News 558

God Fighting For Us

We may end up having a reasonably fair election in at least the red states again because the conservatives have been fighting back in many ways that have not been making it in the media as this video shows. This is very good news and shows some of the ways God is stopping the left from continuing or finishing their insurrection.

Turley shows that the lefties are getting increasingly desperate as their plans keep failing badly.

Man plans, God laughs.

Enjoy the good news but remember this is a maybe and will be decided by who wins the fights between now and then.

Do you think that all of this very bad news for them will cause those greedy, power mad tyrants to quit?

Of course not. You can bet they are right now regrouping, reorganizing, and making plans to steal continued control of this nation. The only thing that will stop these spawn of Satan is death. They prove that every time they fail with their evil plans.

This severely bad news for the Commierats just means they are now going to be more willing to use more violence to get what they want, you know, like they used the Antifa and BLM violence last year to get what they wanted. You better get ready for some extreme violence from the Commierats. You can bet that people are going to die because of the left using their terrorist tactics to scare people into voting for them or submitting to their rule.

This is going to get worse as they get more desperate just like I have been telling you and it has been happening. You are going to see just how evil the Commierats really are.


The more I watch the desperation and determination of the left to force everyone to get the vaccine, the more convinced I become that the upper class trash are using this vaccine to commit genocide to "depopulate their planet" just like Bill Gates told you they would do more than a quarter of a century ago and I have been telling you they will for more than a decade now. They have to get all of you vaccinated before their vaccine starts killing off large numbers of their stupid lefties or the rest of you will refuse to ever take that vaccine and the reports are already showing that, just in the US, anywhere from 10,000 to more than 40,000 of the people who have been vaccinated have been killed by the vaccine and that death rate is rapidly increasing.

From what I have been able to find out, they are now saying that the lefties have better than 30% of the people in the world vaccinated so that, if this is the lefties doing what they have been telling you for more than 30 years that they are going to do, the lefties already have better than 30% of the people in the world poisoned and dying, which means that, just like I have been telling you for more than a decade, soon from 3 to 5 billion people will die unless God intervenes.

The lefties are running out of time, which is why they are in a panic because those greedy, power mad lefties want more than 7 billion people to die, not just 3 to 5 billion people.

Listen, people, if better than 90% of the people on the planet are dead and the rest of them are slaves, who is going to prosecute and execute the upper class trash for their crimes against humanity or global genocide? Think about that because that is how they have this planned out.

If they can murder almost all of you off and enslave the rest, they believe they will get away with their horrific crimes against humanity, the absolute worst crimes against humanity in history.

The lefty upper class trash are blatantly obvious in their determination to kill you all off. I am absolutely convinced that we are right now in the worst genocide in history being caused by the upper class trash lefty royals. The lefties are right now making Hitler look like a saint.

Remember that I told you that, after they have their power and they murder off better than 90% of the people, the upper class trash won't need most of you teachers, college professors, law enforcement, military, doctors, nurses, politicians, bureaucrats, and media?

Guess who they are now already trying to force to get their vaccine?

Let's see, the teachers, college professors, law enforcement, military, bureaucrats, doctors, nurses, and others I have been telling you they won't need and will purge. Gee, what a coincidence, the lefties are proving me right again. You stupid lefties supporting your lefty upper class trash are being purged RIGHT NOW!!! You know,just like I told you more than a decade ago.

People, the reason why I have such a high successful prediction rate at better than 90% with almost 400 "I Told You So" essays is because I am telling you the truth, my science is good science and my predictions are based on the truth. My "I Told You So" essays prove that.

Why is the next best prediction success rate the CIA Langley Think Tank at only 10% to 12%?

Because they have been taught so much lies, misinformation, propaganda, and bull crap they never questioned so they just blindly believe that crap and make their predictions based on that crap. If you tell a lie long enough, even the experts begin to believe it.

I took what I learned into the real world to see what was true and what isn't, improved on what I was taught, and it is working with my "I Told You So" essays being the proof that it is working.

Right now, rule number 1 for survival is that, if the upper class trash lefties want you to do something, don't do it. You can bet it is a trap.

Then you have Bill Gates and the other upper class trash who have been buying up farm land for decades, while openly telling you that they plan to depopulate their planet.

Gee, you don't think they plan to stop food production on their farms to create a global famine to help them murder off more of you peasants, do you?

What you need to know just in case the upper class trash do stop food production on the farms they have bought up to cause a famine to murder you off is that the one place where you should KNOW there will be food will be in the upper class trash castles.

When the upper class trash stop food production, it will decrease the supply in relation to the demand, which will cause the price of food to suddenly increase so high that the lower and middle classes will not have enough money to buy food, only the rich will be able to buy food.

Get the picture yet? Have you ever noticed that, when there is a famine that it is only the lower and middle classes where people starve to death and it is never the upper class because they can always buy food? So, if you can't get food, where do you go that you know there will be food?

Hint: It ain't going to be fighting the law and military in the streets.

You HAVE TO STORM the upper class trash castles because that is the one place you can bet there will be a lot of food. Plus, if you take the food away from the rich who caused the famine so they don't have food any more, just watch how fast they restart food production and it will be enough for you so you won't storm their castles any more.

People, during a famine, Gates, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Bezos, Pelosi, Schumer, the Clintons, and the rest of those evil things will have plenty of food in their castles. Think about it.

Then you have the lefties getting everyone they can dependent on ye ole government for money.

Gee, you don't think they will suddenly stop giving you "government money" so you won't be able to buy anything, you know, like food, do you?

Yep, their socialism/communism is just a trap to depopulate their planet, which is the real reason why those rich crony capitalists keep pushing the stupid people to force Marxism on everyone. Hey, if you don't have money to buy food, pay rent, put gas in the car, or anything else, you will die and, if they can get you dependent on government money controlled by them instead of you working to take care of yourself, they can quickly and easily kill you off by starving you to death.

Remember that man plans, God laughs.

Who are the people that are most likely to be first killed off?

The stupid lefties/commies/socialists in the big cities run by the upper class trash, most of whom either don't have jobs or have non critical jobs like white collar middle management. Most of the conservative patriots have blue collar jobs that keep things running and most of them are refusing to get the vaccine or do most of what the lefties are trying to force them to do AND they are increasingly determined to not do those things, which is why the lefties are getting so desperate about forcing the conservatives to also get the vaccine before their wonderful vaccine starts killing off large numbers of lefties.

Add to all of that that the lefty upper class trash are watching the conservatives put safe guards in place to prevent the lefties from rigging this next election so the conservatives can regain control of most of our governments and you just know those upper class trash are fit to be tied because their brilliant plans are failing because God is fighting for us so keep praying and quit sinning.

Do you understand why I get so furious watching what these evil things are doing to you that I just can't stand to read the news or watch it happening so I have to take breaks to get away from their evil to calm down enough I can watch it more so I can warn you more?

These lefty upper class trash royals and their thugs are so evil they make Satan blush.

I have learned that God is using me getting so angry and frustrated to keep me from writing because, when He wants me to write, He gives me His peace so I can write.

Who do these evil lefties think they are that they have the right to oppress, steal from, and murder you people?

Oh yeah, they arrogantly think they are your gods and that, when they have their global satanic dictatorship set up, their god, Satan, will come to make them immortal so they can rule over the rest of you forever as your evil, greedy, power mad gods.

I bet that opened an eyeball or two.


Remember that I have told you that the lefties have their dictatorship in place but are losing the fight to consolidate power, yet they will never quit that fight?

This video shows you that the lefties do indeed have their dictatorship in place, how much of their dictatorship is in place (more than most people believe), and are still working on consolidating their power and control over you and this nation and are still using the lies about COVID 19 to consolidate their power.

Hey, COVID 19 lies got them this far and, when the COVID 19 thing ran out, they lost some of that power so, why not go back to COVID 19 forever to finish setting up their dictatorship?

EVERYTHING they are telling you about COVID 19, masks, social distancing, and lockdowns is a lie. They have not told you the truth about any of this in over a year. It has nothing to do with science and is all about power, control, and their tyranny.

The trouble is that too many people are believing the lies because they don't know better, you know, the stupid sheeple who keep saying, "Just do it, just do it, just do it". It is these people who are empowering the tyrannical left by blindly obeying everything and insisting everyone one else obey.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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