I Told You So 669


Netanyahu has been doing a great job of negating Afghan Joe and company's efforts to stop Israel from protecting her people while winning in Gaza and against Hezbollah and Houthis.

In this video pay attention to the opportunistic criminal Israeli politicians who are putting their political futures and potential gains before Israel defeating the terrorists. They are selling out Israel and the people for their own gain, which, in my opinion, is treason.

I got sick of the politics, got the intel I needed, and quit watching.

"Hey, how can I make this benefit me instead of the people and the nation?"

I just found out that some Hebrews are lobbying their government to return Israelis to Gaza and control of Gaza to Israel. Keep an eye on that.

Mean while, Israel is in the process of finishing off the last few Hamas battalions in Fatah, which you know will more than slightly upset the Nation of Islam and Mahdi Obama so keep an eye on that.

This video is very important because it shows Americans helping or blessing Israel, which will come back to good Americans as a blessing from God, which is part of why we will be able to regain control of most of our land and build a new nation blessed by God.

BTW, this increasing persecution of Hebrews outside of Israel is being used by God to drive them back home to Israel. God is bringing His people home. They wouldn't come home of their own so now God is using the bad guys to drive them home.

Note that it is the lefty run US Government that is cursing Israel so our government will be destroyed to get rid of those cursing Israel but our land will be saved for those blessing Israel.

Israel has made it public that Afghan Joe is "holding back key weapons" to keep Israel from destroying Hamas.

Netanyahu is now openly saying that the US is withholding weapons and munitions from Israel, you know, helping Hamas by keeping Israel from destroying Hamas like I have been telling you.

Of course the US is denying it in spite of the fact that Netanyahu is not stupid enough to say anything against an ally who is providing Israel with weapons and munitions. He would only say it if they are not providing him with those weapons.

So the US has cancelled a "key meeting with Israel" for exposing Afghan Joe helping Hamas.

Then half a day later, the White House is denying they canceled that meeting. I guess there was an outcry about it.

What the lefties are doing is trying to setup a situation that will cause stupid people to believe that Israel nuked Chicago by making it look like evil Israel has turned on and is lying about the US "in spite of the US helping Israel". That tells me Mahdi Obama and the Nation of Islam plus the CIA are getting ready to nuke Chicago and blame Israel for it so they can justify invading Israel to punish her. They really need those Muslim troops to take out Russia before it is too late. Keep an eye on this.

Then I found this really good video which shows how the media are lying to you and deceiving you about "refugees" and "refugee camps", which should tell you that is not all they are lying to you about.

Also remember that I warned you that the lying lefty media love to take close up shots of damaged buildings and use them to make it look like the entire Gaza area is like that, when it isn't even close to being like that.

You can't believe anything the lefty media tell you.

Spacy Aliens

Remember that I have been warning you for years about the lefty lunatic upper class trash Royals and their puppets planning to use spacy aliens to get you to submit to the absolute rule of the Royals?

This is too good to be true but it is true.

This video tells you that the ultra lefty academe at superior Harvard University have done "research" (wink, wink) proving that spacy aliens MAY (or may not) live among us. It says they are intellectually superior to us.

You just know that the Royals are going to claim to be those intellectually superior spacy aliens and, if you submit to their absolute rule, they will "take care of you", you know, like they have been taking care of your ancestors for thousands of years; oppressing them, enslaving them, impoverishing them, and sending them to die fighting so the Royals can steal more money from more people faster.

It is so easy to see where this is going. Either the Royals will claim they are the intellectually superior spacy aliens, which is why everything they are doing is failing, or they will have fake spacy aliens tell you to submit to the absolute rule of the Royals so the Royals can fail at taking care of you just like everything else they fail at.

Maybe they are going to have spacy aliens telling you because too many people have quit listening to and blindly believing the lefties?

This is a big move by the upper class trash to con you and you better know that step for getting complete control of you will be one of the next few steps and the stupid people will go ga-ga over the idea and submit to the Royal rule over them.

"Oh, please, please have absolute rule over us so we can be your privileged slaves."

I warned you about this, I warned you about this, I warned you about this and it is happening right now. It is just another one of their lies and cons and probably at least partly because all of their other plans for setting up their global dictatorship over you are failing.

This is just another example of the Royals thinking they are smarter than they are, that you are dumber than you are, and you will just fall for it without any questions. By now you should know this is going to fail and backfire on them just like everything else they have done because "they are intellectually superior to you".


This video is valuable intel because it tells us that a number of nations began bringing nukes online last year without the media telling us about it.

It shows that the US, UK, and France are trying to get their nukes combat ready with Russia's already being combat ready and China creating more capsules called nuke missiles for storing water. (/sarc) India is also ramping up its nukes.

You have to understand that bringing nukes back up to combat ready requires time. They have to take the warhead apart, check out all of the components, replace as needed, rework the nuke dirt to bring it back up to combat ready, which takes the most time, and put it all back together.

I am thinking they may have put this intel out to intimidate Russia but it won't work.

This just increases the potential for Russia to stage a surprise preemptive first strike with nukes against the US, UK, and France before they can get more combat ready.

It has me wondering, what is the real reason for Russia sending ships to Cuba and Venezuela?

There could be several reasons now. Keep an eye on this.

Remember that I told you years ago that the US should help Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan with half a dozen to more than a dozen nukes?

Russia just signed a deal with North Korea to help improve their nukes. Oops!

Is it even possible for our leaders to do anything right?


Remember that I told you that no one can depend on Afghan Joe as an ally?

I just heard him called a "fickle ally", which is a nice way of saying he cannot be depended on.

The GOP is now saying it will take at least 12 years of GOP leadership to undo the damage the left has done. They are telling you only 12 years because they know no one will accept the truth like I told you years ago, at least 40 to 50 years, which they will never get because of the stupid people, which is why it will take a war and purging those who have destroyed this nation to get back a reasonable republic. With the stupid people, they know that 12 years is wishful thinking.

To get even just the 12 years, you will have to defeat the left in a war and drive the remainder of them back into a small part of the Northeastern US to have their own commie state so you can rebuild your republic. If you don't do that, they will just regroup, reorganize, and start over again to finish off the US.

Remember that I have been telling you for almost 16 years that Mahdi Obama and the Nation of Islam will stage a coup of the US Government by nuking Chicago and blaming Israel?

This video tells you a lot of what is going on and the commentator is ticked. It is a good video showing a lot of garbage being done by the left.

Very interestingly, at about 18 minutes into the video, he tells you that Mahdi Obama, Billy Boy Clinton, Schumer, and Pelosi are planning a coup to take over the government from Afghan Joe, you know, just like I have been warning you. He doesn't know how they plan to do it but others have finally found out, probably because someone on the inside leaked something to someone. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

Who would have guessed that Mahdi Obama would stage a coup of the US Government right now and blame it on Israel?

Now that the word is out, they will have to change plans or move it up before they get stopped again, you know, like Mahdi Obama did when the US Military caught his people with a couple of nukes, while he was still president. You know the CIA will use someone like ISIS or Al Quaeda or Hamas or Hezbollah or Houthis or a number of other Muslim terrorist organizations to carry this out. All they have to do is have a formal ball in the top of the Sears Tower, put a 10K nuke in the nose of a stolen private plane (piece of cake for them), and have one of their Muslim terrorists fly it to east of the Sears Tower and push a button and then have their Pentagon and media tell everyone that Israel did it and the stupid people will believe it.

God even showed me that they will take some of those stupid people with them to invade Israel so that 83.3% of them will die.

Every day, we get one day closer. Hey, at least it will get really interesting and exciting. It definitely won't be boring.

The real silver lining in that cloud is that, after the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 and our civil war in the US, you will get back control of most of your nation plus get to annex a few other nations.

Do you believe me yet?

AND on top of that, the super duper earthquake storm God told me about taking out most of Commiefornia is about to cut loose. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

BTW, it is very unlikely that there will be an election this year.

BTW, the US is now "having talks" with their proxy Hezbollah.

Remember that I told you again and again that Fauci and the rest of them were lying to you and why?

This video shows that the government is trying to cover up that they were lying. They refuse to release records so Judicial Watch will have to litigate to get the courts to force the government to release the records proving the government was lying. That is the ONLY reason why the government won't release those records.

I am fed up with these criminals running and destroying our government. They belong in prison.

Now everyone on the left is talking about replacing Afghan Joe.

Something you Christians have to deal with is that the US is no longer a Christian nation because it is run by pagans and not Christians and Mahdi Obama hinted at that when he was president and said the US is no longer a Christian nation.

As long as the God hating pagans run this nation, it is a pagan nation and cursed so it must be punished. If pagans are running a nation, it cannot be a Christian nation.

That is what brought God's nation, Israel, down. The pagans took control from God's people and turned Israel into a pagan nation so God brought it down. Now we have to go through that because we didn't learn from Israel's mistakes.

Remember that no nation or military can be any better than its leaders. If its leaders are stupid pagans, then you will have a stupid pagan nation/military. If the leaders are God's people seeking the wisdom of God, then you will have a Godly nation run by the wisdom of God.

If you want a Godly nation or military, you MUST have Godly people running that nation or military. Pagans are NOT going to run a nation or military in a Godly manner, hint, hint.

Hint, if you want to see what Sodom and Gomorrah were like just before God destroyed them, just take a look at the West and their pagan run nations. THAT is what God destroyed with the Flood and then with fire in Sodom and Gomorrah so that is what God is about to destroy again. It is as it was in the days of Noah.

Do you believe me yet that you BETTER pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load?

Remember that the big blue cities already have Sharia cops to enforce Mahdi Obama's and the Nation of Islam's Sharia Law? Remember that 400 million people globally, probably all hard core lefties in the West, converted to Islam between April and September 2012 under Mahdi Obama as president?

I just saw that Portland, OR and Seattle, WA are hiring illegal aliens as cops AFTER they defunded their real cops. You watch the rest of the big blue cities will do the same.

Gee, you don't think they are bringing in and hiring Muslim terrorists to be their cops to replace your cops to enforce Sharia Law on you, do you? Boy, are the homosexuals and transgenders in for a big shock or what?

In Islam they cut your head off for being a homosexual. You watch, the queers will either be executed or made to volunteer for Mahdi Obama's army to invade Israel so the Muslims can use them to clear mine fields by charging through the mine fields.

That is what it looks like. They are bringing a bunch of Muslims, Commies, and others into the US to help them fight and control you. These traitors are ramping up for war against you.

Remember that the top level FBI are driving good FBI agents out who are pro Trump and anti-vaccine?

Here is an easy prediction; they will replace them with Muslim illegal alien Sharia cops too and you know that is why the left is chasing those good agents out of the FBI. Keep an eye on that because they are stacking the deck against you.

You BETTER pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load because ye ole fecal matter is already hitting ye ole fan. Everything I have been warning you about for years is happening right now. You better get ready because you are about to get hit by a satanic tsunami of evil.

BTW, the left is now coming on super duper hard with their lies, misinformation, and propaganda to confuse and try to get more of you to support their evil agenda against you. They are DETERMINED to get their glorious dictatorship over you.


Putin is getting all of his ducks in a row. He just signed a mutual defense treaty with North Korea so that, if one is attacked by the West, the other comes to their aid.

That tells me that Putin knows the West is failing at everything, is extremely desperate, and they are getting ready to go to war against Russia so the West can fail at that too.

The lefty upper class trash and their puppets are losing control in all Western nations so they MUST do something extreme really fast to finish setting up their dictatorship or they won't get their dictatorship. They are so desperate they are getting ready to start WWIII in vain hopes that they won't fail at that too, even with their devastated militaries.

They are irrational and out of touch with reality or what is called insane.

I warned you that when things go bad for dictators, those dictators almost always start a war in hopes of distracting people from what is going bad and magically having the war fix what is going bad. That is what is going on right now with the West.

Afghan Joe and his accomplices believe that, if he starts a war with Russia, the people are stupid enough they will ALL rush to support him in winning that war by voting for Afghan Joe. The fact they are ramping up to go to war with Russia with our military having been decimated by our corrupt upper class trash sacking it, you know, them, should tell you this is their last Hail Mary effort.

The lefties are losing or about to lose elections all over Europe and North America and everything they have tried has failed so they are extremely desperate.

They need to start that war soon to get enough people to rally around in support of Afghan Joe to get him reelected. Keep an eye on that.

You think they are not ramping up for a war?

I have showed you that they are getting their nukes ready and they are about to pass a bill even requiring women to register for the draft and you ladies can thank the feminists for that one.

Also they are saying that it will take anther "9/11" or Pearl Harbor to get most people to unite to fight for the US, you know, but it will have to be much bigger than 9/11 like nuking Chicago.

Hey, if Putin nukes our big blue cities, Afghan Joe still won't be able to win the election. That is where better than 80% of his support is.

Then I found this video that tells you what I have been telling when Jens Stoltenberg publically admits that Russia has left behind all NATO nations COMBINED! People, that includes NATO nation, the US just like I have been telling you.

In other words, just like I have been telling you, COMBINED they can't defeat Russia but our leaders continue to poke the bear and are ramping up for war with Russia. Hey, no IQ is required to do that.

So, after the naval drills in the Caribbean, Russia is now again staging naval drills in the North Pacific, you know, not far from Japan and Alaska. They are including 40 naval ships plus a nuke sub and aircraft.

And God said, "Thinking themselves wise, they have made themselves fools." He didn't lie.

It shows you that the West can't even ramp up for war as well as Russia.

People, I have to believe that, with Russia being Christian and the West having gone pagan, God's hand is with Russia right now, whether you like it or not. If you are going to choose Satan's side, don't expect God to be on your side.


This video shows you that the other nations are not only working together to replace the US Dollar but they are starting a new banking system to replace the IMF banking system, that will devastate the West even more.

Do you believe me yet that you are living the fall of Rome II?

The Royals have not just destroyed the military with their corruption and abuses of power that are chasing away almost all other nations but they also abused other nations economically, financially, politically, legally, and on international trade. Those other nations are now doing unto the West what the West did unto them by being more competitive in those areas with new organizations like this new bank.

The West is being systematically taken down by the other nations and the West is quickly imploding and on the verge of becoming third world nations. When that happens, you watch those other nations get the West back for all of its abuses. This is going to get ugly.

The West's upper class trash Royals and their puppets have had tyrannical control so long I am wondering if they remember how to be competitive?

They are not showing they remember yet because they keep trying to abuse power they no longer have.


Remember that I have been warning you about the Pan African Army being trained and armed by Russia?

The president of Uganda just announced that there is a united African Army and they are saying the West was shocked by the announcement.

I wasn't shocked, were you?

Heck, we already knew it.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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