I Told You So 674

Afghan Joe

The more I keep seeing about the mess the lefty upper class trash Royals have gotten the US into with Afghan Joe, the more convinced I become that, to keep from losing everything they are working on for setting up their global dictatorship, they are clearly going to have to kill Afghan Joe and stage an insurrection. They just don't have a choice now and they are quickly running out of time.

You have to understand that this is just another lefty great sounding stupid idea failing and backfiring big time on the inbred lefty Royals. All of their abuse of power, tyranny, great sounding stupid policies, and irresponsibilities are backfiring on them like a stampeding herd of giant bison. Their failing great sounding stupid ideas are running right over their evil butts.

And God said, "Be not deceived, your sins will find you out." He didn't lie.

It isn't just with Afghan Joe but with EVERYTHING the West has been doing. They are losing control of their own nations, the EU, NATO, UN, and everything else. Their media are in a panic to survive and so are their universities. Fewer and fewer people are believing the lefty media about anything. The left's entire world is imploding. They are extremely desperate.

But, if you talk to the arrogant fools, they will tell you it is not because them and their demented plans are stupid, why, it is because they did not do enough of what is failing. Why, they can't be wrong about anything.

This video tells you that Afghan Joe is not going to quit their presidential race and shows the polls that prove he cannot win without very extensive vote rigging. It also shows you that Afghan Joe and his entire family are out of touch with reality and arrogant. Even several days after that video, nothing about them has changed.

Then it tells you there is a way to replace Afghan Joe with a mini primary so why are they not doing that?

People, Afghan Joe and his entire family are very, very dispensable and can easily go right under the Commierat bus and make things better for the Commierat Party because of all of the bad press they create for the Commierat Party during this election. Killing them would make it very, very easy for the Commierats to blame the dead Bidens for all of the mess to get more people to support the rest of the left and do away with most of the current division within the Commierat Party.

Why would the Nation of Islam not use murdering them and blaming Israel to stage an insurrection to finish seizing control of the US Government to set up their Muslim dictatorship or Caliphate? Why would they want to keep them alive knowing they will just provide more bad press and turn more people against the left?

I just saw that the Commierat governors are standing behind Afghan Joe continuing to run for president. Something is going on.

Then I found this video that, in the first half, she tells you what I have been telling you about why they are not having Afghan Joe step down and quit running. She even tells you that Mahdi Obama is involved in this like I have been telling you.

I am convinced that the Commierats are intentionally putting out conflicting information about Afghan Joe running or stepping down to create confusion, chaos, and a distraction for what they are really up to.

Keep an eye on Chicago. If they have not nuked Chicago by the DNC convention in Chicago on July 19 to 21 (Monday through Wednesday), they will probably do it then to get rid of all of the top DNC they don't want to share power with (tell the rest to show up late) and give themselves more of an excuse to seize control of the government, you know, because the Commierat president and leaders were killed so they should seize control until they can rebuild the DNC so the elections can be fair.

BTW, since it is now obvious that the Nation of Islam has taken over most of the Commierat Party and our government with leaders like Mahdi Obama and Billy Boy Clinton and the Nation of Islam having its own private military, that means the Commierat Party has its own private army AND is in control of the US Military. Think about that.


Remember that I have been telling you that Russia is increasingly dominating the Ukrainian War?

This video shows how Russia is quickly gaining more and more ground more quickly. They are devastating what is left of the Ukrainian/NATO forces in Ukraine.

Note that Russia keeps using flanking and encircling actions to cause the Ukrainian forces to retreat without having to directly defeat those forces so Russia is taking fewer loses. Their generals are fighting smarter and they have much more to work with.

The war is lost for Ukraine but the West just has to drag it out at everyone's expense so they can wear down Russia, which isn't working and is backfiring because they are wearing themselves down much worse, and to make more money because the Royals are greedy stupid.

Hungary paid an unannounced visit to Russia to discuss ending the war in Ukraine, Slovakia supported it, and the rest of the EU was furious. That tells me that the Hungarian and Slovakian presidents are not power mad globalists trying to destroy Russia to set up a global dictatorship but the rest are.

Neither of them support the Ukrainian War and the rest do.

Keep an eye on it.

Then I found this brief video that tells you that Russia is doing the same thing they have been doing for years. They took land in Ukraine, stopped advancing and dug in, are drawing Ukrainian/NATO forces to them to destroy them, and also attacking in other areas to keep the Ukrainian forces spread out so they can't gain ground against the Russian force. It is the same basic thing they have done for several years, the idiot Western military leaders are taking these sucker punches right on the chin, losing a lot of troops and weapons, while Russia's losses are much small. After the Ukrainian/NATO forces have been depleted again, Russia will start pushing the depleted forces back again.


Remember that I have been telling you that Israel is getting closer with India and further from the US because Afghan Joe is working against Israel to help the Muslims destroy Israel?

This video shows that Israel and India are even closer together than anyone has been telling us. While Afghan Joe has been working against and betraying Israel, India has been bending over backwards to help Israel. They even have major businesses working together on significant projects the way Israel used to do with the US.

It isn't if but is when will Israel dump the traitorous US for India and BRICS, isolating the US even more?

That video makes it very clear that the West is cursing Israel, therefore the West is cursed and will soon be brought down but India is blessing Israel so India is being blessed and rising as a nation. It shows you how and why Israel helped advance India's military weapons technology, which gives India an advantage in confronting China.

With Israel's weapons technology and China having really bad weapons technology, India will almost certainly defeat China in a war, especially with India making most of her advanced weapons within India. That is one of those dots you always keep connected.

Keep an eye on this.


Remember that I have been telling you that the Royals are NOT as smart as they have convinced themselves they are and that others are not as stupid as the Royals think they are?

This video shows you that. The brilliant, all-knowing, all-wise, intellectually superior Royals have placed 16,000 sanctions on Russia and everyone of them has failed but they just keep placing more sanctions on Russia because they are too stupid to learn and I guess because the inbred morons love failing.

The Royals have been trying to destroy Russia's economy so they can bring her down so they can set up their wonderful, magnificent, glorious global dictatorship over everyone else and Russia's economy has grown to where she is now rated economically at the highest level internationally, while the West's economies have been failing.

Wow, great job Royals. I wouldn't hire any of you to manage an abandoned outhouse.

Do you still believe that the inbred Royals are smarter than you?

I am beginning to wonder if any of the Royals have an IQ. Hey, it is that reprobate mind thingy.

One thing I am convinced of is that the Euro-American Royals are destroying your economies so they can blame it on democracy and get more people to accept going back under a monarchy with the promise the Royals will "take care of you." "Why, democracy is so terrible because it is so easy to corrupt by us and it destroyed your lives."

The more I watch that, the more certain I am that is what they are doing. They are intentionally causing your democracies to fail so they can regain absolute control again with a global monarchy.

You think I am wrong about there being so many Royals?

Just pay attention to all of the ancient tombs, especially filled with treasure, because only the Royals could afford to have tombs like those tombs, especially filled with treasure, and they almost all had multiple descendants. They make up 1% of the population, which is huge.

1% of 8.5 billion is 85 million. They are almost all of those rich people.

Remember that I have been telling you that, when the lefty Royals and their puppets start losing control bad enough, they will turn to violence to force their control on the people?

The lefties are staging large, organized attacks on the conservatives in France. It is clear this is all organized and planned out to terrorize the right into submission.

Do you believe me that the left never quits until they are dead?

Keep an eye on it because violence is about to break out all over Europe and the US and the lefty plans fail more and more.


Remember that I have been telling you that I am surprised to see that Trump is not dead yet?

This video from Australia tells us that increasing numbers of lefties are calling for the murder of Trump. You have to keep in mind that some of this is being done in hopes of encouraging someone else to murder Trump, you know, one of their doped up thugs like Antifa or BLM.

What that video shows is that God is causing the left to show just how evil they really are so people will have to make an informed choice between good and evil just like I have been telling you for years. The left is now openly proving that they are very evil. There is now no question about it.

You better keep an eye on this because lefties are crazy. I am not counting on Trump saving our butts because it is going to have to be God. They can kill Trump but they can't kill God.


This video finally tells me what the Russian ships are doing in the Caribbean Sea. They just started "probing" and recording our defenses for missile launches from their ships and subs.

They fire a bunch of missiles and track our defensive systems and communications to see where everything is. They want to know what defenses are where so they can plan which counters to use on those defenses and where.

I was wondering why they sent just one frigate and one nuke sub to the area with them having one or more fleets patrolling the Atlantic Ocean. Now I know it is for probing purposes to gather intel.

I love the way amateurs keep saying that the US Navy or Russian Navy is doing a show of strength. No, they are testing and probing the enemy's strength and are not just trying to scare the other guy, you know, like they are going to try to scare each other with just a few ships. Both sides are gathering intel on each other.

Note that just 2 watercraft like that does not pose a significant threat but it forces us to use our defense technologies to track and gather intel, especially when weapons are fired, which permits those 2 warships to also gather intel.

If they were going to pose a real threat to the US, there would be fleets of ships and aircraft along the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts at the same time. Note that these warships are among the greatest threats to the US because they can launch their missiles from so close to the US that many of them will probably get through to their targets because they won't have much flight time to target making it much more difficult for us to find, track, get lock, and intercept their missiles.

One reason why Russia is just using 2 ships like that is to not give the US intel on the rest of their fleet, while the Russians are gathering as much intel as they can on our coastal defenses for the rest of their fleet to use in an attack.

Keep an eye on this.


From what I have seen, the new PM for the UK is a globalist with the same agenda as Afghan Joe, he was knighted by Prince Charles (King Chuck), telling me he is a member of the British Royal Family. To throw the people off, they say he grew up in a working class family to make it sound like he is one of you but almost all Royals work in some way today, well, what they call work. They don't want you to know how many Royals there are and who all of them are. "Hey, it ain't the Royals destroying our democracy, it is those commoners so you need us Royals to take care of you."

Now, Starmer's party didn't get the most votes but he gets to run their nation, wink, wink.

You don't think that their "democracy" is set up so the king or queen can put in power whomever they want, do you?

Later I found out the real reason why they elected Starmer for PM of the UK. He is trying really hard to make buds with India and drive a wedge between India and Russia so they can find a way to destroy Russia. They will probably try to get India to stop buying and selling weapons with Russia and get her to stop buying oil and other resources from Russia to dry up Russia's economy.

It is just a wee bit of a coincidence that the UK is suddenly making nice with Russia's top trading partners.

They may also try to drive a wedge between India and Israel to get India to stop selling weapons and munitions to Israel so it will be easier to control and destroy Israel.

It isn't because the UK British Royals suddenly like India, it is because they are trying to destroy a couple of India's allies.

Keep an eye on him.


I keep seeing more and more scientific evidence that evolution is a lie and false pagan religion and I am seeing others also calling it a religion. It has gotten to where the scientific evidence against evolution and for creation is overwhelming.

I have come to realize that, when God reveals the time bomb He set and I told you about with that T-Rex on top of a building with humans inside, that will end the debate forever for all but the worst God haters and I believe it is going to happen soon. Nothing could disprove their fairy tales about evolution more than a T-Rex lying on a building with humans inside and God knew that when He caused that to happen. It is the perfect trap that God set to prove the evolutionists are not scientists and are liars. Remember, man plans, God laughs.

God said, "Thinking themselves wise, they have made themselves fools," and God is about to make fools out of all evolutionists.

Will it stop the most fanatical of the God haters?

No, but it will stop most people and turn true Christians against evolution. Satan's pagans will never quit. They will just make up new fairy tales so they can keep believing what they want to believe.

To show you a little of how much creation science has progressed, I just found this pretty long video and I really don't like to post videos that are more than 5 to 10 minutes unless they are really good. This one is about 54 minutes long, which I had to really think about watching and then think a lot more about posting it in my blog. It is worth the watch because they have made a huge amount of progress in creation science and he showed you some of it.

I want you to notice a few things. First, this guy really knows his business.

Second, he gave you a lot of details about the mechanics of the flood and the evidence proving it but did not know what caused it and God showed me that when I first started this blog. It is easy because NASA put out a global map of meteor craters and a bunch of them are in the US and Europe near the Atlantic Ocean, which would have caused enough impacting pressure to fracture the Earth right where the Atlantic Ocean is today plus we have the remains of another planet in a meteor zone just outside of Mars and the two of them together should tell you that God destroyed that planet causing a massive meteor shower striking the Earth with most of them hitting in the US and Europe, fracturing the Earth's crust and causing the Flood.

Third, he really addresses things like soft tissue proving the evolution time line is just a big lie.

Fourth, he missed what caused the decline in age for humans because the Bible tells us God caused it, which requires that God changed our DNA to cause it to deterate much more quickly.

They are definitely getting closer. They just need to pay more attention to the details in the Bible like God caused man to stop being immortal, decreased man's life expectancy even more after the Flood, caused humans and some animals to start eating meat after the flood, and made other changes like some plants growing thorns, all of which require that God changed our DNA.

The big problem is that they keep trying to explain things God did by using natural processes that didn't cause it. They need to deal with the fact that God JUST DID some things.

Over all, I am pretty satisfied with how much creation science has improved. They have been doing their research and homework.

BTW, I am seeing more and more scientists referring to evolution as a fanatical religion.


Remember that I have been telling you that the US based Nation of Islam is working with Iran to destroy Israel?

Gee, what a magic coincidence; a "pro West" person won the election in Iran to become the Iranian president, you know, so he would make buds with the anti-Israel West and Nation of Islam. Remember that Iran only pretends to be a democracy because it has a supreme leader who will not permit anyone to get elected who does not support his agenda.

Does this mean that Iran, as buds with the US's Nation of Islam, is going to stop selling drones and other weapons to Russia and betray Russia for the Nation of Islam? Remember that I told you a long time ago that Muslims are REQUIRED by their religion and laws to eventually turn on non Muslim allies for the cause of Islam?

If they do, it will shift Russia's allegiance from Islam to Israel. I have been waiting for Iran to betray Russia for the Nation of Islam. This could also either destroy BRICS or turn it into a Muslim run alliance of nations.

Does this mean they are about to make it more obvious that the lefties are pro Muslim and working with Iran to destroy Israel?

Keep an eye on this because you know it does not mean they will make peace with Israel.

Interesting Video

This is an interesting video.

It starts out sarcastically showing people living in a culture that outlaws heterosexuality and imposes homosexuality on people but, that is not that unrealistic. Read the Bible and pay attention to the details and you will see that is how it was in Sodom and Gomorrah.

Remember that the people, all homosexuals, gathered in front of Lot's house and demanded Lot turn those men (angels) over to them so they could have forced homosexual sex with the men/angels. Gee, what a magic coincidence that homosexuals will force their culture on you like they are right now in the US.

That tolerance thing really worked out well, didn't it? Gee, do you think the lefty forcing their sins on us and us tolerating those sins might be why God is letting the left destroy our nation?

Then he shows you that the left is planning violence and even a civil war if they lose the election in France. Surprise, surprise, surprise.

Those lefties, who demanded you be tolerant of them are not very tolerant of you, are they? Did you know that, in the Bible, tolerance of sin is a sin so many of your Christians were taught to sin by your preachers by tolerating sin and you are now paying for it.

By the time you finish watching that video, you should believe me that the left is intentionally destroying the US. They hate everything good and love evil.


Remember that I have been telling you that, most likely, but not certainly, most European nations are going to blow apart?

I am certain that the EU and NATO will soon self-destruct along with other international organizations like the UN and WHO.

This video makes it very clear that at least France, the UK, Spain, probably Germany, and a number of others like Belgium will divide up into smaller nations. That video pretty much confirms that France will break down into at least 4 nations as will Spain and the UK.

They made themselves rich, great, and powerful by sacking Africa and other continents for hundreds of years and now it is their turn.

Just look at their violence and hatred for each other regardless of whether they win or lose an election. They are already politically, culturally, and psychologically divided into different nations and it is just a matter of time until that becomes physical. There is no real unity in those nations and the divisions grow wider as their Royals play them against each other for control.

It is no longer if but when will their nations blow apart because of their insane Royals?

Europe is chasing Rome down the toilet faster than the US.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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