2024 Election
It is starting to look like the left is planning to use the Hunter Biden trial as a distraction from the election to cause the stupid people to forget about the crimes the left just committed against Trump.
You have to understand that the Trump trial woke up too much of the US and the left needs them to go back to sleep.
Keep an eye on that.
They are having Fauci testify AGAIN before Congress, even after they found out he lied the last time, you know, like anyone can believe anything he says. The man has zero credibility.
The big problem is that most of the politicians and media don't know enough about science to know which questions to ask and be able to tell when he is lying and Fauci knows it.
This is what happens when you have ignorant people running your nation.
I told you Fauci was lying, explained his lies, and these smarty pants in Congress finally figured out he was lying. Oh, I am so impressed. /sarc
Then I found this video that does a pretty fair job of explaining at least some of Fauci's lies and crimes. Hey, don't just take my word for it.
When he told everyone to wear masks, I told you they would not work and why. When he told you to do social distancing, I told you it wouldn't work and why.
Someone needs to find Fauci's offshore bank account to find out how many millions of dollars he took in bribes to sell masks and vaccines and who paid him so they can also stand trial for their crimes, with them all KNOWING they were killing people for money. That is the only thing that can put his butt in prison.
It is my opinion that, when an ignorant person commits a crime and causes harm to people, that is a bad thing but, when a well educated person commits the same crime knowing they are causing harm to people and how they are causing harm to those people, that is much worse and the penalty should be more severe. They definitely KNOW better.
The well educated need to be held to a higher standard than the ignorant because they know better and why, which will discourage these criminal academe and college graduates from lying for money.
Fauci intentionally killed or murdered millions of people for money and he should have to pay the ultimate price for it. All of the tens to hundreds of millions of dollars he took in bribes should be used to pay for damages caused by his words and actions.
They also need to pass a law that, when scientists are increasing any organism's ability to cause harm to people, that should not be allowed to be called something innocent sounding like "gain of function" and MUST be called "biological warfare", which is exactly what it is.
Since Fauci intentionally killed millions of people for money, why should he be allow to live?
I am so fed up with over educated criminals because they hurt many more people with their crimes. They infuriate me.
BTW, Tim showed some videos of Fauci telling more lies and getting away with it because he can talk his way out of it with ignorant people. I couldn't stand to watch much of him lying.
If you don't believe me that he was lying, go to college and study biology. You will see through his lies like looking through an open window.
I have reached a point to where I would be surprised if Her Fauci were to be held accountable for even the slightest of his crimes against humanity. Well, here on Earth. With him being 80 years old and with everything going on now, you can bet he will soon be burning in Hell to pay for those crimes.
I told you this below would happen, didn't I?
I just found out that a Republican County Assembly in Florida has declared that the UN, WHO, and WEF are terrorist organizations.
I told you the people would have enough and get mad and they are doing it now. They realize that these organizations and others are just criminal organizations to force nations and leaders to do whatever those organizations want them to do.
I keep seeing channels say that the Commierats are "starting to panic."
These fake trials were all a result of the Commierats in full panic mode and it is backfiring even bigger than I had figured. Their last idiot act of desperation has made them much, much more desperate.
Do not be surprised to see them murder or try to murder Trump so keep an eye on that.
I just realized that the Hunter trial and Fauci interrogation were both to distract people from Trump and try to get them to forget enough to calm down so they can be persuaded to vote for Afghan Joe. Watch them actually pretend or maybe even sacrifice a few lefties like them to make people believe there is no double standard for law in the US. "See, if Commierats break the law, they go to jail too." Another possibility is they will try them and "find them innocent" to make Trump look worse while faking it that our judicial system is still working. Keep an eye on this.
I just found out that the lefties are right now trying to take guns away from all US veterans.
Because they are the ones trained to use those weapons to protect and defend the US, the Constitution, and the people from people like the lefties.
And you think this is not happening right now? Really?
Then I found this video that tells me that is a bunch of more reasons why the Commierats will not want Trump anywhere near the White House again. If he declassifies those documents, a lot of lefties will go to prison.
The Commierats have reasons for keeping those files classified this long and they are called corruption. They do not want you to ever know what is in those files, not 100 years from now.
This video shows why we don't really have a Constitutional Republic any more. Too many RINOs will not fight to keep it a Constitutional Republic. If you want your nation back, you better get rid of the Commierats AND RINOs.
I just found out that the government just put out grants for $900 million for electric school buses by the idiot lefties.
Here is an easy prediction. When those batteries run down and they have to send vehicles out to take those kids to school or home from the incapacitated buses and it takes so much time and money to charge them, and they don't get charged enough to take the kids to or from school because the power went down, that will change people's minds about EVs.
What will really turn people against the green energy crap and the moron lefties have not thought about this, showing how stupid they are, when those lithium batteries blow up with a bus load of kids and kill a bunch of kids, that will really turn most people against this green energy crap. This is just another great sounding stupid idea by the lefties that will backfire on the lefties.
You just know, that, like EVERYTHING else they have tried, this will backfire on them super duper big time and it will crush the Commierat Party. Only the most radical and insane lefties will remain members of or vote for Commierats. This could easily be the end of the Commierat Party. Keep an eye on it.
The next day, I am seeing Republicans and moderate independents unit to stop this destruction of the US Government by the left.
I also expect Judge Merchan to have his corrupt actions backfire on him in a massive way. You know he should soon find himself facing a number of criminal charges for denying Trump his Constitutional right to a fair trial and his abuse of his judicial power. This guy's life is about to get really terrible and God will soon take care of him because his sins will find him out because God said so.
Man plans, God laughs.
Chemical Companies
I just realized who is making a ton of money promoting this transgender thing.
You have to understand that, when they go see a greedy, corrupt doctor, that doctor will write them a prescription for drugs sold by the chemical companies those doctors get big kickbacks for prescribing. The chemical companies are making a fortune with college professors, teachers, the media, MDs, and others promoting this transgender insanity so you know they are giving good money to all of those and other people to help the chemical companies make those billions of dollars.
And God said, "The love of money is the root to all evil."
Hey, if just 3% of the people in the US or 10 million people (probably more) spend just $200 a month (probably more) on prescriptions to fake being the opposite sex, that is $2 billion a month or $24 billion a year, which can put some big cash in some greedy pockets.
To show you that is a conservative estimate, they are talking about using gullible children to get to where about 10% of the people or about 34 million people will be spending at least $500 a month for such prescriptions, which would be $170 billion a year for the chemical companies so $24 billion a year is conservative.
Gee, you don't think that tens of billions of dollars is going to entice all of those teachers, professors, media, doctors, and others to talk people, especially children, into becoming transgender to increase the wealth of those chemical companies giving those kickbacks to those people, do you? Why, you don't think that is why they are brainwashing people, especially children, into believing they are the opposite sex, do you? Do you believe me yet that there are going to be a lot of rich people burning in Hell?
Always follow the money to find the real reason the left is doing anything.
BTW, they are beginning to find out that those drugs are causing some serious problems for the people taking them but, hey, the greedy criminals don't care who gets hurt as long as they keep making big money.
This video shows you some of that and then they tell you that the doctors and medical organizations are making big money doing transgender surgeries. They said that a study involving 56 US health care organizations with over 90 million patients over 20 years or about 4.5 million people per year showed that people who had those surgeries were 12 times more likely to commit suicide and the study did not include minors.
That is a massive number of people getting transgender surgeries that cost thousands of dollars, which would bring in billions of dollars per year for those doctors and medical organizations to butcher people's bodies, even children's bodies, so they could fake being another sex.
With the transgender industry bringing in tens of billions of dollars a year, you can bet that a lot of people are getting paid big money to pressure and brainwash people, especially children, into becoming transgender.
They even showed how the medical people are trained to use fear to get people to do the transgender thing in order for them to make more money, when those medical people asked the child's parents, "Do you want a dead daughter or living son?"
Any more, you cannot even trust doctors and nurses because of their insane greed. They have become cruel, savage monsters for money.
And you think those greedy monsters are civilized, sane, and rational?
They do not care who they hurt as long as they make the big bucks. The lefties are insane with greed. Judgment Day cannot get here too soon.
Remember that I have been warning you that Afghan Joe is working with Iran and her proxies to destroy Israel, while pretending to support Israel?
Afghan Joe continues to try to con and fool Israel into quitting destroying Joe's Hamas terrorists. They just proposed a "cease fire deal" that Israel turned down four months ago as a new deal and an Israeli deal to make Israel look bad for turning it down but Israel did not fall for it.
This shows that Afghan Joe and company are very desperate and trying to use psychological warfare to turn more people and nations against Israel to support invading and destroying Israel. They refuse to quit trying to stop Israel from destroying Hamas to protect the people of Israel.
People, I have told you before that Hamas will not release the hostages until Israel pulls out of Gaza and stops trying to destroy Hamas so Hamas can return to murdering Israelis with attacks and Israel is not going to accept that. One member of the Israeli Government said that, if Netanyahu accepts that kind of deal, that member will "crash the Israeli Government" to prevent the deal from going through.
BTW, Egypt and Spain are meeting to get Egypt to unite with the rest of them against Israel so keep an eye on that.
Iran's Khamenei just threatened Israel with total destruction, you know, like what happened with the last exchange of fire between the two. The UN is saying it "has to do with Iran's nuclear ambitions," you know, Iran might accidentally make a few hundred nuke warheads tonight.
Based on behavior, comments, and recent history, I am even more sure now that Iran has an entire arsenal of nukes just itching to launch at Israel.
Let's see, more than 40 years of trying to make nukes with the help of nuclear engineers from Pakistan, China, and North Korea, more than $150 billion in funding from Mahdi Obama and Afghan Joe, a nuke dirt factor they have had for decades that can refine nuke dirt to weapons grade, the starting of this war at this intensity at this time, and I am supposed to be stupid enough to believe that Iran doesn't even have one nuke yet? Really?
I think we are about to find out that Iran has an entire nuke arsenal in the hundreds. I believe that attack directly from Iran on Israel was a dry run to see if she could get enough missiles past Israel's defenses to targets in Israel but it failed so I think they have turned to plan B, which will be the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39, though they don't know that. I am sure they are planning a different outcome.
Then I watched more of the video and Iran has a nuke arsenal, especially with the comments of that UN official. I believe that at least Iran will take nukes into Syria to invade Israel, which accounts for the statement in the Bible that shows there will be some kind of contamination in Syria following the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39.
The Europeans and other Muslim nations will probably put together some phony excuse for moving troops into the area, you know, to stop the fighting by bringing Hezbollah under control. You know, it will be a massive "UN peace keeping force", wink, wink.
It is coming together so you better pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load. It is happening right now.
Remember that I told you that Putin knows that, if he takes out the UK and French nukes, he will own Europe?
This video tells me why he did not include the US in that statement. It tells you that Afghan Joe KNOWS that the US cannot defeat Russia and will not risk WWIII against Russia until they can get those Muslim armies I told you about and Putin knows it.
Putin knows that, if he takes out the UK and France with a nuke attack, the US will not go to war with Russia and will sacrifice Europe to save the US because it will either be save the US and let Europe go or lose both Europe and the US because Europe will be useless in a war against Russia because they have devastated their militaries so bad to fill their upper class trash Royal pockets so full. Wow, that worked well.
So we now have a better idea of Putin's game and plans. If he can destroy the UK and France before the US and Europe can bring those Muslim armies into the fight, everyone else will be forced to back down or fry and the Ukrainian War will come to a screeching halt or the West will die.
And the idiot Royals and their puppets continue to poke the bear because they think they are so wonderful, magnificent, and superior that Putin wouldn't dare nuke them. The arrogant idiot Royals are going to get a bunch of you Europeans killed, you know, like they have been doing for thousands of years.
Remember that I told you that I have not seen one crusade to save one thing save anything since at least the 1960s?
This video confirms that. He tells you that the people who cry wolf to scare people always get it wrong.
It is a con and racket to make millions selling books, giving lectures, and getting government grants to save something like bees, bears, whales, and the world. The ONLY thing these criminals have saved in over 60 years with their crusades is their bank accounts. Not one of their predictions of doom has ever come true.
It was started by the lefty academe, who know nothing about science, in the 1960s and other upper class trash have seized on the opportunity to steal money in government grants by scaring everyone.
All of those people who have committed those frauds for at least tens of billions of dollars should go to prison.
Remember that I have been telling you that the commies making buds with the Muslims will eventually backfire?
There are too many things the commies like that the Muslims hate and kill for such as homosexuality. The commies love homosexuality but the Muslims will cut your head off for being a homosexual.
With this being pride month and the queer parades going on, the Muslims have started showing up and conflicts seem to have already broken out and they don't even have control of the US yet.
Those idiot lefties just might want to study Islamic Law because there are quite a few things the lefties love and hate Christianity for not loving that the Muslims will take off the lefty heads for.
When Obama imposes Sharia Law with his Sharia cops already in place to enforce that law, a lot of commie heads will roll and the lefties will be stunned and horrified. This is going to be interesting and partly explains God showing me how the white lefties will be subservient to the black Muslims when they leave for Syria to invade Israel.
With these conflicts already openly starting and them having their Sharia cops in place, this is going to be faster and worse than I have been warning you about.
This video is disconcerting because it looks like a con and lie. They are making it look like they are moving the people off of the island because of the rising ocean waters, which are clearly not rising.
I watched the video closely and could see no signs of rising waters like flooding streets and buildings that have always been just a few feet above the water. There was not one sign of rising waters displacing those people. As close to the water and just above it, if that water was really rising, there would have been passive flooding. You KNOW that, if there had been any such signs, they would have shown them to sensationalize the climate crisis lie.
The only flooding they showed looked like it was due to seasonal storms, when, if the seas were really rising on people whose streets and homes were only 2 feet above the water level, there would have been signs of passive flooding without storms.
Why did they not show passive flooding streets and buildings without storms? Also, if it is flooding those islands, wouldn't it also be flooding ports? Why are they not also moving people out of nearby ports?
Are they getting people off the island with the excuse of climate change to build a luxury resort for the rich? Are they putting those people in those new, great, and wonderful homes that look like a concentration camp to murder them off later, when no one is looking? Is this the Royals starting to depopulate 95% of the planet under the guise of climate change?
This is really suspect so keep an eye on it and I am going to keep an eye on it.
I read the comments below that video and did not see one person who questioned or thought for themselves. The fools just fell for it, hook, line, and sinker. They all drank the Kool-Aid and went back to sleep.
It is amazing how easy it is to fool ignorant people, which is why they have been dumbing down the educational system.
Here is a picture that shows they are lying to you. The sea levels are NOT rising.
So, why are they moving those people off of those islands?
You know it is not for good reasons. I pray for those people.
God better act soon to take out these insane animals or there won't be much left to save.
The Christ Mass
I realized something in the shower I really need to share with you. I have taught you the truth about worshipping Jesus on Christmas and Easter and also worshipping on Halloween, which is obvious they are pagan holy days. What you are doing when you worship on Christmas, Easter, and Halloween, is you are adding your pagan customs and traditions to God's Law and worshipping God.
When confronted about this, most Christians reply that it doesn't matter because it is innocent and is still worshipping God.
Jesus preached and warned the Hebrews about sinning by adding their pagan customs and traditions to God's Law. If adding your pagan customs and traditions to God's Law and worshipping Him was innocent and did not matter, Jesus would not have preached to the Hebrews about it and convicted them of their sins for doing that AND God would not have included that sermon in His Word, the Bible.
When you read the words of Jesus convicting you of sinning by adding your pagan customs and traditions to God's Law and worship, it is supposed to also convict you of your sins of adding your pagan customs and traditions to God's Law and worship. The very fact that God included that sermon in His Word should tell you that it does matter to God. Therefore, if it doesn't matter to you, you have something wrong with your heart and need to fix it.
So, which is more important to you, your pagan customs and traditions of worshipping on Christmas, Easter, and Halloween or God?
Let's find out where your heart is.
My heart says I will never again worship anyone, not even God, on a pagan holy day, also worshipping their god, which is what you are doing. You are causing God to share His day of worship with another god. Think about that.
My suggestion is to worship the birth of Jesus on Yom Kippur, when it probably happened, and to worship the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus on Passover, when we know it definitely happened. Then God doesn't have to share your worship with pagan gods.
A lot of Christians are going to learn the hard way on Judgment Day that adding your pagan customs and traditions to God's Law and worship does matter to God, especially when God points out that sermon by Jesus included in the Bible.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....