News 795


Remember that I told you decades ago that most of the last 7 judgments in the Tribulation will be because of increased solar and Earth seismic activity?

For example, in one judgment, it said that a darkness fell over their global empire and I told you that would be caused by increased solar activity, you know, the sun about to go super nova?

That solar storm will wipe out all but your best hardened electronics and electrical components, even if they are not in a circuit. It is going to be like a super duper EMP and I am trained to know how EMPs work and the damage they do.

Well, it is already starting to happen because they are really upset by a really big solar flare and it will take a much bigger solar flare or activity to fulfill that prophecy. When that sun expands just before going super nova, it is going to cause many of those judgments and get really scary here on Earth, especially to pagans who don't know those prophecies.

Do you believe me yet? Do you get the picture yet?

The solar activity and Earth's seismic activity are quickly escalating just like I told you the way it would during the Tribulation. Now, the Tribulation has not started yet but God is warning you with increasing seismic and solar activity so you just might want to pay attention, hint, hint.

Of course the God hating pagans cannot understand this and be prepared for it with their reprobate minds.

What will happen is that Earth will be about to blow itself apart and the sun will be about to go super nova just like I told you. I see both of those building up to that right now. The planet and the sun are both telling us that we don't have much time left. People are already scared and this isn't even the beginning yet. Wait until they see the sun suddenly get a lot bigger as it expands towards Earth.

We are VERY short on time and it gets one day shorter every day. Get right with God.


Russia is completely crushing Ukraine with their new offensive and took 12 villages in just one day in just the north of Ukraine with their new front and Russia still has not committed most of her troops in the north.

Then I found this video that tells quite a bit. First, it shows that the UK doesn't believe that Putin will attack the UK, Putin is afraid of the West, and Putin is just bluffing about attacking the West because the UK just keeps poking the bear more and more and harder and harder. They are not afraid of Putin any more.

A lesson here is that Putin is not scaring the West off from attacking with his threats and, if you keep threatening without attacking, you will just end up emboldening the enemy into attacking more because they will begin to believe you are afraid and just bluffing.

The West is showing that they are now at a point to where, if Putin doesn't attack soon, the West will soon just sweep in with their armies and holy war will break out into WWIII.

So the question is, "Is Putin afraid and just bluffing?"

If not, then the West is telling Putin that he either attacks the West soon and devastates their already weak militaries or the West will attack Putin and take the fight to Putin, which will put Russia on the defensive so the West can inflict maximum damage on Russia and her military industry.

With them having Ukraine attack into Russia, that is the first step in taking the fight to Russia so, either Putin attacks the West very soon and hard or Russia will suffer heavy damages or someone like Medvedev will take over control and attack the West.

You have to understand that bullies think the way the lefty West are thinking because they are bullies. When a bully starts to push you, you better be ready to attack hard and fast or they will soon attack you.

Note that the West is having Ukraine attack civilians in Russia and not just military targets, you know, what they are accusing Israel of doing so the West can justify invading Israel.

My question is, "What will it take for Putin to attack the West?"

After everything else I have seen from Russia, Putin, and the West, I have trouble understanding why Putin doesn't just stage a surprise attack against just 4 or 5 top nations to shut this insanity down?

He has to know that the West is weak and bluffing because of their greed and they keep proving that by backing down in places like Africa. They are a bunch of blusterning buffoons.

Does Putin not have everything he wants to have ready for the attack? Is he trying to sucker the West into Attacking into Ukraine to destroy the West the way he has destroyed Ukraine? Does Putin need to train and arm the Pan African Force a little more?

If Putin just sits there and permits Z Boy to attack into Russia and destroy Russian infrastructure, Putin will be playing into the West's hands because that is exactly what the West wanted Z Boy to do from the beginning in order to weaken Putin to make him easy prey for the West. Putin has to prevent that and keep the West on the defensive or the West will destroy Russia.

Note that, in that video, it says that the UK is training UK forces to fight Russia in the battlefield, which tells me they have been emboldened by Putin not attacking because they should know that they only have the forces and munitions to fight Russia for just one or two days. Therefore, they are telling me the entire West is preparing to invade and destroy Russia because they think Putin is afraid and bluffing. They are planning to attack Russia under the weakened US Military umbrella protecting their forces.

Is this one reason why the US is withholding weapons and munitions from Israel so the West can use those weapons and munitions to invade Russia? Has the West talked themselves up inside their little bubble world into believing that, combined, they can beat Russia when they can't even beat Africa?

Keep in mind that it is easy for arrogant stupid people to believe their own crap after a while and talk themselves into being braver than they should be.

How many times have they done that in history? People, these arrogant fools are failing at everything they have done and have talked themselves into believing they can beat Russia with their sacked militaries? What are they going to do, line up their rich crooks and have them throw dollar bills at Russia? Or maybe the Royals plan to use those munitions they are holding back from Israel against Israel in the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39?

On Judgment Day, you are going to find out just how super stupid these arrogant fools really are.

Then I found this video which shows you that 1) the Russians are gaining intel about the Ukrainians by listening to their communications just like I have been telling you and the Ukrainians seem to be just a wee bit excited about the heavy losses in troops and ground they are taking and 2) that these attacks in the north are stretching the Ukrainian forces thin like I told you would happen.

Now the Ukrainian forces are even more vulnerable to a Russian break through, which makes them more likely to panic, route, and run for Poland.

Note that Russia is quickly gaining a lot of ground and has not even committed their main forces for that attack. These preliminary forces are probing for weaknesses for the main forces to take advantage of for a break through. Keep an eye on it.

This reminds me of Nazi Germany following D Day and how they never fully recovered from their losses, you know, just like Nazi Ukraine is doing now under Adolph Z Boy.

If you have seen it in the past, you recognize it in the present.

The irony is that it was the West and the Soviet Union that were pushing the Nazis back then but it is now the Russians pushing the Nazis back again. That makes the Ruskies 2 for 2 against the Nazis.


This video shows Israel's "Arab allies" are using Gaza as an excuse to turn on Israel but it was all planned out for them to use Gaza as an excuse to turn on Israel.

Note that what they are trying to do is deny Israel the control and access to rebuild Gaza so they, the people who know better how to rebuild it, can rebuild it back into a terrorist base of operation. Their claims of "Israeli occupation" are just a con. They are insulting everyone's intelligence with their game because it is too obvious what they are really doing.

In this video Mark Levin makes it very clear that Afghan Joe and his accomplices are on the side of the Muslim terrorists trying to destroy Israel and against Israel.

He tells you how bad the Muslim nations are that are against Israel and working together with Afghan Joe and company to destroy Israel. He tells you about Afghan Joe's billionaire financiers providing funds for these Muslim groups supporting and promoting terrorism, you know, ye ole upper class trash I keep telling you about.


The DNC is considering running a remote or virtual convention out of Chicago to avoid protesters or maybe keep from being nuked?

I could see either one being a valid excuse and I would not be surprised to find that someone leaked to the top members of the DNC that Mahdi Obama was planning on nuking them.

Keep an eye on it.

Remember that I keep telling you that the arrogant lefties can never learn and they never quit because they refuse to admit they are wrong, their ideas fail, or our problems are their fault?

They actually believe that their ideas didn't fail, they just didn't do enough of what failed. Why, if they do more of what failed, it will magically succeed.

In this video they tell you again and again that the left won't repent and do what is needed to save this nation because they cannot admit they failed and are wrong.

They make it very clear that they know the left won't do what is needed to turn this nation around and get it back on track.

You cannot learn from your mistakes if you are in denial about it being a mistake and the left refuses to admit they could be wrong or make a mistake. There is no hope for the left.


With the UN voting to support terrorism by rewarding Hamas for terrorism, they just destroyed their credibility and guaranteed their eventual demise just like I have been warning you they would eventually do.

After the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39, the UN will either cease to exist or become meaningless. It is not far from that now.

Hey, they all need to get real jobs anyway.

People, the UN just cursed Israel so the UN is now cursed before God and cannot last much longer. God will bring it down.

3:33 AM Revelations

Yeah, God has had me awake for a few hours showing me some things and I just realized I need to share at least some of those things with you. They fall into 2 categories; me and things about pagan gods I had forgotten about.

First, let's talk about the gods.

I had realized this a long time ago but, for some reason, I began thinking that pagan gods just don't exist. I think I subconsciously listened to the people who believe the pagan gods don't exist.

God reminded me this morning that ALL pagan gods are real living beings but there is only one true God, Yahweh/Jesus and, except for the occult, the pagan gods are not who they have the people fooled into believing who they are.

You see, ALL pagan gods are Satan and his demons; it is just that, in most pagan religions, Satan and his demons have fooled their worshipers into believing they are some other entity or deity. They have fooled their people into believing they are this god, that god, or some other god. Satan and his demons will pretend to be any god you want them to be in order to lead you away from the one true God and eternal salvation.

God showed me a long time ago that all angels, Satan, and the demons communicate both verbally and telepathically, the latter being how they tempt and influence people into behaving in violation of God's Laws by causing harm to other people. They think thoughts into your minds.

So, when pagans are worshiping their gods, they are worshipping real living beings it is just that, except for the occult, they don't know they are worshipping Satan and his demons. The occult know they are worshipping Satan and his demons.

The angels, Satan, and the demons all have super human powers so they can do things we humans cannot do and can perform what we humans call miracles because we can't do those things but they cannot do most of the things Yahweh/Jesus can do. They can also possess people to cause them to do things those people cannot do by doing things through or from within those humans.

So, ALL pagan gods are real living beings, it is just that most of them are not who the people think they are, and they are all Satan and his demons. That is proved by the relatively recent "New Age" cult that taught that all gods are the same god; they are telling you that all gods are Satan and his demons, even in poser Christianity, but in such a way as to make most people believe they are all Yahweh/Jesus instead of Satan and his demons.

The ONLY God who is NOT Satan and/or his demons is Yahweh/Jesus, who is the God for true Biblical Judeo-Christianity and Judaism.

Second, what God showed me about me to help you better understand me.

The reason God made me a very intelligent person was so I could learn and use everything I needed to learn and use to do my very unpleasant job. I have never read about a prophet of God ranting about how wonder their job is. God sends us to work, after things have gone bad, for us to deal with getting people back on the right road to God. A Hint is that God doesn't send us to tell you how great things are doing. You can figure that out for yourselves.

I have to be able to understand almost everything from the molecular biology and ecology of micro organisms, plants, and animals to the astrophysics of our cosmos so I can just look at something and either tell what is going on and why or be able to quickly figure it out so I can teach/warn you about those things. That is why I have been able to teach you so very much about so very many different things.

It is amazing the things God has taught me in 75 years of life that I use on a daily basis working for God. These include but are not limited to all of the hard sciences, the history and archaeology of every continent on the planet, human behavior, all major and some minor and even ancient religions, business, government, and other forms of management and economics, military history and science, and much more.

There isn't much I have not taught you about on this blog. This blog is an extensive and free education.

That means that, when I look around, I see things happening and why that most people simply are not aware of and many can't understand the details for it so I have to simplify much of it so they can understand at least the basics.

Unfortunately, a lot of what I have to see and warn you about is very unpleasant and evil but you need to know about.

It is very unpleasant to see everything I can see and understand so I don't really like it but I know I need to be able to see it all to warn you about it. It is my job God created and raised me up to do.

I have to keep my focus on Heaven, where I get my reward for being a good and faithful servant to God and for mankind.

It is like the movie about the little boy who saw dead people only I see something much worse than dead people; I see really bad living people who cause harm to others, the harm they cause, and why they cause that harm. Those are the people I have to spend most of my time warning you about, especially the rich.

The lefties are taught not to believe conspiracies and to dismiss them by calling them "conspiracy theories" but history is filled with one bad conspiracy after another and they are not theories but are facts. Mostly the upper class trash Royals, but also some of the middle and lower classes, really do talk and work together or conspire to cause others harm. What I teach are not conspiracy theories but are conspiracy facts that are very real and cause harm to a lot of people.

The Royals have murdered at least millions of people and probably billions of people with their evil conspiracies. They are the worst criminals in history and have been getting away with most of their crimes until they die and go to Hell to await their court trial before God for their crimes.

They will NOT get away with their crimes for more than a little while on Earth. They will pay a terrible price for the harm they cause you. They only THINK they will get away with their crimes against you, because their god, Satan convinced them they will get away with their crimes against you.

As a prophet of God it is my job to expose those evil conspiracies and warn you about them to help you fight back against them. As a prophet of God, I am a messenger, teacher, and ambassador from God, Yahweh/Jesus, to show you, guide you, and lead you to the truth to protect you from the evil people.

I really, really, really look forward to the first day in Paradise when none of this stuff will be around for me to see and there will only be pleasant things for me to see. There is a lot of ugly in this world, especially caused by bad humans, that you need to know about.

It is kind of like seeing and living everyone's nightmares and having to warn them about their nightmares.

To see and do all of that, you have to be a very intelligent person or you won't be able to see and understand all of those very complex things or be able to teach and explain them.

There is a silver lining to every cloud but there is also a cloud to every silver lining and I can see all of the clouds and know what is going on inside of them or can quickly figure it out.

Right now it is getting very cloudy because a really big storm is brewing, one of the two biggest storms in history.

Richard Dawkins

Everyone is talking about atheist/evolutionist Richard Dawkins saying he prefers "cultural Christianity" to Islam. They are shocked and stunned but I am not.

He is proving what I taught you a long time ago. He hates God and Christianity because he hated God's Laws because they restricted what he could do to others that he wants to do, while those same laws protected him from others.

He is now seeing the nation being taken over by Islam, which permits others to do things to him that he doesn't want those others to do to him and Christianity protected him from those others doing those things to him.

Suddenly, he has realized that God's Laws protect him from those others or pagans so he wants to keep God's Laws for protection from what others can do to him under Islam. He has realized what I told you years ago about, what you can do to others, others can do to you.

That is what he is telling you and he is scared.

I am wondering, "Are he and other evolutionists going to have to become Biblical creationists and start telling the truth to help keep this nation Christian to protect themselves from others, you know, help undo the damage they caused in destroying this Christian nation? Are they about to become victims of their own lies?"

Under Islam, they won't be allowed to teach the lies about evolution and could lose their heads. They have realized that the Muslims will not be tolerant of most of their lefty crap they have enjoyed and been getting away with.

And God said, "Be not deceived, your sins will find you out," and "The truth will be made known."

God just showed me something about when Mahdi Obama will impose Sharia Law on the nation because God will be using Islam, the lefties THINK they love so much, to punish the left for destroying Christian US, which has been protecting the lefties from things like true Islam.

When Mahdi Obama imposes Sharia Law, which I have studied, it is going to devastate the left and everything they want to believe. They are too arrogant and stupid to realize they are destroying their own lefty world by destroying our Christian nation that has been protecting them and their insane world.

If you think Bud Light and Disney were devastated by their insane lefty woke crap, just wait until you see what Islamic Law will do to the left. You ain't seen nuttin' yet.

Islam will NOT tolerate their woke crap, feminism (potential capital crime), homosexuality (capital crime), transgender (capital crime), adultery (capital crime), evolution (capital crime), and other beliefs the lefties love so much. Most of what the lefties love to do will get them severely punished to losing their heads under Sharia Law. It is going to get just a wee bit bloody.

Those over paid lefty college professors and other academe are going to lose their jobs brainwashing young people, with their woke crap, to Muslim Imams brainwashing those same young people AND the lefty college professors and academe into Islam. The fools are their own worst enemies.

I just realized that those very submissive lefties God showed me in that dream following Mahdi Obama and the black Muslims out of that room to invade Israel were not just Antifa but ALL of the left submitting to the black Muslims to keep from losing their heads.

This is going to be very interesting watching Mahdi Obama and his Nation of Islam take control of the US away from the left. Yes, I am going to enjoy watching the lefties pay for their crimes against our people, nation, and Christianity because they deserve those punishments for the harm they have caused.

And God said, "Thinking themselves wise, they have made themselves fools."

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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