arrogant Royals think they are special so their rains that fall out of the same sky are pure and clean?

Recent research has shown that mankind is in a "biological die off" with our global population on the verge of declining and part of it is those chemicals the Royal owned chemical companies are making a fortune poisoning you with. I am now seeing more and more Royals in that same biological die off because they are being poisoned by their own toxic chemicals they are poisoning you with.

The difference being that they deserve to get cancer and those other medical problems their chemical companies are intentionally causing in you.

For a number of reasons, I want my own planet.

Gee, I wonder why God told me He wants me to take Christians to colonize other planets before the Tribulation and leave this planet behind that the Royals have heavily polluted?

The Royals can stay here and die cleaning up their mess.

Hmmm, what should we call that civilization; the Christian Intergalactic Theocracy? You do remember that God is going to have us colonize planets in two galaxies, right?

Our Constitution and Law will be the Bible and it will be a Judeo-Christian theocracy. We are going to need some good, conservative Christian preachers to guide people.

Here is an interesting note about European Royals. Did you know that the Italian Mafia call their leaders "Don"? Did you know that, in Italy, Don is a royal title meaning Lord, which only a member of the Italian Royal Family can use?

That is right, those corrupt Italian leaders of the Italian Mafia that came to the US are Italian Royals behaving the way Royals have behaved for thousands of years; lying, stealing, and murdering.

Then I found this video that shows very good detail about how the upper class trash Royals are trying to use the international organization, WHO, to seize control of the people and nations BUT he has not figured out yet that the upper class trash Royals are the ones running it and that is understandable because they have created a complex mess to hide their evil butts behind.

Note that he stated that he gets the feeling that, whoever is doing this is afraid to grab final control for fear of a "French revolution", you know, Bastille II, where they will all lose their evil heads.

Remember that the Royals began shedding their monarchies after Bastille to keep from losing their heads and are hesitant to make that final grab too soon for fear of losing their heads, proving once again that it is the Royals. The Royals are right to be hesitant with so many protests by the people concerning the arrogant stupidity of the Royals and their insane ideas.

He also states that he believes that these people do not know what hell and destruction they are bringing on this planet and that mankind, including the Royals, may not survive it. He realizes that these Royals are out of touch with reality and are screwing things up.

He also shows the deceptions being used by the left to fool and control the people.

This video shows the French people rebelling and wanting out of the EU and NATO.

Eyes are opening in all nations with people turning on the different governments but the greedy, power mad, and insane upper class trash Royals and their puppets are not wanting to quit because they know they are so close but still so far away to regaining their global monarchy. Man plans, God laughs.

Chemical Industry

A few hours after I finished writing the above, I got a link to a video from Mark by an MD talking about the "corruption of the chemical industry", which is very true but there were some flaws to his logic.

First, there is an idiot theory in the medical industry today that this big weight gain or obesity pandemic is being caused by the foods we eat. "Why, pizza, hamburgers, and fries are going to kill you! The sky is falling, the sky is falling!"

The simple minded morons ignore that we have been eating those foods since the late 1960s and early 1970s without a problem of obesity for more than 30 years. Oops!

I ate those same foods for decades and was a pencil until I got sick about 20 years ago and I have used my knowledge in biology, the sports sciences, and sports medicine to keep my weight down, even while eating those foods.

Gee, maybe it ain't the foods?

But, hey, you can't expect intellectually superior people who got dem duh right MD from duh right unkneebursity to figures dat out, especially not with their reprobate minds and lack of common sense.

Remember that I told you that most MDs in the US are NOT trained in the sports sciences and sports medicine and I have found that many of them are so stupid they can't do medicine without their books and, if their books are wrong, they can't figure it out. They do not all have the same intelligence just because they have MDs.

Many of them are just lying, greedy criminals who can't make enough money from just being an MD so they create lies and fads to steal more and more and more money from you. Hey, MDs and Ph.D.s are human so they can be greedy criminals too.

I am seeing more and more quack MD.s working the food fad thing to make millions in book and video sales and views plus hundreds of thousands in lectures because of their greed.

I saw one headline that said, "Don't eat this because cancer cells feed on this".

What is a cancer cell?

It is a normal cell that its DNA got permanently turned on by some molecule to keep reproducing so that it produces more and more cells that crush and destroy other cells that damages things like internal organs, you brain, and other parts of your body. That should tell you that cancer cells eat the same stuff the rest of your cells eat so food therapy cannot work to prevent or stop cancer because the food therapy will not change your DNA.

And the quack MDs don't know this?

Of course they know it; they are just greedy liars trying to steal more and more money at the expense of your health. Hey, they took Christianity out of the schools so now they don't have morals, values, and ethics except Satan's "do as you will" because, when you remove Christianity, you create a vacuum that Satan will quickly fill.

These quacks don't care about you. All they care about is their bank account and health fads make their bank accounts very healthy very quickly. Forget science, it is racist, you know, along with math. They are over educated predators and parasites mercilessly preying on the scientifically ignorant for the love of money.

In sports medicine I was trained to use science to figure things out and not go by some book that is probably going to be wrong about some things. I was trained to think for myself.

I know, let's connect a few dots and do some thinking.

Research has shown that better than 50% of women have HPV, which means that better than 50% of men also have HPV, which means that better than 50% of the people in the US have Hypervolmic-Hyponatremia or high water blood level and low salt blood level, which causes all kinds of medical problems such as chronic fatigue syndrome and sleep apnea, we have an increasing pandemic for sleep apnea, which causes hypoxia or low oxygen blood level, while you are sleeping.

Remember that I told you that you burn better than 90% of your fat at night while sleeping to repair cell damage and the process is aerobic or requires oxygen so that, if you don't have enough oxygen in your blood because of the sleep apnea, you CANNOT burn the fat so your body stores the fat it cannot burn? Gee, I wonder why we have an obesity problem in this nation, hint, hint? Now, was that hard to figure out?

And dees brilliant MDs who gots dem duh right degree from duh right unkneebursity can't figure that out because they didn't study the sports sciences and sports medicine so they arrogantly and ignorantly beliebs it gots tuh be duh foods, yup, yup. You know the exact same foods that did not cause obesity for one third of a century, hint, hint.


People, before I got sick from this virus and could ride 100+ miles in one day and 200 to 300 miles per week at 5,000 to 10,000 calories per 100 miles, pending topography, weather, and how I rode, I pigged out on that same food, eating at least 2 to 4 times what most people eat today and was still a pencil. I would eat one or two whole large pizzas or two big cheese burgers (bigger than today's) with double fries, and such for one meal. I had to eat 3 big meals a day PLUS 3 big snacks between my meals to provide me with the thousands of calories I needed to burn or I would get sick and die. My snacks were as big as your meals.

If it was the food, why was I not the size of the moon or Jupiter? Why was I a pencil man?

I used to fit the joke that, if I turned sideways and stuck out my tongue, I would look like a zipper.

Now, they are correct in saying that our corrupt chemical industry is taking advantage of these medical problems, causing other medical problems, and causing new medical problems to make much, much, much more money selling you their toxic chemicals that keep making it worse and I have been warning you about that for decades. If anyone deserves eternal damnation in the Lake of Fire, it is the people owning and managing our corrupt chemical industry because they cause bad health and murder people for money.

They have literally spent decades developing chemical A that solves problem A but causes problem B so you also have to buy chemical B that solves problem B but causes problem C so you also have to buy chemical C and so forth for half a dozen to a dozen chemicals. They have made billions of dollars off this racket knowing it destroys your health and will eventually kill you.

I thank God in knowing they are also poisoning themselves to make themselves more wealthy. The evil monsters deserve it.

In spite of all of that, with my prolonged medical problems caused by the HPV virus, I have used my knowledge, you know, a tool, to keep my weight down to within about 10 to 30 pounds of normal weight, which is within reasonable health standards, you know, with me still enjoying some of those same foods, hint, hint.

And God said, "Thinking themselves wise, they have made themselves fools," and that is at your expense.

I just started watching a video but couldn't stand to watch much of it (I quit at 1:18) because a "Dr." (MD or Ph.D.?; a.k.a. quack) was telling us that the very common evil villain called sugar causes cancer. "Whaaa, the sky if falling, the sky is falling! Table sugar is going to destroy the galaxy!"

If she studied molecular biology, she knows exactly what sugar does and does not do inside cells and it doesn't go anywhere near the DNA so it cannot turn on the sections of the DNA that cause permanent cell reproduction so it cannot cause cancer.

Why is she telling this blatant lie about sugar?

Because everyone has been taught by the ignorant media that sugar is a satanic demon that will destroy the galaxy.

Let me tell you the very simple and short story about what table sugar (sucrose) does in your body.

First, sucrose is 2 molecules of glucose (cell food) held together by a carbon bond and it is too large of a molecule to go from your digestive system across the cells into your cardiovascular system so it can't even get into your blood.

I want to know how that is going to cause cancer in your cells if it can't even get to your cells? Maybe it is magic or it can teleport?

When sucrose gets into your mouth, some of it will be broken down by the digestive acid called amylase by breaking the carbon bond and turning it into 2 molecules of harmless glucose and the rest will be broken down by the digestive acid in your stomach called hydrochloric acid into 2 molecules of harmless glucose.

That is the ENTIRE story of table sugar inside your body.

It ends in your mouth and stomach and it can cause cancer? Really?

The glucose is small enough it can pass through the tissues separating the digestive tract from your cardiovascular system where it will 1) some of it will go into cells and get burned up providing energy and never gets close to your DNA or 2) most of it will go to your liver where it will normally and healthily, in a normal process, be converted into another type of cell food called glycogen that will either be stored in your liver or go back into your blood and to your cells where it will normally be burned up for energy, NEVER going anywhere near your DNA so it CANNOT cause cancer or 3) some of it will be filtered out through your kidneys and removed from the body by urination.

That is it; that is the entire story of sugar in your body.

So why do quacks like her tell you lies about sugar to scare you to not use sugar?

Because the corrupt chemical companies pay them a lot of money to scare you with lies to get you to not use sugar so you will use those chemical companies' sugar replacement chemicals or "artificial sweeteners" to make your food taste sweet that research has proved conclusively do cause medical problems including cancer because those quacks care more about their bank accounts than about your health just like I have been warning you. They make me furious!!!! I hate lying academe who lie for money!

US Military

Remember that I told you that the US is probably going to be run out of the Island of Diego Garcia and its strategic bases?

It seems that the UAE is now running US forces out of the base in its nation in the Persian Gulf, further diminishing our military presence in that area.

They are trying to run our troops out of Iraq and Syria too plus Afghan Joe and Afghan Austin removed our troops from Afghanistan so we don't have too many bases left in that part of the world. You know, nothing like trying to isolate Israel.


Remember that I told you that Niger was trying to get US troops to leave their nation but they were refusing so Russia sent a battalion to Niger and Niger stationed those Russian troops in the same base with the US troops.

I just found out that Russia is sending a second battalion of troops to Niger, significantly out numbering the US troops.

Hold it; I thought, according to some of the Western media, Russia was losing the war with Ukraine and she is sending several battalions of troops to the middle of Africa?

Then a day later I found out that the US is withdrawing their troops from Niger, being run out of Africa just like France.

We better get more of our troops home soon to protect our nation.


Remember that I predicted a few decades ago that the EU would blow itself apart?

This video shows that the EU is very divided or has significant "unanimity", even on Russia. It seems that a number of nations consider Russia to be a friend and are not poking ye ole bear. They know that, because of this, Russia is not at war with them so they are not afraid of Russia invading them.

European leaders with common sense? When did this happen?

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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