News 807


I am seeing everyone who walks around with their heads up their butts being surprised that the left tried to murder Trump, you know, after they also tried to murder Reagan, when I have been telling you for years that I am surprised the left has not already murdered Trump and that they will try.

Listen, I am also surprised that the left has not murdered Netanyahu and other good people. You better keep an eye on all of the good people because you can bet the left will try.

Listen, people, they murder millions of people in their wars to make more and more and more money and you think they won't murder you too?

The lefties are brutal, cruel, inhumane savages only pretending to be civilized. They will murder anyone and everyone, including each other, to get what they want and they just proved it. If they can't murder Trump to get rid of him, they will murder Afghan Joe.

BTW, the idiots are blaming the Secret Service but they were not the ones who planned this and pulled the trigger. Don't let those idiots distract you from the truth that it was the left and probably also the CIA who tried to murder Trump.

ONLY idiots and complicit criminals will try to distract your attention from the real criminals to the Secret Service. If they try to distract you from the fact that the left tried to murder Trump by talking about the "security failure of the Secret Service", you better ask why and question everything they say. If they do that, they destroy their credibility.

Also, the Secret Service saved Trump because the guy kept shooting and the left wants to destroy the Secret Service so they can't save Trump again.

"No, no, don't look over there at the left, who tried to murder Trump, look over here at the Secret Service."

You saw the lefties on TV saying that Trump needs to die and someone should kill Trump, which is a felony. Telling someone to murder someone is a felony. Everyone of those people who stated that should be prosecuted.

This is already backfiring on the left because now Trump will be even more popular and the Commierats will be even less popular. If they have an election now, the GOP should take control of both houses and the presidency.

Even if the idiots had succeeded at murdering Trump, it would have made his replacement much more difficult to beat. It was a stupid act of desperation by the left. Everything the left does fails.

Man plans, God laughs.

One thing I hate about this is that everyone will now spend their time dreaming up new stories to tell about this that mean nothing, while the real news gets ignored because all they care about is money. I am going to have to dig through even more bull crap to find the important news, you know, like illegal immigrants voting for Afghan Joe.

BTW, those shots fired at Trump, may have been the first shots fired by the left in our coming civil war. Keep an eye on that. Remember that the left drew first blood.

Also, I am keeping an eye on a couple of things to see if they are true. It was just reported that extra security was requested and was denied by Mayorkas and the shooter was registered as a Republican. That could be signs this was very well planned out from the very top because they would diminish the security to make it possible and then have the shooter register as a Republican for their media to use to show it wasn't planned by them, no, it was a Republican, wink, wink.

How many people are going to believe that a true Republican tried to murder their own Republican candidate for president?

Also, the guy reportedly used an AR-15, which they would use to make conservatives want to accept making assault rifles illegal. There are just too many convenient coincidences for it to not be planned. Someone clearly put a lot of thought into setting this up.

"Hey, make it look like it was one of those radical ultra right conservatives and that they are nuts."

I am waiting for a more thorough background check into his friends and family to see how many of them are Republicans, used assault rifles, and are conservative or are they all Commierat lefties and was he ever a member of Antifa?

God said, "The truth will be made known," and I can wait for the truth, as I often do in writing this blog. They can't cover this up forever. I want to know who this person was and what they were doing for years before the planning began.

They say he was 20 so who was he and what was he doing between the ages of 15 to 20?

That will tell the truth.

Knowing them, you know this will fail and backfire like crazy.

People, there have been 4 conservative presidents or presidential candidates shot since 1960; JFK, Bobby Kennedy, Reagan, and now Trump. They were all shot by lefty communist traitors or Muslims and not Trump?

JFK was shot by a communist who had spent years living in the Soviet Union and Cuba, Bobby was shot by a Commierat Muslim, Reagan was shot by a lefty Commierat and conservative Trump was shot by a conservative Republican? Really?

Hey, you know how the Commierats always work, blame the other guy for the evil they do.

Then I found this video that shows you the actual layout of the area and buildings. Note that the shooter was on top of a building that was not far from and in easy sight of the two security snipers and should have been easily seen by the security snipers.

It just became obvious this was planned out by our government because 1) those two security snipers should have easily killed the shooter before he could shoot Trump and 2) there should have been security on top of that building, especially that close to the president.

With all of the agents they had there, they couldn't put a couple of agents on top of that roof and those two security snipers couldn't see the obviously visible shooter to stop him?

No, this was planned, probably by the CIA and more than a month in advance, which would have given them time to register the shooter as a Republican and, oh yeah, make sure he uses an AR-15.

Just stop the video and look at that setup and it becomes very obvious this was a government kill but the shooter missed for some reason, you know, like the hand of God.

Why would they not have had security on the shooter's roof unless they were planning to murder Trump? Who planned that security?

That is just too obvious.

If for no other reason, they should have had a sniper team on the shooter's roof to see behind the bushes and trees between that building and Trump to make sure no one was hiding behind them. I am trained in perimeter defense and you would definitely put someone on that building. This was definitely setup by the government.

And who controls that government?

The Commierats.

Why would they not want to try to murder Trump?

So they could lose the election and control of our nation.

This assassination attempt was not a failure by the Secret Service but was intentionally planned by the Commierats and their deep state...again. I would not be surprised to find out that those two security snipers were actually CIA.

Then, after all of that, I found this video and he told you some of what I told you.

He told you that the Secret Service requested better support for Trump and it was refused again and again.

He told you that they should have had agents on that building but they didn't have enough agents to secure that building.

They were clearly sabotaged from the top and you can bet that was to make it possible for the CIA to get that sniper to that spot. He tells you it is going to be a headquarters issue just like I told you. That was no coincidence.

Those agents protecting Trump repeatedly requesting more help should tell you that those agents were not in on this attempted assassination. They are the good guys and don't be surprised if one or more of them blows a whistle soon.

Lord God, please save us from these lefty human demons.


This new Iranian president that is "more friendly with the West" is about one thing. It is so both Iran and the West can justify going to war against Israel to destroy Israel together. In your minds, they are turning it from us being enemies to us being allies so our nations can invade and destroy Israel together.

It is called psychological warfare. They are trying to fool the stupid people.


Remember that God showed me there will be a super duper earthquake storm that will destroy most of the greater LA area?

This video by LA news shows that very significant earth movements are already taking place. She tells you that the land in that area is moving at about one foot per week, which is massive. They show you some of the damage it has already caused.

Rancho Pales Verdes is in the southwestern greater LA area right on the coast and I went there a number of times, when I lived in the greater LA area. We even won a bicycle race in that area and I used to enjoy riding my bicycle along the coast down to that area.

That is only a tiny fraction of the damage God showed me will happen when the land really breaks loose in the near future.

Every day, we get one day closer. Things are already getting very interesting as more of the prophecies God gave me are now beginning to take place and their god, Satan, can't save their butts.

I am even more convince that earth movement will devastate the entire West Coast, especially the big blue cities from San Diego to Seattle.

You better pray long, pray hard, pray often, and get right with God. If you are not a true Christian, you better become one really fast.

All of the greatest pleasures of this world for even 1,000 years are not worth eternal damnation.


I am so furious. I just saw a YouTube channel about the Navajo Indians and everything that guy said about his tribe was a lie.

First, you have to understand that their true name is Navajo Apaches, you know, like Jicarilla and Mescalero Apaches, and NONE of the Apache tribes were peaceful, not one of them. They were all raiding nomads that migrated to the Southwest US from the Washington State to Alaska area about 800 to 1,000 years ago.

He said they called themselves something else in Navajo that means "the peace keepers" because they were the peace keepers and you know the ignorant people will believe it.

"Oh no, we were not the bad guys, it was everybody else." They teach their children revisionist history.

Yeah, they were such "peace keepers" that, in the late 1800s, Kit Carson was sent down with a US Army unit to subdue the Navajos and stop them from raiding, stealing, and enslaving other people, including other tribes in the area. Kit conquered them, rounded them up, marched them to Ft Sumner in Central New Mexico, and kept them there until they stopped their raiding and became peaceful. Then Kit marched them back to their occupied land in the northern New Mexico/Arizona area.

They used to have an annual Indian meeting in Taos, New Mexico every fall, where the Apaches, including the Navajos, and Comanches would bring the animals and humans they stole over the previous year to trade for goods the pueblo people made. That stopped after the US Army stopped the raiding.

Can't anyone tell the ugly truth about their ancestors?

No, they were all darling angels and everyone else was the bad guys.

He tells you that they wiped out the Anasazi because the Anasazi were the bad guys, who only lived there for a brief period of time, you know, from about 2,000 years ago until about 800 years ago. He tells you that the Anasazi were heavily over rated as to what they did.

Of course, he still practices their ancient paganism that worships a number of pagan gods. I know for a fact that they have secret religious meetings, where they could do things like human sacrifices and they have a problem with Navajo women going missing. I have been keeping an eye on that for more than half a century.

Man, I cannot wait for the Judgment Day when the truth about EVERYONE will be made known and that guy will be made known to be a liar.

Do you understand why everything and the truth will be made known on Judgment Day. No one will believe anyone's lies ever again.

I am going to love God exposing the ugly truth about everyone. That will be the greatest history lesson in history and will be a perfect history lesson because it will be the first history lesson that exposes the truth about everyone. I am sick of lies.

Listen, if Jesus didn't die on the cross to pay for our crimes, everyone of us would be going to Hell.


Erdogan of Turkey said that NATO cannot be allowed to continue its partnership with Israel. Surprise, surprise, surprise.

He is putting pressure on the West to get them to dump Israel as an ally so the rest of the Muslim nations will be more willing to join Turkey to invade and destroy Israel so Erdogan can be the one to stand on the Temple Mount and give the order to Muslims to murder all non Muslims to prove he is their Mahdi so they will unite behind him to conquer the world so he can rule the world as their Mahdi.

Mahdi Obama is not the only Muslim ruler who wants to rule the world. They all do and they all want to be the Mahdi or their messiah, therefore, they all want to destroy Israel but they don't want to destroy Israel and make someone else their dictator.

Do you get the picture yet?

I am seeing Israel focusing quite a bit of effort on taking out the second and lower levels of leaders but not the top leaders because they use the top leaders to find and track the lower level leaders who actually carry out attacks.

The Blog

It is amazing how much bull crap I have to sort through to write this blog and it is getting much, much worse.

I keep seeing more and more sources putting out pure garbage to deny you the truth and brainwash people to control you.

I just saw a channel that used to put out good intel and has obviously been bought out because it had a large following so they can put out misinformation and propaganda. It is sick.

The lefties do that. They find a channel that has a really big following, buy it out for a lot of money, and then use it to put out lies, misinformation, and propaganda to control how you think to control you.

For example, I just started and quit a video that used to be good but was saying that, most likely, Jesus was black and not white like Europeans.

Really? Well He was Hebrew so what color are most Hebrews?

Oh yeah, almost all of them can pass for Europeans and Americans because there are very few Hebrews that are black. That tells me that, most likely, He looked like a white European.

What they are doing by selling Jesus as having been black, is trying to turn whites away from Christianity and, since most Christians are white and most blacks are Muslims, in their minds, that would just about put an end to Christianity, which is what they want.

Did I tell you that I have seen Jesus twice in dreams and He didn't look like any pictures I have seen, white or black?

He looked just like the Book of Revelation describes Him and the first dream was before I ever read the Book of Revelation. I also saw Paul standing next to him with the rest of His Apostles behind Him and the rest of His Christians behind them.

I keep seeing crap like that channel more and more and more. I have to dig through that crap every day all day to find the truth for you. Satan's spawn never quit.


I am now convinced that Europe is pretty much dead and most of their nations like the UK, France, Spain, Germany, and Belgium will also cease to exist in the near future because their people permitted their corrupt Royals and puppets to disarm them.

They don't have any reasonable way to defend or protect themselves from an invasion and this will come back to haunt their insane Royals because those people will have to run and hide instead of fighting to defend their nations, making those nations more vulnerable to invasion and conquest and the Royals more vulnerable to sacking.

Everything the Royals and their puppets do fails and backfires on them and this will too.

I pray for all Europeans but, especially, my friends.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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