I Told You So 664


Remember that I have been telling you that the Nation of Islam has taken control of a number of government agencies by way of infiltration over the last 60+ years?

An employee of the US State Department resigned because weapons are still going to Israel showing her support for Hamas against Israel. Gee, there sure are a lot of Muslims infiltrated into our government.

They keep insulting our intelligence by saying they "support Palestine", you know, that is run by Hamas, while trying to stop Israel from destroying the Hamas terrorist organization in self defense.

I am now seeing others realize that the left is planning to murder Trump to keep him out of office. Everything they have tried has backfired on the left and made Trump more popular just like I told you it would so they are now planning to murder Trump and people are realizing it.

This video shows that the left is intentionally screwing up our nation even more by hiring people based on sex and color and not based on knowledge and ability. This is why we already have the stupidest government in history and they are dumbing it down even more.

"Why, no one has to get anything done or do anything right as long as we have the right number of women and the different colors screwing everything up."

Do you understand why I would not hire any of those people making those stupid decisions to manage an outhouse?

BTW, from what I have heard, the judge who rigged the trial against Trump denied Trump his Constitutional right to a fair trial and should be prosecuted and litigate for it, he should be disbarred for life, banned from being involved in law ever again, and spend at least 10 to 20 years in prison but the Commierats own the DOJ so don't expect that to happen.

This video tells you how badly and illegally Trump was treated. He tells you that ALL of the New York state courts are corrupt and will not enforce the US Constitution just like I found out that all of New Mexico's courts are corrupt (both are blue states) and will not enforce the US Constitution against the government. In the blue areas, you don't have a Constitution or rights. Gee, New York sounds just like the kind of place the lefties will retreat to after getting their butts kicked in a civil war.

He tells you that you have to go to the federal courts to get your constitutional rights enforced.

All of these judges and DAs who violate your Constitutional rights should be removed from office, disbarred for life, and imprisoned for the crimes they are committing against you. The US Constitution guarantees you the right to a fair trial and more and more judges and DAs are denying people their right to a fair trial for money and political reasons.


Remember that I told you that it is only a matter of time until African nations begin uniting against the West?

I just found out that Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger have united to stand against the West, mostly France. Keep an eye on this.


Remember that I have been showing you how stupid the Western leaders are and that everything they try fails?

This video shows how stupid our leaders really are. Z Boy is always asking for more weapons to do more damage to Russia because the more damage he does to Russia, the more damage Russia does to Ukraine and the Western leaders are too stupid to figure it out.

All Z Boy can think is, "We gots tuh do more and more and more of what is failing so it will begin to magically work."

Putin knows that NATO has forces in Ukraine so Putin is patiently destroying the NATO forces before he invades Europe just the way he patiently destroyed the Ukrainian forces before he began his offensive inside Ukraine and now he is quickly taking ground, while chewing up the NATO forces inside Ukraine. I believe Putin has finally give up and decided to invade Europe and he has begun doing it right now by killing NATO forces inside Ukraine.

When Putin has decreased the NATO forces enough like he did the Ukrainian forces, then he will go into Europe with Belarus, Africa, and other allies.

Putin has escalated his attacks inside Ukraine to where he has just about destroyed all of their power supplies and, a night or two ago, it was completely dark in Ukraine and idiot Z Boy is wanting more weapons so Putin will destroy more in Ukraine. He doesn't even have enough brains to cut his losses.

I hope you have figured out that all of the rich Royals and their puppets only have average to low average IQs and they prove it every day. They are not even that well educated in things like science and military. Someone needs to pop the upper class trash Royal bubble they live in so they can get in touch with reality and I think Putin is getting ready to do that.

Why do you think everything the lefties do fails super duper badly? Do you believe me yet that I wouldn't hire one of them to manage an outhouse?

Go ahead, I dare you to tell me just one thing they have done in the last 3 years that has been successful. They make my brain hurt. Hey, at least they are consistent.

Remember that I have been telling you that Russia can quickly destroy the UK's and France's nukes? Remember that I told you that taking out their pathetic handful of tactical nukes will leave Europe defenseless against Russia?

I found this video today telling you what I have been telling you. It shows you that SAC trained me well for espionage.

That video is about Putin's plan for taking out the UK's and France's nukes just like I told he would have. It even has a name, "Operation Unthinkable" and they say Russia can take out their nukes in one day, which is being nice to the UK and France because it will only take at most an hour or two to take out the UK's 200 nukes and France's 300 nukes.

Then I watched more of the video and the 24 hours was for destroying all of Europe and her militaries.

People, they are both very small land masses with relatively small populations with very few weapons left over from their upper class trash Royals sacking their militaries and Russia's FSB knows where everything is. I told you before that the UK Military figured they could last a day in a war with Russia and France probably won't do any better with Germany being one of the three best militaries in Europe.

It tells you what I have been telling you about how, when Russia destroys the UK and French nukes, it will leave the rest of Europe defenseless in a nuke war with Russia and she only has to take out the top 3 to 5 militaries in Europe.

By international law, Russia can legally get its nuke subs and ships up to 12 miles or less than 5 minutes from their coasts but can very quickly and suddenly get inside that before the UK and French militaries can react to stop Russia from launching their nuke armed missiles plus Russia can launch nukes at both small nations from at least 3 different directions.

The UK and France will be the easy part of WWIII with the US being the only hard part and, based on my intel, it won't be that hard, especially with so many enemy troops already inside the US and our military also having been sacked by the rich so they can die more wealthy.

Then it tells you that, after Russia takes out the UK and France, Russia will "issue an ultimatum for everyone to stop aiding Ukraine." If that doesn't stop the Ukraine war insanity, after 24 hours, Russia will use tactical nukes against various targets in Europe to finish Europe off. There won't be an EU, NATO, UN, or anything else but a bunch of shattered former nations.

They are not even going to bother taking out the US? Is that because of China and North Korea or the US being heavily infiltrated?

The Western upper class trash Royal idiots have crossed a red line and it looks like this is a final warning.

And the arrogant fools just keep poking the bear. It is that inbreeding thingy.

You BETTER pray long, pray hard, pray often, and get right with God because our idiot leaders have really screwed up big time. But, hey, they never quit until they die.


Is telepathy possible with the human brain?

I have seen both Satan and an angel communicate to me telepathically so I know they can, which is how they tempt you to do things. Telepathic communication is how Satan and his demons tempt you to commit sins.

What does science say?

Science teaches that your brain sends out microwaves just like any other object that has electron flow because your brain functions partly because of electron flow. There is a thing surrounding your nerve and brain cells called the "myelin sheath" that increases the speed of that electron flow by 10 times the flow through the cells.

Remember that I have told you that, when an electron passes through ANYTHING, it puts out microwaves into the air?

We have been studying those microwaves from the brain for more than half a century.

If your brain can put out microwaves, it can receive microwaves of the right frequency range so scientists have been trying to figure out why we humans don't communicate telepathically. They have also been trying to figure out how we can use those microwaves from our brains to control the functions of computerized things.

Part of that has to do with circuitry in relation to the wiring that receives those waves. You see, all wiring within a radio will receive at least some microwaves but you won't hear anything but static from those microwaves unless it is filtered out because the circuitry is designed to translate the messages received by the antenna.

If your brain doesn't have the circuitry to translate microwaves from another brain, then you cannot receive and understand messages from those other brains or send messages to other brains. Without that circuitry, telepathic communication between humans is not possible and it seems we don't have that circuitry for communicating with humans but we do have the circuitry to receive messages from God, Satan, angels, and demons and it is called inspiration.


Remember that I have been warning you about Egypt in this war?

This video tells you about how Egypt has been working against Israel and helping Hamas fight against Israel.

He tells you about the tunnels that Egypt had to know about and you should know that, with Hamas moving that much in weapons and munitions into Gaza through those tunnels from Egypt, Egypt knew about it too. There is just no way that they were moving that much in weapons and munitions across that much open land in the desert without Egypt knowing about because Egypt controls what moves in and out of Egypt.

He told you how Egypt joined South Africa in trying to stop Israel from destroying Hamas to protect Israel's people and other dirty tricks against Israel. He tells you about the alliance between Egypt and Qatar, which is an Iranian ally and has been protecting Hamas leaders from Israel.

Then he tells you how the UAE, the IMF, and EU were paying Egypt more than 50 billion dollars to help Hamas and fight against Israel, with the US's support, which explains why the US and Europe didn't want Israel to go into Fatah and find those tunnels they ALL knew about and were using to help Hamas survive.

"No, no, we don't want you to go into Fatah and find out that we are all working with Hamas to help them destroy you because we want you and everyone else to think we are helping you."

Gee, you don't think a number of pro Muslim entities like the Nation of Islam are working together with Iran to destroy Israel, do you?

Then he tells you how Egypt has been building up is military, you know, obviously preparing for war with someone.

Gee, I wonder who they might be preparing for war with? /sarc

He tells you that "For some reason, the US does not want the destruction of Hamas," you know, just like I have been telling you.

Do you believe me yet that this is the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39?

You will soon.

The Upper Class Trash Royals

Remember that I have been working to expose the corruption of the upper class trash Royals and their puppets?

In this video he tells you that only 7% of the general population would rather steal an election than lose it but 67% of the elites, you know, all of the upper class trash, would rather steal an election than lose it showing you how corrupt they are.

I have been telling you for years that the upper class trash are human demons who will lie, steal, and murder for power and money and they just proved me right again. They are the problem and they cause better than 90% of your problems with their corruption.

Then he confirmed that the elites are heavily inbred when he told you that they keep marrying each other like the Royals have been doing for thousands of years. They are Royals who are too wonderful to marry outside of Royalty and there are a lot of them. He also showed you they are out of touch with reality and your world.

He tells you that the elites believe they are our superiors and it is their duty and moral right to dictate to the rest of you how you can and cannot live. They are arrogant elitists who think they should rule over you because they were born Royals. That is what they are raised to believe and it is confirmed in their elitist educational system, when the truth is almost all of them have been inbreeding so long they couldn't have more than average IQs and wouldn't know reality if you introduced it to them.

They are born, grow up in, and live in another planet or world and know nothing about you, this planet, or even science.

People, the greatest nation in history, the US, was created by them NOT being able to dictate to you how you can and cannot live but by you being able to make those decisions yourself and they are too stupid to realize that. The arrogant Royals did not make the US the greatest and most powerful nation in history, God used you lowly peasants to build the greatest nation in history, proving the Royals are not half as smart as they love to believe they are. "Why, that could not be possible because we intellectually superior elites know what is best for everyone."

Maybe they are wrong and they don't?

He tells you how the elites have taken control of the deep state to control our government just like Farrakhan told us he was doing. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

It is barely a Constitutional Republic anymore because the Royals use their political and bureaucratic puppets to control the nation. Hey, the Royals have to destroy this nation like they have every other great nation in history.

That is why I told you years ago that, to fix this government, you have to get rid of all of the upper class trash, their corrupt political puppets, better than 90% of the government employees, and cut our government way back in size. Those arrogant people running our government and who have corrupted it must go. That is the first step in fixing this government.

Then he told you that the lefty academe are a big part of the problem just like I have been warning you. They all think they are smarter than they are in spite of the fact that everything they dream up and do keeps failing.


Remember that I told you about in one dream God told me that our new nation would annex some other nations from Canada down to the southern tip of Chile?

This video is very interesting because it is the leader of Chile taking a stand against Israel with South Africa in effect cursing Israel and now he and Chile are cursed because of him cursing Israel.

This is proof that, following the wars following the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39, our new nation will have had to fight Chile and will annex it because he just cursed Chile and you can bet that arrogant little twit is soon going to die because he cursed himself.

Keep an eye on this.

BTW, the leader of South Africa who cursed Israel by bringing charges against Israel in the UN's ICJ just proved he cursed himself by losing his election. He is no longer the leader of that nation.

If you bless Israel, God will bless you; if you curse Israel, God will curse you and bring you down.

Therefore, now that Chile has joined the leader of South Africa in cursing Israel, he just cursed himself and Chile so he will soon be brought down and our new nation will annex what is left of Chile just like God told me.

BTW, Afghan Joe keeps trying and failing to stop Israel from destroying Hamas to protect the people of Israel, therefore, he has cursed himself and this nation so he will die soon and so will the nation. Every effort he has put forth to protect Hamas from being destroyed by Israel has failed so God will soon say, "Enough," and bring Afghan Joe and our nation down.

The same is true for most of Europe in that most of their leaders are cursing Israel so they and their nations are now cursed and God will soon bring all of the cursed nations down. You will not recognize a map of Europe in a little over a year.


I had trouble deciding whether to title this article "China" or "Taiwan" but it is great.

Remember I have been telling you how good our EW and ECM are and how absolutely terrible all of China's weapons systems are?

This video shows you how great their stealth J-16 planes are when we kept getting lock on them from our AIM missiles, which you can't do on a real stealth plane. You can't get radar missile lock on an F-22 because the missile doesn't get enough radar return to lock onto. They keep showing you videos of the lock-ons.

That video shows that China's weapons systems, stealth technology, EW, and ECM suck really bad.

Remember that I told you that, if I were the military leader of Taiwan, I would have my people practicing and training by locating, tracking, targeting, and locking onto their puke weapons?

They did it and then released videos of Taiwan getting lock-ons to China's weapons systems, even their stealth weapons. I take my hat off to mighty Taiwan. They earned my respect.

The video also shows some US planes tracking China's mighty aircraft and getting lock-ons during another military action. It tells you that in that exercise, the Chinese pilots realized the US planes had "missile lock" on them so they got scared and fled, telling me they couldn't break the missile lock.

They say that, because of all of this, China is just a wee bit concerned. Hey, their planes ran from Taiwan. LOL!!!

Maybe China should improve her weapons before she threatens people with them?

You have to understand that, when a guidance system is scanning an area, its radar energy is spread out wider to cover a larger area to find the target but, when it gets lock, the system concentrates all of its energy on the target causing what we call a "step up" in energy focused on them, which their EW detects, telling them we got weapons lock on their butts and one pull of the trigger will blow them out of the sky.

Our EW on our birds can tell when the enemy has weapons lock so our pilots and crew can start using ECM and evasive maneuvers to break the lock but the Chinese couldn't break the lock (their ECM isn't very good) so they panicked and fled, you know, put that baby in AB (after burners), light the fuse, and out of here at mach bunches. Yeehaa, tail is on fire, baby!!

I told you China's weapons are junk, which is why she is infiltrating troops by the tens to hundreds of thousands into the US, with the help of traitor Afghan Joe.

I love that video. Talk about deja vu. I would love to see Taiwan's plans for taking Beijing. China is more of a threat to the US than Taiwan because of Traitor Joe.

BTW, ignore the bull crap about what Afghan Joe said because he and his administration are saying whatever they think will help get him elected in November. I quit watching at that time because my head doesn't need that garbage in it.


One of the big problems with democracy that will always cause the pagan god, democracy, to fail is that most voters tend to become party loyal regardless of the terrible results for that party's agenda. They just keep voting for their party no matter how bad their party messes things up.

When a democracy gets to that point to where the people don't vote based on how well the leaders are managing their government and they loyally and stupidly vote for party regardless of results, that democracy will eventually fail. That is one of the biggest problems facing the West right now.

The leaders are making things worse and worse so they can steal more and more and the people keep voting for them because they are voting for party instead of results.

We have put our faith in our fake pagan god, democracy, instead of in Yahweh/Jesus so our god is now failing and proving it ain't no god; only Yahweh/Jesus is the God. We need to quit worshiping democracy and return to worshipping Yahweh/Jesus.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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