I Told You So 675


Do you know why so many people still favor Afghan Joe over Trump?

It is for a number of reasons.

First, they don't pay attention, don't understand what is going on, and are very ignorant. They don't care about anything but their immediate pleasures.

Second, they vote for their party regardless of what the party stands for or supports because their party is more important to them than the nation, their morals and values, the issues, or anything else.

Think of it like their party is to them like a high school, college, or professional sports team. That is how simple minded they are.

Third, they vote for the Commierat Party to virtue signal to their Commierat Friends that they are one of them. It is called peer pressure. Basically, they don't have the courage, knowledge, or intelligence to think for themselves and do what is right. They just go with the flow and don't make any waves to keep from being excommunicated from their fanatical cultural religion.

Fourth, many of them vote the way the family votes to belong and not be rejected by their family.

These are people who should not vote, ever. That is because the corrupt members of a party will know that those people will support and vote for them regardless of what they do. If you take those voters away, then the politicians have to behave and perform.

Those voters are aiding and abetting the corrupt politicians in their crimes against you and are, therefore, complicit in those crimes against you.

Days later, Afghan Joe is still refusing to quit the race so keep an eye on the DNC convention because everyone who is at the top and wants him out will have to be there to remove him so they can all be taken out in one move by Mahdi Obama.

Judgment Day

I realized I need to explain the last events that will lead up to the judgment on Judgment Day and after Judgment Day because most people don't seem to understand the meaning of all of those things in the Bible. God tells you those things for a reason.

By the end of the Battle of Armageddon, every evil person in history up to that point will be burning in Hell and all of the rest of the people, who chose good over evil, will be beginning the Millennial Reign of Jesus on Earth.

At that point the only things that will exist are everything in our galaxy and the next big galaxy, Andromeda, Hell, Heaven, and the Lake of fire. That is all that will exist at that time because better than 99.9% of our cosmos will have ceased to exist during the Tribulation.

Remember that "the stars will be rolled up like a scroll?" The rest of our cosmos will cease to exist.

It is going to be us and God for 1,000 years of peace.

That will also be all that will exist at the end of the Last Battle at the end of the Millennial Reign of Jesus with absolutely everyone (human) ever conceived who chose evil burning in Hell and everyone one else (human) right here on Earth with God.

Then, what does God tell you He will do?

He will take everyone on Earth into His throne room in Heaven and "Earth will pass away."

God is telling you that, at that moment in time, He will finish destroying what is left of the cosmos He created so there won't be one molecule or atom of our galaxy or the next galaxy still in existence. Our entire cosmos will have ceased to exist.

You need to think about what that means. In that instant, Earth and everything on it will cease to exist. There won't be one mansion, palace, castle, luxury vehicle, private jet, or yacht left or even one atom from one of them. EVERY TREASURE you have put between you and God will cease to exist forever. The ONLY THING you will have left will be your soul and you better have taken care of your soul because you are going to be standing in God's Court Room waiting your trial or judgment.

The only things that will exist at that moment will be Heaven, Hell, and the Lake of Fire.

Then, what does God tell you?

Hell will then be emptied out into God's Court Room and Hell will "pass away" so that all that will be existing at the beginning and until the end of the Judgment will be Heaven and the Lake of Fire with God, every angel, Satan, every demon, and every human that has ever existed in God's Court Room with you having nothing but your soul.

You won't have one stitch of clothing on your body/soul. You will all stand before God butt naked to be judged for your crimes here on Earth so that even your soul will now be in jeopardy.

After EVERYONE has been tried for all of their crimes and been found guilty, the angels will bring out the "Book of Life" telling who repented of their crimes and accepted the payment that God made on the cross for their crimes. The Bible tells us that the eternally damned, those whose names are not found in the Book of Life, will be ushered to God's left and the saved will be ushered to God's right.

Then the angels will herd the eternally damned into the Lake of Fire and some of them are so evil they will shake their fists in defiance of God and curse at Him as they are herded into eternal damnation. They will have chosen evil and the extremely temporary treasures on Earth and rejected God, His love for them, and eternal salvation for those treasures that will have ceased to exist forever. Think about how futile and foolish that is.

The Bible tells us that, at that moment, God will create a new Earth or Paradise, will put all of the saved and His angels on it, Heaven will descend down onto the new Earth so God can live with us forever AND Jesus will have prepared for us things that we humans cannot even begin to imagine so that the poorest person in Paradise will be many times more wealthy than all of the richest of the eternally damned were on Earth combined forever, while all of those rich eternally damned will not have one penny among the lot of them forever.

Wow, those rich earthly fools made a really super stupid investment in their eternities, didn't they?

The people who made the best investment in their eternities will be the people who didn't put treasures on Earth before God and turned to God and many of them were the poorest people on Earth.

Do you still believe that these rich and eternally damned people are more intelligent than you?

They have made the worst investments in their eternity any human can make. They sold out their souls forever for extremely brief, temporary, and limited wealth on Earth.

And God said, "Thinking themselves wise, they have made themselves fools."

Then there will only the new Earth or Paradise and the Lake of Fire forever.

Where will you spend eternity?

One thing the Bible makes clear is that God will only give you so much time to decide between Him and Satan and then He will "close the door" for you accepting salvation. Once God closes His door on you, you will never be allowed to accept Jesus because your "heart will have become hardened."

You don't get forever to decide to chose good.

Mexican Empire

I just realized that I need to explain what the Mexican Empire was before 1800.

The Mexican Empire was from Central America up into today's US and was everything west of the Mississippi River except Louisiana and Washington State up to the Canadian border. That part of the Mexican Empire was broken down into the Territories of Texas, Nuevo Mexico, and Alta California.

The Territory of Texas was from the Gulf of Mexico to the River of Texas in today's central Texas and from the Rio Grande River up to about Oklahoma.

Alta California was from Baja California up to Washington State and from the coast to the San Andreas Mountains.

The Territory of Nuevo Mexico was everything else west of the Mississippi River, from the Rio Grande River to Canada so that it was everything west of the Mississippi River except the Territory of Louisiana, Territory of Texas, Alta California, and Washington State. It was massive and it was a Spanish Monarchy with the capitol being Santa Fe.

When you understand that, you understand what the power mad Spanish Royals in New Mexico are trying to get back as their Spanish Monarchy they believe is rightfully theirs to rule. They want absolute power over all of that land and for those people to be their peons or non ownership slaves.

They don't just want the State of New Mexico back as their monarchy.


Remember that I have been telling you about the Royals, there are so many of them, and they work together to run things?

This video proves me right again. Note that he says it is not about the regular elites but the super elites at the very top of everything and everyone else. These are the people who rule over and own all of the other elites, who rule over everything else.

How many people are there at the very tip of the top?

He tells you there are 100 camps of up to 100 people or up to 10,000 of just the super elites. Forget the millions of other elites or Royals. You can bet they are ALL members of the Euro-American Royal Family but especially the British Royal Family.

He tells you that the different groups are for people from different professions and that is so they can all work together within those professions to conspire on how to do things, which is why the lefty media tell you all the same lies.

Do you get the picture yet? Do you see how big of a massive problem this is with millions of Royals ruling over tens of millions of puppets and thugs?

Also pay attention to the picture he shows for one of their rituals that shows them carrying their leader proving they have a monarch for their entire group.

Understanding human behavior and having studied Royal history, you can bet there are many different factions within just those 10,000 who are plotting and planning for their faction, that rules over tens of thousands of other elite Royals, for them to seize control and rule the world AND, within each of those factions, there are sub factions that are also plotting to seize control because they are all nuts.

We are talking a massive number of super duper psychopaths that only God can save your butts from.

Do you better understand why you BETTER pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load? Do you understand why I cannot wait for them to all be burning in Hell so we can live in peace during the Millennial Reign of Jesus?

Just imagine how much better the world will be with all of those evil things burning in Hell, where they can never again cause harm to anyone.

To stop this crap or give you enough of a break to build a new republic, at least most of those evil things must die in Damascus during the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39.

People, he is just showing you the tiniest part of the tip at the very top of the evil ice berg that is destroying our nations and planet.

Do you understand how many hundreds of millions and maybe billions of evil, savage Royals will be burning in Hell by then?


Here is something interesting I just realized.

This mess in the US concerning Afghan Joe is distracting the lefty upper class trash in the US and providing Israel with a reprieve so they can better fight this war. The Royals and their puppets are so occupied in finishing setting up their dictatorship in the US that they don't have time to deal with destroying Israel. They are leaving that to Iran and Hezbollah.

This is permitting Israel to do a lot of damage to Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria with very little interference from the US.

The biggest and most difficult problem in Gaza will be Islam. You have to understand that for Muslims to murder non Muslims is them earning guaranteed salvation, even if they die. This means that every Muslim in Gaza can be quickly recruited by Hamas to murder Israelis, even women and children.

That is one of the most important reasons why no other nations on the side of Iran will take people from Gaza. They are all potential combatants to help destroy Israel, even the children.

To solve that problem, they have to get all of the Muslims out of Gaza but their idiot politicians are afraid to try to do that. God will do that just before the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 by having the Muslims tell all Muslims to leave Israel, including Gaza and the West Bank, so those Muslims in the armies can sweep through those areas and murder every man, woman, and child.

This happened before in 1967, which is why they now have a "problem" with refugees getting back into Israel.

Israel just destroyed the most powerful and effective Hezbollah air defense systems giving Israel complete air superiority just like Russia has in Ukraine. That causes all Hezbollah targets to now be open and vulnerable to all Israeli weapon systems.


Remember that I have been telling you that science has absolutely proved that evolution never happened?

We have known for more than half a century that, for evolution to be true, better than 90% of the fossils have to be transitional fossils.

That also means that, for evolution to be true, better than 90% of the species on the planet must also be in a transitional state and there is not one species that is transitional, proving that evolution never happened. Evolutionists blatantly ignore that scientific fact making it a fanatical pagan cult.

Now, it is important to understand that birth defects do not meet the requirements of them being in a transitional state because a true transitional state requires that the change is going to make that species better in some way and all birth defects make the species worse, not better.

Plus a species being in a transitional state means that the changing part is not complete; it has to be in the transition of developing into something complete that will be beneficial to the organism.

In more than 200 years, we have not found one species in a transitional state and there should be millions of species in the transitional state for evolution to be true. Evolutionists ignoring that obvious scientific fact so they can continue believing and teaching what they want to believe and want you to believe, absolutely makes evolution a fanatical pagan cult.

Where are the millions of required transitional species on this planet for evolution to be true?


The new UK government is working to return the UK back to under the control of the EU. This is because they have to get all of Western nations united to be able to set up their global dictatorship. Their global plans are to make their global dictatorship one nation under one government with them permanently controlling that government and all of the people.

Keep an eye on this.


Remember that I have been telling you that the greedy Royals cannot steal enough from enough people fast enough?

The Royals just can't steal enough from enough people fast enough. They are clearly not happy with what they are stealing from the US Government so they are now sending Z Boy to work with the governors of the different states to steal more via those states and you can bet those corrupt state governments will get kickbacks into their greedy pockets.

This way the Royals can steal tax money from you via the national government, via the state governments, and then by way of cities, counties or any other way they can steal more in taxes from you. Besides, Congress is resisting sending more money to Ukraine and the Royals are trying to get around that.

What will happen is that each state will "give money to Ukraine for weapons" but Ukraine will see very little of that money, you know, enough for Z Boy to stuff a little in his pockets. That money will actually go to the mega rich "to pay for those weapons" and into the pockets of the corrupt state politicians and then they will send the weapons to Ukraine.

Do you believe me yet that the Royals and their puppets have turned our governments into money laundering rackets to launder your money into their greedy pockets?

Keep an eye on it.

And God said, "The love of money is the root to all evil." He didn't lie.

The Royals and their puppets just keep getting worse and worse and they never quit. They are nuts.


Remember that Poland signed a deal with Z Boy a few days ago to shoot down Russian missiles in Ukraine "heading towards Poland"?

Poland is now refusing to shoot down Russian missiles in Ukraine.

Did they figure out that would be an act of war against Russia and get them attacked by Russia? Do you believe me yet that the Royals and their puppets have been inbreeding too long and are not very intelligent?

Since Poland signed that agreement, things have not being going the way the West planned for them to go.


Remember I told you that France would do things like military operations to get back control of the African nations they have recently lost control of?

This video tells you that France has setup a couple of military bases across the border from Burkina Faso in Benin for terrorists to use to wage war against Burkina Faso and Burkina Faso is fighting back.

Do you believe me yet that Africa will be more than glad to invade, conquer, and sack France?

They really don't have a choice because France won't quit until they have been invaded, conquered, and sacked with President Moron and his puppet masters being killed or enslaved.

Plus Russia isn't just training and arming the Pan African Force but is also training and arming troops in Burkina Faso.

The West is going to keep pushing for their global dictatorship over everyone else until they have been crushed and eliminated and the rest of the world is getting tired of them.


Remember that I have been telling you that I am surprised that the left has not already murdered Trump? Remember that I told you that they will try to murder Trump? Remember that I have been telling you that the left will murder anyone, even each other, to get what they want?

This video tells us that they just did try to murder Trump just like I have been warning you but they failed this time but you KNOW the left never quits.

Anyone who has been reading this blog should not be surprised by this because I have been warning you about this for years. The lefties are extremely evil and they just keep proving me right.

Do you believe me yet that the left is very desperate?

I have told you that, before Mahdi Obama nukes Chicago, the good guys in the US Military better get Trump and his entire family to a safe nuke bunker and the one they are supposed to use for the president is within 40 miles of me.

This, like everything else the left has done to Trump, is going to backfire against the left. It will turn even more people to support and vote for Trump against ANY Commierat.

It is blatantly obvious that the left knows they cannot defeat Trump with anyone so they tried to murder him to eliminate him. That is the only reason this happened.

Remember that I told you that the left kept saying someone should murder Trump to encourage someone to try?

Their logic is clearly, "If you can't get rid of Afghan Joe, get rid of Trump," and they have been trying to get rid of Trump every since he was first elected in 2016.

He also raises a few good questions. I do not know whether God plans on using Trump to build our new nation and it seems that God is taking care of Trump because Trump keeps winning against all of the left's efforts to get rid of him. This makes it look even more like God is going to use Trump to clean up the left's mess.

This is a very good video from Australia showing the shooting and rescue of Trump. There were at least 7 or 8 shots fired and the shots clearly came from his right or the shooter would not have gotten just his right ear the way Trump's head was turned. Trump is OK because God is clearly protecting him.

Here is another video from the US showing it a little differently.

I warned you about this.


Remember that I have been telling you that it is very likely that there will be a military coup in China to topple the CCP?

This video tells you that Xi just warned his top military officers that a "civil war has started". That is why he has been dumping top military officers because they knew there is being an insurrection planned against him and maybe even against the CCP.

She tells you about Xi removing a couple of his top officers. This could easily cause a rebellion among China's military officers and they could topple the government.

Note that Xi has removed 91 upper level officers, including 13 generals and 19 lieutenant generals, so it is only a matter of time until some of the remaining officers realize it is only a matter of time until they are next.

With them having 100 generals in prison, a possibility is that someone could free all of those generals to stage a coup.

Then she tells you that Xi has no military experience and lacks prestige within the military, which will turn the military against him easier and faster.

Notice that she pointed out that Stalin did the same thing and it severely weakened his military. You can bet this is also weakening the Chinese Military. Xi, like an arrogant fool, is promoting what I call butt kissers instead of quality officers.

I am even more convince now that, if China tries to invade Taiwan, China will probably fall. The arrogant fool doesn't realize he is destroying his military.

Remember that I have been telling you that, for a number of reasons, I am not worried about China as a threat but our own lefty leaders are the greatest threat to this nation?

Keep in mind that the people investigating these officers could themselves be planning a coup and may be removing those officers to replace them with someone who will help them in their coup. Keep an eye on this.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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