I Told You So 668

Greatest investment

What is the greatest investment you can make in your life?

Jesus told us to not lay up treasures for ourselves here on Earth, where moths and rust corrupt but He was being conservative and nice.

Yet, for thousands of years, we humans have been obsessed with building great fortunes, treasures, and luxuries for our selves, especially the greedy and power mad Royals.

If you study archaeology and the Bible, they tell you just how futile and wasteful that is.

I have probably seen the pictures and actual ruins for thousands of cities, towns, villages, mansions, and monuments that are just rubble today and no one even lives in them. Those were homes and businesses that people worked hard to build and maintain. They spent a lot of time, money, and effort for those structures and the lands they stood on.

For thousands of years, almost all of the Royals paid a lot of money to build graves and tombs to take their wealth with them to pagan heavens and we dig their bodies up with those treasures still there. Those treasures didn't go anywhere, much less to where those people went. I guess their pagan priests lied to them.

Many of those burial sites were looted, with the robbers taking the treasures with them to sell, with the rest ending up in Museums for people to look at. The people who worked, lied, enslaved, stole, and murdered to get that wealth didn't take one atom of gold, silver, or anything else from their treasure with them. They left it all behind for others to have until they sold it, lost it, or died and also left it behind. They left this life in absolute poverty.

The only thing even the richest and most powerful Royals took with them were their souls, just like everyone else. Upon death, absolutely everyone became 100% impoverished, even the magnificent, wonderful, and elite Royals.

The Bible tells us that just before Judgment Day, God will transport the people still alive on Earth to Heaven and then destroy Earth but He will also destroy every electron, proton, photon, atom, and molecule remaining from our cosmos. At that moment, there will be ABSOLUTELY NOTHING left from this cosmos and everything in it.

The remains of every structure man has built, every mansion, every car, every plane, every business, every yacht and every grain of sand or dust will completely cease to exist in an instant. EVERYTHING that every human has worked for or stolen will be destroyed in an instant.

Then the Bible tells us that God will empty Hell into His throne room and then destroy even Hell.

At that moment, except for the souls of us humans, God, the angels, Satan, and his demons, only two things will exist; Heaven and the Lake of Fire. Absolutely EVERYTHING from this entire cosmos will have ceased to exist. There will be no Earthly treasures left and everyone of us humans will be 100% impoverished.

Then there will be the judgment and following the judgment, every being that failed the test of life by rejecting God and His love for us for their sins will be herded into the Lake of Fire by the angels for eternal damnation and absolute poverty forever. There will never be one penny between the lot of them, you know, all of those wealthiest people in history.

Then the Bible tells us that God will create a new Earth and place Heaven on it so He can live with us forever in Paradise.

At that moment, the ONLY thing ANY human will own will be their eternal soul and the question will be, will it be burning in the Lake of Fire forever because they rejected God and His love for some of those worldly things that will no longer exist and for their sins or did they repent of their crimes against God's Laws to accept His love by accepting the payment He made for their crimes on the cross so they will live forever with God in Paradise?

You only get two choices and they are both eternal so choose well.

The only long term or eternal investment you can make will be for your soul but many refuse to make that investment to gain very temporary wealth, possessions, pleasure, and power here on Earth that will only last a few decades to end up spending eternity burning in the Lake of Fire forever.

If you lived to enjoy those riches and pleasures for 100 million years, that wouldn't even be the batting of an eye compared to eternity. It would be stupid to invest in extremely brief and limited wealth and pleasures to spend eternity burning in the Lake of Fire to pay for it, especially with Jesus having told us that He is going to prepare things for us in Paradise that no one can even begin to imagine.

Jesus was telling you that the poorest person in Paradise will be many times more wealthy than all of the richest people in history combined. To not invest in your eternal salvation, is the stupidest investment you can make and to invest in your eternal salvation is the greatest investment you can make.

Here is hoping I see you in Paradise.

So, what is life in Paradise going to be like?

The Bible gives us hints to what it will be like in Paradise and we have to connect those dots to figure it out.

First, Adam and Eve were given sex to reproduce and "fill the Earth" but this new planet will be filled by people who have all passed God's test we call life so there will be no need to reproduce or have sex.

Second, at the end and just before Judgment Day, the Bible says that God will turn Satan loose on the Earth again so the people who have not been tested can be tested because "everyone must be tested."

That should tell you that, if we humans have sex and produce even just one child in Paradise, at some point God will have to release Satan in Paradise to test that child and it will stop being Paradise. I seriously doubt God will let that happen.

Do you realize that even God's angels were tempted and tested by Satan and one third of them failed that test and became "fallen angels" and demons?

Also, Jesus told us that He will not be giving anyone into marriage in Paradise, which is required for having sex without committing adultery.

All of that should tell you that we won't have sex and may not even have sex organs to keep us from mating and producing more people who will have to be tested and will destroy Paradise. Our new and eternal bodies will definitely be very different from and better than what we have here on Earth.

A lot of Christians seem to believe that all we will do is sit in some super duper mansion, holding hands, and singing songs to God but that isn't true with several clues for this.

First, the Bible says that, in Paradise that all Hebrews, regardless of where they live, and all Gentiles living in Israel will be required to keep ALL 5 of the feasts God told Moses to keep but Gentiles living outside of Israel can keep all or any of those 5 feasts but MUST keep Sukkot by traveling to Israel every year to spend time in fellowship with God "or it will not rain on their crops for a year." God wants to spend eternity with people who want to spend time with Him.

That tells you a number of things. First, we won't all be living in a big mansion in Jerusalem singing songs. We will be living scattered out around the planet just like today but the planet will be beautiful with good land, water, and plants and animals everywhere. It will be just like the Garden of Eden everywhere.

Second, we are going to have to work to care for ourselves forever because there will not be any socialism or communism to steal from some people and give it to other people, you know, thou shalt not steal. There also cannot be any retirement because there can be no future generations to pay taxes to support the retired. It sounds like most will probably grow their own food, with some growing food for sale or trade.

I look forward to that and want to have a variety garden with ground crops and fruit and nut trees. That will be really great.

You have to understand that, when we get to Paradise, it will be virgin territory without one business, home, or anything else made by man. We are going to have to scatter out around the planet and start from scratch, with farming, herding, and building things with many of us having experience with crafts and trades. Some will start mom and pop businesses and some will grow into bigger businesses.

The Bible also tells us that some of us will "receive crowns" or signs of power and authority over others on Judgment Day because of our test results. This tells me that God will certainly use the results of our tests to choose people who care about His Law and other people to be our leaders at various levels in our government so those people will not abuse the power of government over others. It will be the greatest government in history and forever.

Just imagine, no corrupt upper class trash Royals and their puppets forever. That will be super duper wonderful forever.

The Bible tells us that there are "secrets of God" that none of us know anything about and Jesus said He will prepare things for us that have never entered into the heart of man so there will be much that will surprise us so we will get the greatest gifts in history from God.

I guess you can call those things "graduation presents" for passing His test called life?

Spacy Aliens

We are getting closer every day to the left using spacy aliens in some way to get you to submit to their absolute rule. They keep increasing the UFO sightings with most people thinking that UFO means spacy aliens.

"Why, dey gots tuh be spacy aliens, I seen it on TeeBee."

They are US Space Force, which is one reason why Trump separated the Space Force from the Air Force.


Remember that I told you before this military action in Ukraine began several years ago that Russia loves to use encirclement or what they call the "Russian Caldron" to trap and destroy enemy troops?

For several months now I have been seeing Russia increasingly using their caldron to gain ground. The way they are doing it is they will attack to both sides of a strong defensive area to encircle it and, after the Avdiivka route caused by encirclement, the Ukrainians withdraw before they can be encircled to avoid a repeat of that disaster.

This is making it possible for Russia to gain ground faster and faster, especially since Russia is still heavily depleting the Ukrainian troops more and more. It isn't if but when will Russia do a breakthrough that will cause enough panic to route the entire Ukrainian Army.


Remember that I have been telling you that the problem with our government agencies is mostly at the top?

In this video he tells you towards the end what I have been telling you for years. Our big problem with the DOJ, FBI, and other such agencies is at the top. Those are the people causing our problems and the people you need to get rid of.

I just saw a meme on FB covering for Al Quaeda by showing the wing tip of an airplane damaged by a light pole saying, "Remember when they said that the wing of a plane cut through steel beams," you know, for 9/11?

These are the simple minded people who like to believe that it wasn't Al Quaeda but the CIA that caused the 9/11 attack on the US.

Did you know that, when Billy Boy Clinton was president, he gave the CIA instructions to create Al Quaeda to fight Russia under his watch so Al Quaeda is a proxy for the CIA?

That should tell you that, if the CIA was involved, they would have used Al Quaeda as their proxy or front to commit that attack. The CIA isn't stupid enough to stage that attack themselves so they would hide behind Al Quaeda so the leaders of Al Quaeda got dead and not them.

Did you know that, when Mahdi Obama was president, he gave the CIA instructions to create ISIS to fight against the Syrian Government as their proxy?

They just arrested 8 members of ISIS who came into the US, using Mahdi Obama's puppet's, you know, Afghan Joe's, open borders to commit an attack against the US. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

You have to connect ALL of the dots.

I have to state that it bothers me that many of our soldiers are probably going to die because of the insane greed and lust for power of our upper class trash Royals and their puppets.

I just saw a headline asking, "Is the US becoming an Anti-Christ state?"

My first thought was, "Becoming?"

The spirit of the Anti-Christ is already in most of our leaders and that makes this an Anti-Christ state because no nation can be any better than those running the nation. The US will remain an Anti-Christ state until those satanic leaders are removed and replaced with Christian leaders. That is true for every nation.

As long as our leaders are satanic, this cannot be a good nation and can only be a good nation with good people running it because the leaders decide whether your nation does good or evil.

BTW, at a fund raiser in LA, Afghan Joe froze on the stage and Mahdi Obama had to take him by the hand and lead Afghan Joe off the stage. The way Mahdi Obama did it told me he already knew he might have to do it. It caused even more people to realize that Mahdi Obama is the puppet master for Afghan Joe because God is using their stupidity to open your eyes.

Remember that I told you that the lefty problem is that they think they are smarter than they are and that you are dumber than you are so all they have to do is some simple minded great sounding stupid idea and you will all just magically believe whatever they say?

Remember that I have been telling you that the lefty upper class trash Royals and their puppets are in the process of finishing setting up their dictatorship and, if they get the presidency again, it will give them enough time to finish the job?

This video shows you how close they are in finishing setting up their dictatorship because they have already seized control of the Department of Justice and made themselves above the law just like in a dictatorship. Note that the lefty media is on their side in setting up this dictatorship over you.

The only thing I would like to watch the lefty media for is to watch them get marched off to prison for their part in this insurrection and destruction of our government called treason.


Remember that I began warning you about the fall of the West more than a decade ago being caused by our inbred, greedy, power mad upper class trash Royals sacking our nations and militaries making us vulnerable to being brought down by other nations?

I only watched the first 8 minutes of this video but there were two important things in those 8 minutes.

First, at the beginning she said that BRICS is now more economically powerful internationally than the West and that is very big. It marks the end of the prior world order and the beginning of a new world order but not the world order the West wants.

Second, he started explaining what I have been telling you that it was our insane, greedy, power mad leaders who did this to themselves and us because of their greed and abuse of power.

Our leaders battered all of these other nations while weakening their own nation until they caused the straw that broke their camel's back by starting a war with Christian Russia.

Remember that I told you that my observations taught me more than half a century ago that the wealth of the leaders of a nation was related to the wealth of their people. The more wealthy their people are, the more wealthy the leaders will be because it is the wealth of the people that drives the economy and the economy determines the maximum potential wealth of the upper class.

Our insane and really stupid leaders got greedy stupid and just had to start stealing more and more from the people, decreasing the people's wealth, weakening our economies and now starting to bring those leaders down, while they were also abusing their power over other nations.

This is all backfiring on them right now and bringing the West down. I have been teaching you this for more than a decade and it is happening right now. To free themselves from the abuse of power over them by the West, the other nations are increasingly uniting against our insane leaders.

And God said, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

Do you believe me yet that you are right now living the fall of Rome II because of our insane leaders?

And God said, "The love of money is the root to all evil."

Then I found this video showing the insane ignorance of the leaders of NATO. They think that all they have to do to put nukes on standby or combat ready is to just move them from one place to some other place.

No, those nukes have been sitting in storage so long that the nuke dirt needs to be reworked to bring it back to being true weapons grade, which will take time. And then those weapons will have to be attached to projectiles like missiles and bombs, which will take more time.

They are at least months for those nukes that have been sitting in storage for decades to be usable weapons because they laundered the money required to keep those nukes combat ready into their greedy pockets. I warned you about that years ago.

Mean while, Putin already has all of his almost 6,000 nukes reconstituted and placed on projectiles to be combat ready with the US only having 1,500 combat ready and the UK and France not having any combat ready. Do the math for that one.

Then, at about 1:24 into the video, he showed that he does understand the difference between combat ready and in storage at least some.

This video shows you what I have been telling you all along. They want to destroy and dismember Russia as a power so the West can set up their global dictatorship and Russia won't be able to resist their insane absolute power.

Remember that I have been telling you for years that those inbred, psychopathic lunatics never quit?


Remember that I have been telling and showing you how Hamas is being used by Iran and the Nation of Islam to turn the world or most of it against Israel to get nations to unite to invade and destroy Israel and why?

In this video Italy's Meloni warned Israel that Israel is "falling into Hamas' trap to isolate Israel from the world", you know, turn the rest of the world against Israel and she believes it is succeeding just like I have been telling you.

Like others, she doesn't seem to understand that at least some of Israel's allies are aiding Hamas in this plan, you know, like the US and other nations. She also doesn't seem to understand that this is the prophesied Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39, where God will save Israel's butt.

It is interesting to see that someone else is figuring this out.

Netanyahu just disbanded his inner war cabinet after they, on their own and against the orders of Netanyahu, started brief daily stops in the fighting in Fatah to allow food aid to reach the people, which also gives Hamas opportunities to set up ambushes against Israeli troops.

It makes me wonder who bribed the top people in that war cabinet to disobey Netanyahu's orders? You don't think it was Stinkin' Blinken, do you?

He is the only one from the US who met with those people in private over the last few months.

Those people can be tried for their crimes, you know, like for treason, and Stinkin' Blinken can be banned from Israel.

Global Warming

Oh no, according to TeeBee, we are still having a super duper heat wave, you know, with the temperature being about 15 degrees F below normal.

What? The rocks are not going to melt again?

We are also getting more clouds and rain than normal this time of year because it normally doesn't start raining here until about the first or second week of July, which is our monsoon season.

Oh no, what terrible weather. We are having a super duper heat wave with lower temperatures and more precipitation so I better start building an ark.

Is the planet going to melt? Is the solar system going to melt? Is the galaxy going to melt? /sarc

Probably not. Have a good day.

This is actually a really nice summer for us probably because we are not downwind from those super hot solar energy farms.


If you are stupid enough to believe someone is a felon because they were framed for a fake crime, then you shouldn't vote.


Remember that I told you that it is not reasonable that Iran doesn't have nukes with her having had centrifuges for at least 3 to 4 decades and having been trying to make her first nuke more than 40 years, when all other nations developed their first nuke in 6 years or less and her people have worked with scientists from Pakistan, North Korea, and China, who all have nukes?

Then I found this video he tells you that Iran got new advanced centrifuges in 2021, you know, when Afghan Joe got into office (gee, what a magic coincidence), that can create enough nuke dirt for 8 nukes a month or 96 nukes per year. It increases the amount of weapons grade nuke dirt she can make by at least 4 to 10 times per year.

Then I found out that Iran just bought 300 tons of uranium from Niger so you know she is increasing the size of her nuke arsenal.

And she doesn't have nukes? Really? Gee, you don't think you are being lied to, do you?

They are insulting our intelligence.

Listen, in his first term as president, Mahdi Obama cleared the way for Iran to start making nukes and she already had the centrifuges built by Germany years earlier. That was 15 years ago. If she just made 10 nukes a year, she should already have more than 150 nukes.

Los Angeles

Remember that I posted a dream God gave me about a super duper earthquake storm that will hit Commiefornia, especially LA, in the future?

I posted that as "Dream 9" in August 2013, if you want to read it again. Later they started calling that kind of earthquake an "earthquake storm."

I just found this video showing that it is now time for another super earthquake from the San Andreas Fault that runs from south of San Diego to San Francisco. The last quake of that nature for that fault was in 2004 and it seems to happen every 20 years, you know, in 2024 or 2025. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

At about 3:47 into that video, they show you the expected progress of the earthquake along the San Andreas Fault and I want you to noticed the expected seismic activity they show in the greater LA area caused by the San Andreas earthquake, which will cause the earthquake storm God showed me in that dream. (There are an estimated 200 to 300 smaller fault lines in the greater LA area that will also be triggered by that quake.) That sure is a lot of seismic activity. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

Note that at about 5 minutes into that video they tell you about research showing that the fault line quake east of LA is probably going to exceed 7.0 on the Richter Scale, which will do a lot of damage by setting off the 200 to 300 smaller fault lines in the greater LA area just like God showed me. It will soon happen and they confirmed it.

Don't you think it is a coincidence that the super quake is expected to hit right when the left is expected to make a grab for control of the US with a Chinese Army of infiltrators in LA?

Note that they show you that quake moving along the San Andreas Fault from San Francisco to San Diego just like I told you it will probably happen, also causing quite a bit of damage to everything between both of those cities. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

Note that at about 6 minutes into the video he tells you that research has shown that the super duper quake on the San Andreas Fault could set off activity in other nearby faults along the west coast that could cause severe quakes all of the way from Alaska to Baja California just like I told you years ago. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

Then at about 8:50 into that video he tells you that scientists call this coming quake "the big one" and say it could cause an 8.0 or larger quake that will be felt around the world and cause "unimaginable damage". Hey, God didn't lie.

All Hell is breaking loose on this planet now because of the insanity of the upper class trash Royals and their puppets but all Heaven is about to break lose to stop the Royals and I have told you who will win that fight.

Things are coming together and every day we get one day closer.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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