Military Industry
I see the military industry is having orgasms about the war in Israel because they stand the make tens of billions of dollars. I would not be surprised to find out that they were behind bribing Iran or bribing Afghan Joe to bribe Iran with your tax dollars to start that war so the military industry could make tens of billions of dollars from the war. They don't care how many of you get killed as long as they make their money.
They are trying to raise $105 billion in your tax dollars to launder into their greedy pockets.
You know those savages are going to burn in Hell.
Just think, in Paradise, there will be no more savages making money murdering people with wars.
Remember that I have been warning you about the Royals but also about any government leaders who think they have the rights of Royals?
In this video he tells you at just a little before 2 minutes that Pelosi claimed "sovereign immunity", which is only applicable to Royals and was dreamed up by the royals thousands of years ago, makes them above the law, and should not apply in this constitutional government because they are not sovereigns or royals, they are public servants.
They believe they are royals (many are) and must have the rights of royals and the courts have supported their rights as royals. That is how corrupt and bad our government is, when they can claim sovereign immunity because they are above the law, which is exactly what sovereign immunity means, you know, they are "immune" to the law because they are sovereigns or royals.
Get it straight that the US Constitution was not written to control the actions of the people but to protect the people from abuses of power by the government and sovereign immunity is an abuse of power by the government and they are saying they do not have to abide by the US Constitution, which is unconstitutional. They are the ones who must abide by the US Constitution, not us and, therefore, they cannot be above the law or have sovereign immunity.
What have they not screwed up?
At least we know they will all soon be burning in Hell because, with God's Law, they don't have any kind of immunity. I am so fed up with these evil jerks.
Caliphate Council
It is easy to figure out that at least some of the negotiations with Iran by the Western governments are for seats on the Muslim Caliphate Council of 10 to rule the world.
What the Western Royals don't realize is that, even if there are contracts giving written permission for those Royals to be on that counsel, by Islamic Law, they can be murdered any time the rest of the council decides and replaced by true Muslims, even if they are converted to a different sect of Islam or just SUSPECTED of not being a true Muslim.
I have been wondering if that is why 3 of those members of that council will be murdered at about mid Tribulation according to the Bible?
Remember that I taught you that the Land of Israel was given the name Palestine by the Romans to punish the Israelis/Hebrews for their rebellion in 70 AD?
This video tells you what I told you and gives you much more detail. I love that he points out that, until recently, the Israelis were the ones who were called Palestinians and the Arabs were called Arabs.
Towards the end of that video, he tells you what I have been telling you about Christians being persecuted and Muslims murdering them. The Muslims have almost completely wiped out Christians in all of their nations and they consider the world to be their land and it will be by mid Tribulation.
Upper Class Trash
I despise the upper class trash and this video gives you just a few examples of why. All of the corrupt members of the upper class or Royals behave the same way. They make a lot of money at your expense, live lives of luxury at your expense, impose laws on you that they do not have to abide by, and do as they will.
They are brutal savages only pretending to be civilized, while their people suffer, live in poverty, and die to make the upper class more money.
Do you understand why, when asked about the rich going to heaven, Jesus said, "It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into Heaven."
Do you really think God wants to spend eternity living with such animals treating other people the way these animals treat their own people?
If you don't believe me, just wait until Judgment Day and you will believe me then. There is nothing good about these evil monsters.
I have watched and studied these evil things being cruel to their people for more than half a century and I will thank and praise God when they are sentenced into eternal damnation to protect us from them.
It encourages me to know that ALL of these evil, vile monsters will soon be burning in Hell to protect you from them. They will NEVER cause harm to anyone again. I think God for Hell to protect us from them.
At about 3+ minutes into this video the leaders of the Israeli military tell us that they still plan to eradicate Hamas for the slaughter of the Israeli people.
He makes it clear that, contrary to the orders of Afghan Joe, Israel plans to occupy Gaza long enough to build a new culture to prevent someone like Hamas from starting again and that could take years.
I guess they have not backed off to Afghan Joe and the Muslims.
This video tells us that Israel has started recalling her diplomats from Muslim countries, in this case, Turkey, Jordan, Bahrain, and Morocco. It is still getting worse.
Look at the size and scale of those protests. Such protests do not just happen, they are planned, organized and funded by someone who hates Israel to increase the hate for Israel in those nations. It is called psychological warfare.
What? You think hundreds to thousands of people just show up in the street, shouting the same things in unison, with pre-printed posters they bought in Wal Mart, and carrying huge flags?
Then Israel urges its nationals to be cautious about traveling. I think you have to be stupid to travel, when you really don't have to and there is such hatred being shown for you, especially if your attire identifies you as a Hebrew.
Then it shows that hundreds of Israelis are leaving Turkey because of the violence. Those are the smart people.
Have you noticed that the stupid people are really arrogant and the smart people know better?
Something you need to keep in mind when watching fake news from Gaza is that, in Islam, they have professional mourners who are hired to mourn at funerals. They are women who put on a really big show of crying and screaming to make people believe the dead person was really loved. They hire them at almost all funerals.
It is very obvious that terrorists are hiring those professional mourners to put on a show in front of the media, when something is damaged or people are killed. Not all of the tears you see are real and the journalists know it but don't say anything about it. Hey, they gotta help them terrorists.
At the beginning of this video they tell you that the head of Hezbollah declared war on Israel and began attacking Israel with rockets. I am not sure but I think that is war. /sarc
Remember that, when Israel went into Lebanon years ago they found massive underground storage units for Hezbollah munitions, had their engineers study them, noted the exact locations, and left and then Hezbollah began filling them with more munitions? Remember that I told you that, if Hezbollah attacked Israel again, Israel knows exactly where to drop the bombs on those structures?
I am waiting for Israel to blow those suckers up. The fireballs should be interesting.
If you know science and espionage, there are all kinds of ways to detect those munitions bunkers. Israel should know where everyone of them is.
Then I found this video showing the war with Hezbollah is much more significant that any Western media are showing, with no apparent actions coming from our naval fleets.
Didn't Afghan Joe say those fleets were supposed to protect Israel from Hezbollah? But, hey, who can depend on Afghan Joe; Afghanistan, Ukraine, and now Israel?
Note that he says that Israel has located Hezbollah tunnel entrances along the border and are "monitoring" or watching those entrances instead of blowing them up. You do something like that to gather as much intel on units using those entrances as possible. What you do is watch different units using the entrances, let them show you where their troops and missile launchers are, and destroy the units, which Israel seems to be doing.
Note that he tells you that "there are reports of tunnels that are hundreds of miles long," telling me they are using science and technology to find and monitor those tunnels so they will know how to destroy them when the right time comes.
What they are doing is similar to what Russia does. They maintain a defense to protect themselves and their people while gathering intel for later destroying the enemy troops and munitions.
Note that he keeps talking about tunnel entrances because, if Israel finds all of the tunnel entrances and destroys them, the people, weapons, and munitions inside the tunnels will be trapped and have to dig their way out while Israel more quickly defeats the forces on the surface and takes that land. Then the IDF can deal with the rest of the forces as they either dig their way out of the tunnels or Israel digs them. You can bet that Israel will use those tunnels against the Muslims.
Remember that man plans, God laughs.
It is probable that the IDF is delaying their invasion of Gaza because they are working to locate all of the tunnel entrances in Gaza to destroy them to trap most of Hamas and their weapons and munitions underground while the IDF quickly seizes the surface and deals with those troops and then deals with those troops trapped underground in their own tunnels.
If it were me, I would secure the entrances to the tunnels as we took control of the surface, then, to take the tunnels, I would inject ether gas that hospitals use for surgery into the tunnels to knockout all of the terrorists and send teams in using two 30 minute oxygen tanks to prevent them being knocked out by the ether to disarm and secure the knocked out terrorists, while they are asleep and have other troops remove the secured and disarmed sleeping terrorists from the tunnels with almost no IDF casualties. You turn the enemy's traps into your traps.
The way I would do it is I would use sets of 4 teams. The first teams or A teams would inject ether gas into the tunnels ahead of them for up to 100+ yards, probably using something like M2 grenade launchers fired down a stretch of tunnel, after they were sure everyone in that section of tunnel was asleep, they would move forward to inject ether gas into the next section. Behind them would come the B teams, who would removed all weapons from the sleeping bodies and secure them with handcuffs and leg irons. Behind them would come C teams that would remove the sleeping bodies from the tunnels. There would be a D team or logistical team that would make sure everyone else has adequate oxygen in their tanks and, when someone got low in one of their two tanks, they would replace that tank while the person used the other tank.
Hey, use science to defeat the enemy and protect your troops.
And God said, "Thinking themselves wise, they have made themselves fools."
Have you noticed that Russia regularly destroys Ukrainian headquarters, troops, and munitions, whenever they want, which should tell you that they have known the location for those targets for some time and have been monitoring them to find the locations for other targets?
When troops leave those locations, they use surveillance to follow them to other targets and then they watch those targets to find other targets. That is why Russia doesn't blow up targets as soon as they find them.
Hey, welcome to modern warfare 101.
Remember that I told you that in a war today, you kill from the top down?
In this video he tells you about a number of things they are working to destroy to "prep the battlefield" for their invasion and note that he said they are searching out and killing their leaders, you know, from the top down the way I told you to do. That creates confusion and chaos because then there will be no one to direct the battle from the top and make it much easier to defeat the enemy. That leaves their troops vulnerable for when your troops have to fight them.
In the US Military, unlike any other military I have seen, ALL of our troops are trained so that, when the leaders are all dead, any troops left can take command and fight the fight. I have read about troops and leaders from other militaries being surprised and amazed about that.
Why, all of their troops can't function without their leaders, which is why you kill from the top down. Almost all militaries throughout history have been trained and run so their troops cannot function without their leaders and Islam is very true in that regard.
Our lefties can't think or function without orders from their gods, which is why you kill from the top down. In fighting our lefties, every military should know that target number one is the upper class trash Royals, target number 2 is their puppets, and then you go after the idiot lefties themselves, when they are easy prey.
You think I am wrong? Get in a debate with any lefty and, after you have destroyed all of their arguments, what do they do?
They start calling you names because, in their fanatical religious cult, they are not permitted and are even pushed for daring to think for themselves or question what their gods tell them. In college, the lefty professors FLUNK them for daring to question ANYTHING the professor says. He is one of their gods and they will not think or question but will blindly believe and obey.
Therefore, from a military perspective, if you kill all of the royals and their puppets, the lefty world will quickly fall apart because the mental slaves won't have anyone to tell them what to think or do. They simply will not know what to do or be able to figure out what to do.
I am not sure but I think Israel might do the same thing the US Military does.
Israel is now telling their people to get out of Egypt IMMEDIATELY! They are still telling their people to avoid traveling to all Muslim countries, which is all of the countries listed as trying to invade Israel in Ezekiel 38 & 39 plus others.
You see, they do get it and know that it is not just the Arabs but is Islam that is waging war against all of us, especially Christians and Hebrews.
Soon, the only safe place for good Hebrews will be Israel.
Speaker of the House
They had a third election for Speaker of the House today and this brief video shows the results.
Note that the person with the largest number of votes was the Commierat Muslim who refused to condemn Hamas. He got 210 votes, just 7 votes shy of being elected.
Do you believe me yet that Obama could be elected by just buying 7 cheap RINO or political whore traitors?
People, there is clearly something going on because, if all of the Republicans would vote together, we would have a Speak of the House and they could do some work for the people.
Why are they not voting together? Are they doing this to make Matt Gaetz look bad? "Why, how dare you get rid of our RINO leader?"
That may be part of it but I doubt that alone would cause them to go this long without doing their jobs.
They will have another vote on Monday. Keep an eye on this.
France is finally pulling her troops out of Niger. She tried bluffing Niger into submission but no one is buying the West's bluffs any more.
Rome II is definitely falling and just has not hit bottom yet, which is why Islam is making its move right now.
But we all know by now that the Royals and their puppets will never quit so it may be that France is pulling her troops out of Niger so ECOWAS nations can stage a surprise attack in Niger. I have noticed that France is still trying to get those African nations to do her dirty work for her. Keep an eye on that.
Physics says that a vacuum is not natural and will always be filled. That is why, when there is a sudden power vacuum, you always get a stampede of stupid, greedy, power mad whackos trying to fill that vacuum.
I am waiting for the Muslim nations in Africa to make a move to set up their own African/Muslim government to try to rule all of Africa and maybe even invade Europe. You know they smell the European blood and can see the writing on the European walls about how weak they are and that they are all now just bluffing.
Ezekiel 38 & 39
These are the invading armies for the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 and which countries they are today.
Gog, Magog, Gomer, Meshech, Tubal are all parts of today's Turkey and probably even northern Syria. Erdogan of Turkey has been calling for Islam to unite and invade and destroy Israel for more than a decade. Gee, what a magic coincidence.
Persia is today's Iran and probably includes Iraq (at one time the Persian Empire covered almost the entire Middle East)
Cush was East Africa south of Egypt, which would include at least Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somalia
Sheba was the Arabian Peninsula, which would include all of today's nations on the Arabian Peninsula including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Yemen (they just fired missiles at Israel - gee, what a magic coincidence), and probably Jordan.
You have to keep in mind that, at that time, Syria and Lebanon were considered the "Northern Hills of Israel", which is where the forces will unite and God will destroy their armies. Plus you have to keep in mind that the Bible says, "and other nations", which obviously includes all other Muslim nations and their allies at this time.
The Bible does not specifically name Egypt but she could be included in "the other nations" and based on her current actions, she probably is. If nothing else, she will probably have her troops on Israel's southwestern border to keep anyone from getting away from being murdered by their Muslims brothers. I figure that both Egypt and Jordan will do containment.
God has also shown me that "other nations" will include the US/Nation of Islam and probably some European nations, especially the UK, and probably China, and only God knows who else. Keep an eye on which other nations turn against Israel and send armies. The Muslims in India are also staging "protests" supporting the murders by Hamas.
You see what I mean?
Never before have all or even half of these nations listed in the Bible come together against Israel to invade and destroy her. This is a first and they will only do it this time. The Bible is telling you that Israel will be completely surrounded by her enemies and she is today. Those are all Muslim nations and Islam requires the destruction of Israel. Gee, what a magic coincidence.
Do you believe me yet that this is the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39?
And what kills me is that, with this very critical Bible prophecy waiting to be fulfilled, none of Israel's leaders seem to get it. "Why, they will just kick Hamas' butt and have peace again. Duh!"
You would think they MIGHT be watching for it but only if they really believe the Bible. Remember that one thing the Bible teaches you that there will be both Gentiles and Hebrews burning in Hell. Hebrews are not saved because they got born into the right families.
People, this battle is going to conclusively prove the Bible to be right and that God is real, He lives, He exists and the Bible says it will provide glory to God for He will supernaturally save Israel.
BTW, the leaders of Israel relented because of these protests all over the world and let some of the aid trucks into Gaza. That will just encourage the Muslims and they will increase their protests to back Israel down more.
If the Israeli leaders are too spineless to do what is right, the Israeli Military may have to stage a coup to do what is right by eradicating Hamas to protect their people. Keep an eye on that.
Obama and the Nation of Islam are going to have to make their move soon or it will be too late. One reason he is going to have to blame Israel for nuking Chicago will be the get the rest of the Muslims on his side.
I don't see ANYONE telling me they have realized that this is or even could be the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39. That is telling me that even a lot of Christian preachers are blind to this and just not seeing it when it couldn't be much more obvious. Maybe some of them will see it when it gets even more obvious but then I expect some of them to start yelling, "Armageddon", when it could NOT be the Battle of Armageddon. Some of those idiots have been yelling Armageddon about Ukraine.
Don't they believe in Bible prophecy?
Remember that I told you that the US and UK making buds with India was just a sucker punch with them trying to divide and conquer BRICS, especially Russia and India?
This video shows you that, just like all of their other great sounding stupid ideas, just failed too.
The idiot Trudreau in Canada started a fight with Indian and the US and UK had to betray India to stand with one of their globalist conspirators.
Just how do you think India is going to take that betrayal?
This video explains what the diplomatic problem is. The reason they decided to limit the number of diplomats to a country is because some countries were sending in from dozens to hundreds of spies as "diplomats" and Canada sent in too many diplomats to India.
I watch an interesting channel, The Trek Planner, who travels around looking at ancient Indian ruins in the Southwest US Four Corners area, especially in Utah but the other three states too.
As he shows in this video he keeps finding a lot of cliff and plateau dwellings everywhere he drives. He finds some on Google and travels to take a look but in quite a few of his videos, he was just driving along, looked at a mountain, and saw ruins.
What happened with these ruins is that, when the Navajos and Apaches migrated south from the Washington State, Canada, Alaska area into this area, they raided, conquered, and sacked Anasazi villages causing the surviving inhabitants to flee into the nearby mountains and build cliff and plateau top dwellings for survival. Some of the ruins he finds are obviously good sized villages in some valleys that were destroyed Anasazi villages and where the people fled from.
I have realized that he is finding so many such survival dwellings that the Navajos and Apaches had to displace many more people than I had previously been told by archaeologists, who worked those areas.
The Anasazi civilization had to be pretty massive for that many survivors to build survival dwells everywhere. It is beginning to look like there might have been millions of them because that area is filled with survival dwellings. I have seen his videos where there were half a dozen or more such survival dwellings in just one valley.
In this video, he even tells you to look at the other side of the canyon for ruins too because he usually finds some, meaning that it is likely there was more than one family living in that canyon.
His videos also show you really great stone work in building those ruins, which you could have only learned from living in bigger cities and villages and not out just living in the desert as lonely nomads. Plus the construction of the dwellings is all the same telling me they came from the same culture before their dispersal.
When the Navajos and Apaches and, further to the east a few hundred miles, the Comanches, migrated into that area about 800 to 500 years ago, they wiped out thousands of villages and almost the entire Anasazi plus the entire Mogollon civilizations. About 30 years ago, we knew of more than 300 such ruins in just New Mexico and they keep finding more all of the time. There are easily at least one or two thousand ruins in just Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....