Eyes Opening
I got this from Breitbart by Alana Mastrangelo:
"When asked, students said that American families were better off financially under Trump than under President Joe Biden, with one student claiming that even his "liberal" friends prefer Trump or Obama's economy to Biden's."
When even college students are saying that, you know eyes are opening and the longer the lefties are in power destroying everything, the more eyes will open to the ugly truth about the left. Everything the left is doing is backfiring on them.
Man Plans, God laughs.
I just read a headline at Bloomberg that said that universities are running out of "customers". Surprise, surprise.
I told you about this years ago how, with the intellectually superior lefties murdering their unborn babies to the tune of 60 million in just the US and not wanting to have babies to "save the planet", the lefties would start declining in numbers and here it is. You add to that the fact that God is opening eyes so increasing numbers of people are moving right and most college degrees are not worth anything and it would be a miracle if their customers were not rapidly declining.
I also told you that research showed about a decade ago that the US population was slowing in growth with the lefty population declining while the conservative Christian population was growing.
Now, why would their population not be declining?
I also told you that these intellectually superior academe were putting themselves out of business by teaching their students to murder their unborn babies and not have children and then, over a period of a few years, the number of lefty colleges declined by half. The arrogant lefty fools have outsmarted themselves. Maybe they should crawl out of their white palaces, quit smoking their dope, and get in touch with reality.
Now keep in mind that the lefty academe are supposed to be the most intelligent of the lefties because they regularly say so and then you should realize that the lefty academe destroying their future jobs by murdering off their future customers means they are not nearly as smart as they and their worshipers believe they are.
And you still think the lefty upper class trash are smarter than you because they stole more money than you can earn? Really?
Man plans, God laughs.
Watch this video and see what the evil Australian tyrants are doing to their people. They are sending in their worthless, evil, vile Gestapo army to round up people because "they MIGHT have been exposed to COVID 19", a low mortality rate flu virus, and taking them off to the concentration death camps while their cowardly, brainwashed, spineless citizens cheer and applaud their evil Gestapo army for doing it, you know, their Gestapo army is just protecting them.
All the upper class trash have to do is use the insane excuse that someone MIGHT have been exposed and they are justified to send in the Gestapo army to drag those people off to concentration camps? Really?
Hold it, all of those people standing there cheering on their evil Gestapo army might have been exposed to COVID 19 so their evil Gestapo army should come in and drag them off to those same concentration camps too, right?
That means that entire neighborhood might have been exposed to COVID 19 so their evil Gestapo army should drag the entire neighborhood off to the concentration camps too, right?
That means the entire city might have been exposed to COVID 19 so their evil Gestapo army should drag off the entire city to the concentration camps too, right?
That means their entire nation might have been exposed to COVID 19 so they should have their evil Gestapo army drag off the entire nation, you know, all of the middle and lower classes to the concentration camps too, right?
Then, after all of the middle and lower classes have been drug off to the concentration camps and "depopulated" so that only the upper class trash, their robot servants and the evil Gestapo army exist, that means that the evil Gestapo army probably were exposed to COVID 19 so they can use part of their evil Gestapo army to drag off the rest of their evil Gestapo army to those concentration camps, right?
Then after the Australian upper class trash have completely depopulated their continent so that only they and their robot servants remain do they think the rest of the power mad royal upper class trash will leave those traitors alive to rule over kangaroos and wombats?
I seriously doubt it because they won't be needed anymore to rule over anyone because everyone will be dead so the other upper class trash will send in troops to carry those upper class to the concentration camps because, after all, they MIGHT have been exposed to COVID 19 too, right?
And God said, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."
And none of these simple minded arrogant fools have enough intelligence and common sense to see what will happen next? Really? Maybe they are so stupid they all deserve to be murdered off?
Hey, it will increase the average IQ of the planet.
People, pay very close attention to Australia because that is where ALL of your lefty leaders are taking you, it is just that the Australian tyrants are getting there faster.
Remember that the upper class trash have been telling you that they are going to "depopulate" the planet or murder off better than 90% of you for more than a quarter of a century.
They are also now rapidly approaching this same situation in Austria. Gee, what a coincidence.
You don't think this was all planned out, do you?
Maybe we should let China invade Australia under the condition that she rounds up all of Australia's evil leaders and slaughters them?
Do you understand why God is going to plunge these evil, vile, subhuman things into the Lake of Fire forever?
Just imagine these evil things being immortal so they can never be killed or die and being turned lose in Paradise with you. They have already proved that the only thing that will stop their wickedness is death and, if they are immortal, death won't even be able to stop their evil and them knowing they are immortal will embolden them to be even more ruthless.
These evil things will spend eternity in Paradise waging a ruthless war against you with guerilla and terrorist warfare to bully and intimidate you into submission. It will be a never ending hell worse than anything that has ever existed on Earth.
God MUST plunge these evil things into the Lake of Fire where they can never again cause harm to anyone so that it will be possible for everyone else to have Paradise because these very evil things will turn Paradise into an eternal living hell and the sooner these evil things go to Hell, the better for everyone else. If God does not plunge these evil things into the Lake of Fire forever to protect the rest of us, He cannot be a just and righteous God.
You just might want to join the Global Prayer Vigil before it is too late.
Remember that I have been teaching you that our legal system is corrupt?
This video shows a little of that corruption using a couple of attorneys. It is really, really bad and they don't care about justice, they care about their jobs and money, that is all they care about.
What? You want justice?
Forget it because the judges want to be able to work with these corrupt criminal DA's with minimal hassle instead of holding them accountable for their actions and crimes so the judges just overlook the criminal actions of the DA's, the DA's know it, and they just keep committing worse and worse crimes in violation of your Constitutional rights and justice. Wow, that works well, well, for them but not you.
Here is another video that shows more and different types of corruption.
What? Protect the people?
Oh no, we want to feel sorry for people who chose to commit crimes against other people even though we know they will continue to commit crimes against other people.
Right now, with this insurrection, I am convinced there is enough evidence to show that the left is turning these people loose with deals and money for the criminals to join and be violent members of Antifa and BLM. Look, it is no coincidence that all four attackers of Rittenhouse were violent felons recently let out of jail. I would not be surprised to find out that someone at the riot ordered them to kill Rittenhouse just before the attack.
We are going to have to rebuild our legal system from the ground up to clean up this corrupt mess. They need to start putting bad DA's and judges in prison and deny them any further opportunities to practice law or be involved in government in any way. They MUST be held accountable for their bad and criminal actions so that they should not be above the law.
But, hey, the judge has to keep peace with the DA's office.
People, there would be peace if the judge put the bad DA's in jail for their crimes.
You can bet that at least part of the reason for at least some of them doing this is that they are both participating in crimes they both know about so prosecuting one would cause that one to expose the crimes of the other putting them both in jail.
People, this is what happens when you separate the "church" from the state so that the state no longer has Christian morals, values, and ethics to not lie, steal or murder. You should be realizing that we would not be in this mess if we lived by Christian morals, values, and ethics but we had to begin separating the church from the state in the 1950's so that the state increasingly began to live by Satan's one law of "Do as you will", especially for the love of money, so that anything became acceptable and it became alright to commit crimes. Just look at how Biden does whatever he wants and they have to keep suing to stop him.
People, Satan makes sure that you will live under a theocracy and you have to choose between a satanic theocracy or a Christian theocracy to protect you from a satanic theocracy. Those are the only two choices you get because, if you are not living under a Christian theocracy to protect you from Satan, it leaves a power vacuum that Satan will fill with his theocracy. We are right now living under an increasingly satanic theocracy and the only way to get rid of it is to bring back a Christian theocracy, you know, call on God's name.
Yep, just like I have been telling you for years, we turned from God for our sins and now our sins are destroying us. The only true solution to this is to repent of our sins or crimes against God's Laws and turn back to God so that it is no longer acceptable to commit crimes.
Kyle Rittenhouse
Remember that I told you that the left staged this fake Kyle Rittenhouse trial to terrorize and intimidate you into being afraid to defend yourself because they thought they would win and put Kyle in prison for defending himself but it backfired on the left when they lost the fake case?
It is even worse than that for the left because the left is now terrified that conservatives or anyone they attack during their riots can legally kill them in self defense, which this video shows. The left, especially the activists and thugs, but also everyone else, are desperate and running scared because they can be legally shot to death for attacking someone and the people know it.
While watching the video pay attention to the fact that the left is staging a massive propaganda campaign to counter this and try to change the laws so no one can shoot the lefty thugs in self defense, you know, you are supposed to just lie there and let them beat you to death.
Their fake trail didn't just fail, it is backfiring massively and has the commie traitors running scared. Them losing this fake trial has set the left back years in their soft insurrection and, now, also in their violent insurrection.
Man plans, God laughs.
I just read that one state just passed a "Kyle Bill" that states that abusive DA's who stage fake cases against innocent people will go to jail and they will pay for damages to the person they falsely tried to convict of a crime. You can bet that other red states will quickly follow suit taking even more abusive power from the lefty traitors and setting them back there too.
Man plans, God laughs.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....