Communist Insurrection
Remember that I told you that the violent campus protests are working the way Linen used riots to seize control of Russia and establish the Soviet Union?
This video shows you that is exactly what the lefty/commie/socialists are doing. They are staging a violent Marxist insurrection to set up a communist dictatorship in the US. The left is doing everything it can to finalize complete control of the US.
Hey, if you have seen it in the past, you recognize it in the present.
What the commies are doing is using the war in Israel as an excuse and front for staging their communist insurrection to set up their US dictatorship by making people think they are protesting for civilian Arabs called Palestinians.
Do you believe me yet that these lefties are traitors committing treason?
I just heard a day later, "What can we do to stop these commie/Muslim protests to destroy Israel and the US?"
First, you start defunding all universities that are involved with or tolerate these treasonous protests to overthrow our government for using federal funds to plan and stage insurrections and treasons against the US Government.
Second, you investigate and bring charges against all people, especially the academe, involved in planning, organizing, and staging these insurrections and treasons.
Third, you investigate, shut down, and prosecute everyone involved in the shell companies funding, planning, organizing, training, and staging these insurrections, including direct and indirect donors like Georgie Boy Soros.
Fourth, you investigate and prosecute anyone and everyone who in any way is supporting these insurrections and treasons; it is called a "conspiracy to commit treason".
That should be obvious.
US Military
Remember that I have been telling you that, for more than 20 years, the US Military has been down sizing because our upper class trash keep sacking it so there is less and less money left to maintain our military?
This video shows you some of that. We no longer have the ability to deploy more than some of our Army overseas and most of it is stuck in the US, which, right now, is a very good thing. God has to have His hand in keeping those troops in country right now with the now escalating war to destroy our nation from within. We need them home now.
I have been wondering how we were going to get at least most of our military back in the US for this coming war and it looks like God is taking care of that.
That also means that we won't be able to provide much aid to allies, even after we win this war.
I am wondering if the good guys in our military did this on purpose because they knew we will need those troops here to save our butts and we have to save our butts before we can save anyone else's butts.
Then, the next day, I found out that Chad, in Central Africa, is kicking US troops out of their nation. This is certainly being in response to the US and French forces being kicked out of a number of other Central African nations.
This looks like a blessing in disguise. Hey, we could get quite a force back home to fight for our people.
Hey, if our traitors in chief cannot send our forces overseas to get them out of the commie way for staging their insurrection, they will have to fight them.
Israel entered Rafah yesterday and captured the Rafah crossing into Egypt pinning Hamas and their leaders inside Gaza.
Just like I have been telling you, the US, France, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, and others have united against Israel condemning the Rafah operation. Of course they are all hiding their anger and hate for Israel behind fake law, concern for civilians, and a "massacre". The important thing is that they have all finally gotten on the same page against Israel to justify their invasion and destruction of Israel. Every day we get one day closer.
These criminals who have all murdered hundreds of thousands are putting on a big show of concern for civilians and righteousness. "Why, how dare Israel not murder as many civilians as we have!" It is all show that too many people will fall for.
This video shows in the first 7 minutes that Israel is crushing Hezbollah the way she crushed Hamas and I am wondering about exactly what technologies she is using to find and destroy these targets. Israel definitely has a significant technological advantage over her enemies and her enemies ALL grossly underestimated Israel's military prowess.
I keep telling you that even most military experts don't know about most of Israel's EW and ECM weapons systems, which are classified secret and giving her a very significant advantage. From what I am seeing, there are only 2 nations that have even close to Israel's EW and ECM; the US and Russia. Israel would crush anyone else.
Keep in mind that, when Israel gets weapons like tanks, planes, and ships from anyone else, including the US, the first thing she does is remover their EW and ECM and put her better stuff on. That should tell you a lot.
I am pretty sure that Israel also has a black closet and she has not yet opened that door because the rest of her weapons are crushing their enemies.
Listen, you don't use your best stuff in combat as long as you are winning without those weapons, especially the way Israel is crushing her enemies, and you don't want your enemies to know you have those weapons. You save those weapons for do or die time so the enemies don't know what you have and can't begin building countermeasures to those weapons before you really need them. That is what a black closet is for, you know, when everything else has failed. Israel learned a lot from the US during the Cold War.
Remember that I have been telling you that Afghan Joe is a puppet for Mahdi Obama and the Nation of Islam and is only pretending to help Israel, while helping protect Hamas and helping Iran destroy Israel?
This video tells you that Afghan Joe is now withholding more than 300 bombs from Israel because Afghan Joe is afraid Israel will use them on Hamas....uh....I mean the Muslim Arabs....uh....I mean the fake Palestinians, who support Hamas.
It gets more obvious every day that Afghan Joe and his owners are working with Iran to destroy Israel and I have noticed that a few people have finally realized it.
Oh yeah, Afghan Joe is sending our honest CIA Director to threaten....uh....I mean negotiate with Israel. People, you don't send the CIA Director to negotiate with an ally, you send an ambassador or maybe a top military officer, hint, hint.
At least in that video she stated that Afghan Joe is doing this in support of the Commierat pro-Hamas group. Maybe that will open an eyeball or two.
They still don't really get the full picture because they keep missing the two most important dots; Mahdi Obama is Afghan Joe's puppet master and is a leader in the Shiite Muslim Nation of Islam, hint, hint.
Remember that I told you that the pro terrorist protests were going to spread throughout Europe?
They have done it and that will put pressure on their idiot leaders to take armies to invade Israel.
Proving that Afghan Joe is not helping Israel but is working to help destroy Israel, the US has stopped sending thousands of bombs to Israel, most of which was supposed to get there weeks ago, before Israel went into Rafah. Gee, what a magic coincidence.
But it isn't just the US that has stopped sending weapons and munitions to Israel but also Canada, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, and Japan have stopped sending weapons to Israel. I expect at least a few of these to also eventually send armies to invade and destroy Israel. Keep an eye on this. Then I found out that the next day after announcing they were withholding 300 bombs, Afghan Joe is now withholding 3,500 bombs; just a wee bit more.
We wouldn't want Israel blowing up any of Afghan Joe's Hamas terrorists, would we? /sarc
I found out that the Gaza Aid Pier has been finished but high winds are keeping them from installing it and starting deliveries, you know, God.
Also there is now talk about the US stopping funding to the UN at the request of Israel, if Gaza (Palestine) is made a member of the UN. Keep an eye on that.
Remember that I have been warning you about Iran having nuclear weapons and they have been building an arsenal and not just a few nukes?
They kind of let it slip out in this video when they said they are "ready to confront arrogant countries' dominance in the field of nuclear energy", you know, with nukes.
Then they kind of backed off denying they were using nuclear energy for weapons, even though they threatened us with nuclear energy.
What are they going to do, plug our ships, tanks, and planes into their electrical grid run by nuclear power plants to fry them?
Poser Christians
Remember that I have been warning you about poser Christians who will gladly convert to Islam when Obama imposes Sharia Law on the US?
This video shows only one of many groups that have become poser Christians and disregard God's Laws for their own pagan laws, which means they couldn't possibly be God's people.
Their true pronouns are Poser Christians, Satanists, and eternally damned. Satan has infiltrated and taken over too many of our churches so that they no longer belong to God. We will soon find out which ones do and which ones don't. God is opening eyes and making everyone choose between Him and Satan and many have already made that choice.
The comments under that video prove that is true.
He tells you that about 8,000 conservative Methodist churches left the group during the last four years and there are less than 743 left in it now with 51 of them voting against these satanic changes. Those 51 will probably leave soon so their organization should soon drop down to about 692 satanic Methodist churches pretending to be Christian.
The good news is that there are still about 8,000 conservative, Biblical Methodist Churches worshiping God and not Satan, which means that about 90% are still Christian, which is better than I thought. Some denominations have already done worse than that though.
Maybe, after the dust settles, we might have 1 to 1.5+ billion Christians left globally. That would be nice.
You can thank tolerance of paganism for this disaster and that began by the 1950s in the US.
You just might want to study what punishments the Hebrews were subjected to over the last 3,500 years for rejecting God, the Bible, and God's Laws, you know, being repeatedly conquered, carried off into slavery, and murdered by the millions again and again.
Gee, what a magic coincidence that our once Christian nations are being conquered and destroyed because we did the same things the Israelis did that brought the same destruction on them.
You BETTER pray long, pray hard, pray often and get right with God because our nations are right now going down Satan's toilet. Just look how bad our pagan leaders are destroying our nations right now.
God meant it when He warned us because He lets you have the paganism you want and then watches it destroy you. God gave us His Laws to protect us from each other and the pagans hate you being protected from them. It keeps them from doing as they will to you.
At the end, he shows that Satan is trying to infiltrate and take over more and more of our Christian denominations because Satan wants to seduce all of you he can into going into eternal damnation by rejecting God and the Bible for paganism.
This video shows you how deceptive the left is by them using the anti-Semitism to attack and wage war against Christians too. They have seized control of and are using what used to be the greatest Christian government in history to deceptively wage war against Christians.
Do you believe me yet that you better pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load? Hey, what happened to our Constitutional freedom of religion? Are they also going to persecute Muslims?
Yeah, right. /sarc
Hey, if you won't stand up and fight back to stop them, they will continue to wage war against you until they destroy you. They will never quit.
West vs BRICS
This video starts by detailing why more and more nations around the world are turning from the West to doing business with Russia and China. He talks about the arrogance and deceptions of the West because of the way our leaders have been treating people all over the world for hundreds of years.
And God said, "Be not deceived, your sins will find you out," and the sins of our upper class trash Royals and their puppets are definitely finding them out now.
Lefty Upper Class Trash Royals
For a very long time I have been pretty sure that the rich white lefties running things were almost all racist because of things they say and do. I believe they hate and look down on anyone who is not white but will use minorities as their political and bureaucratic puppets to control the minorities.
We know that they call the people they hate what they really are and they have been calling conservatives, Christians, and others they hate racist, telling me they are almost certainly racist.
I knew it would only be a matter of time until their racism reared its ugly head enough for others to get a good look at it because, if these lefties yap long enough, they will eventually tell you what is really going on inside their empty heads.
This video shows that it just started. "Why, I believe black kids are all so ignorant and stupid," and that is what the upper class lefties really do believe.
Hey, they believe the same things about you white middle and low class people. They think they are the only true intelligent people and everyone else is stupid.
Note that the lefty media are ignoring and distracting from her comments proving they are also racist.
Remember that I have been telling you that they arrogantly think they are smarter than they are and that you are dumber than you are and they keep proving it?
The truth is what they keep trying to hide is that almost all of them only have an average to low average IQ and couldn't pass freshman and sophomore hard science courses but, because they are rich, in power, and got the right soft science degrees from the right universities, they have been taught to believe they are smarter than they are and are the most intelligent people on the planet, while being taught you are all dumber than you are. They arrogantly cannot accept that is not true.
Then I found this video in which the first two people do what I hate seeing conservatives do, which is give the lefties the benefit of the doubt because they don't deserve it. The last two held her to account for her racist statement and the last one even pointed out how the left regularly makes statements about minority groups as a whole, showing they are racist.
Look, it wasn't that long ago that the top Commierat in Congress was a Grand Master for the KKK, he was very popular with the other Commierat politicians and they are not racist?
Then I found this video in which he tells you what I just told you about "every now and then, the truth just slips out" about what they really believe and think.
Based on observations, I believe that the 95% of the people on the planet this upper class trash plans to murder with their global genocide will be non whiles. You just watch closely and you will see.
I just saw a question that said, "How can I be happy in Heaven when I know loved ones are in Hell?"
God tells us that (read the Bible) He will cause us to forget everything on Earth and "wipe the tears from our eyes." You will find out on Judgment Day why every person ever conceived and went to Hell and the numerous choices they made choosing eternal damnation. God gives EVERYONE ever conceived more than a fair chance to choose eternal salvation but most hate God and His Laws so they choose eternal damnation.
They made their choice for eternal damnation and you won't remember them. That is why it is important to witness to those you love and care about before either of you die.
Remember that I have been wondering whether Mahdi Obama will destroy US Congress to make it easier for him to seize control of the US?
They are talking about whether Congress just made the Bible illegal. If they did, God will have Mahdi Obama send them to Hell. Keep an eye on that.
God has had just about enough of our bull crap.
Then I found this video providing more evidence that God is probably going to use Mahdi Obama to destroy Congress, which just committed treason against you.
Hey, baby, even the RINOs have to disarm you to control you.
Biological Warfare
I just saw a headline about when Smallpox was eradicated from the planet.
When I studied biology in the early 1970s and when I was trained in biological warfare by SAC, we were taught that there are at least 2 containers with Smallpox in them. The US has one and Russia has one but there may be more.
They can turn them loose on us any time they want and, with our lunatic leaders, that should concern you, especially since they have openly told you that they plan to "depopulate the planet", you know, commit global genocide.
We have all kinds of crap that their existence is classified.
You better pray long, pray hard, pray often and get right with God. You really, really, really need that right now.
Keep an eye on that.
Look, I know that life is a very important test for all of us and God has to keep that test valid and He has His plans, which are the only reasons these evil monsters are not already in Hell.
You have to understand that Lucifer and all of the angels were tested in the rebellion that was staged against God with Lucifer (now Satan) and one third of the angels failed that test and became demons.
In this test we call life, we humans AND God are being tested with the angels as our witnesses and Satan and his demons are being allowed to tempt us to choose evil. God is being tested and is proving that He is just and righteous enough to be qualified to judge Satan and the fallen angels, with the remaining angels as His witnesses.
We humans are being tested as to whether we will choose God, His love, and eternal salvation or Satan, his evil, and eternal damnation and, for this to be a valid test, we humans must be tempted by Satan and successful evil people, especially the upper class trash Royals to choose evil to be as rich and powerful as them.
Who do you love, God or money?
How God judges us humans will prove forever that He is a righteous and just judge and God and qualified to judge Satan and his demons with the angels as His witnesses. God is proving to all creation that He is just and righteous right now.
On the Judgment Day, we finally get rid of the people who chose evil and cause almost all of our problems forever and every day, it gets one day closer.
Remember that I told you that, when they were finished with Z Boy they would kill him?
They just arrested 2 colonels for trying to kill Z Boy. That won't be the last time. He probably won't live much longer.
Now, after the US, UK, and France have been backed down from sending troops into Ukraine, tiny Lithuania on Russia's border has announced they will send troops into Ukraine.
Now Belarus is staging a nuclear military drill to send a message to the West. They announced the drill the day after Russia announced their nuke drill and that was no coincidence.
Belarus only has tactical nukes that will only be used in Europe, you know, in Poland and Germany.
I just found out that Finland may open is border with Russia again?
Remember that they were smart enough that they recently refused to let the US stage nukes in Finland.
I am waiting for the more intelligently run nations like Hungary to start leaving NATO and the EU to survive this mess.
Remember that I have been telling you that, if the West keeps poking the bear, Russia will stage a surprise, preemptive nuclear attack against the West?
They are keeping it up and Putin threatened to take out key military targets in the UK and is now threatening France with the same. We are getting really close to that surprise nuclear attack against at least the US, UK, France, and probably a few others because they just won't quit and the only thing that will cause them to quit is death. Unfortunately, a lot of other people are going to die with the upper class trash Royals and their puppets. They are nuts.
Remember that I told you that today's medical doctors are often corrupt with them writing prescriptions for kickbacks from the chemical companies that adversely affect your health?
It is even worse than I thought. This video shows me how terrible their training is because I was taught better than that 50 years ago so I could only watch the first 25 minutes of it and I realize you may not be able to see it so I will point out a few things.
First, they are taught to write prescriptions for things without thinking about it. "Why think, just do what I was told?" Today's doctors and nurses scare the hell out of me. I hate going to see them. Some of the things I have heard some of them say were proved wrong more than 60 years ago.
I am stunned by that video. No wonder these doctors almost killed me and they are not even telling you the whole truth. I was taught to use science to think things through. I can see in my mind what happens when you do this, that, or something else.
I only need doctors to write prescriptions for tests, write prescriptions for treatments I know I need, and to do surgery when I know I need it.
Did you know that five times in my life different doctors said I would be dead in two weeks for different things?
One of those five times, I was told by two teams of 4 doctors, who consulted each other or 8 doctors, who agreed with each other, that I would be dead in two weeks. That is a total of 12 doctors who told me I would be dead in two weeks over the 75 years of my life and every one of them was wrong.
There are some good doctors and I have had a few but there are some really bad doctors and I have had a few of those too. I thank God for taking care of me, when the doctors couldn't.
Rule 1: Stay completely away from the health food industry.
It was about 35 years ago, when I read that the leading expert in the health food industry died before he was 40. Wow, he really knew what he was talking about. He couldn't even keep himself alive until he was 50 or 60 and you can bet it was his diet that killed him.
In the 1970s I read about a woman who got involved in the health food industry, read a lot of books, and the only food she found that no one told her to not eat was sunflower seeds so she started eating just sunflower seeds and it took about 2 to 3 years for her to die from malnutrition.
These health food experts kill thousands of people all of the time that you never hear about. I have never heard of a health food expert who knew anything about molecular biology or cell physiology.
In about 1978, my ex-wife and I stayed with her sister and her husband a few weeks, they were into health food and had read a bunch of health food books, I could tell by their skin color (it had gotten a yellow tint) that they were not getting enough amino acids because they were vegans, I watched their diet very closely, and told them they needed to start eating 2 big helpings of something from the corn and bean families every day, and within just a week, they started looking healthy again.
Rule 2: If they are not solving your problem, get a second and third opinion until your problem does get solved or it becomes obvious there is no known solution.
Know that all doctors are humans and every doctor can be wrong about some things. None of them know everything and they are not gods. Many of them are below average doctors.
I put my faith in God and not doctors. God takes care of me.
Remember that I have been telling you that I am surprised that the left has not already killed Trump?
I just found out that it has been said on TV by a prominent lefty that they may not have to worry about Trump because he might go to jail or DIE.
They are not just thinking about it; you can bet they are planning it. If he doesn't go to jail, they are going to try to murder him. They may hire someone to murder him in jail.
The good guys in the military just might want to move him and his family to a safe place; just saying.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....